
Alpha Culinary Love

In a world where omegas are at the top of the social hierarchy, Lee Jiyeon, a female chef from the 21st century, finds herself transmigrated into the body of a poor Alpha girl in a world ruled by omegaverse dynamics. Upon awakening, Jiyeon discovers she has not only inherited the Alpha body but also a marriage contract with the tyrant Yura, making matters more complicated. In this new world, Jiyeon's culinary skills are not just a passion but a valuable asset. She gains a Culinary System that helps her rise from rags to riches.

popo9074 · LGBT+
54 Chs

You're such a talented chef

The night passed slowly, the warmth of Yura's embrace calming my restless mind. Despite my initial apprehension, I found myself slipping into a deep and peaceful sleep.

When I woke up the next morning, Yura was still sleeping soundly beside me. Her peaceful expression softened the sharp lines of her face, and for a moment, I couldn't help but admire her beauty.

"What are you looking at like that?" Yura asked, opening her eyes.

"Nothing," I replied, blushing.

Yura chuckled, and it made me smile.

"Did you sleep well wrapped up in my arms?" she asked, her expression mischievous.

I chuckled, feeling a bit flustered. "Yeah, surprisingly well," I admitted. "Your arms make a pretty good pillow."

Yura grinned, her eyes sparkling. "Glad to hear it," she said, stretching lazily. "We should probably get up. My parents will be expecting us for breakfast."

I nodded, despite their warm welcome the night before, I couldn't help but worry about what they would think of our arrangement once they found out the truth.

As we got ready for the day, the tension between us seemed to dissipate,. It was strange to think that just a few days ago, Yura and I had been at each other's throats, and now here we were, getting ready to face the day together.

Once we were dressed, we made our way to the dining room, where Yura's parents were already waiting for us. They greeted us warmly, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at their genuine smiles.

"Good morning, Jiyeon," Seo said, gesturing for me to take a seat next to her.

"Good morning" I replied, feeling a little more at ease.

The breakfast table was filled with delicious dishes, and Yura's parents seemed determined to make sure I ate my fill. Every time I tried to protest, they would simply pile more food onto my plate, insisting that I needed to eat more.

As we ate and I found myself relaxing in their company.

After breakfast, Yura's parents announced that they would be leaving later that day. They had some business to attend to, but they promised to visit again soon.

"It was wonderful to meet you, Jiyeon," Min-Jun said, shaking my hand warmly. "I hope we can see each other again soon."

"Me too," I replied, feeling genuinely touched by their kindness.

" Oh, by the way Jiyeon, each card contains 30 million," Min-Seo said as she and her husband left.

At that moment, I was shocked. Sixty million? Why would they give me so much money, and will they still be as good to me when they find out the truth? Right now, I'm a little panicked.

Once they had left, Yura turned to me, a smile playing at her lips. "Well, that wasn't so bad, was it?" she asked, nudging me playfully.

I smiled back at her, feeling a sense of gratitude for her support. "No, it wasn't," I admitted. "Your parents are really nice, but why did they give me all this money?"

"Oh, that's nothing to them, they'd consider it pocket money," Yura said, smiling at me.

Yura's smile widened, and I felt a sense of warmth spread through me. Despite everything, I couldn't deny that there was a part of me that was grateful for the unexpected turn of events.

"Come on, we should get ready for the day," Yura said, taking my hand. "We've got a lot of work to do, and I'd like you to bring lunch to my company later."

"Yes, of course, no problem," I said with a smile.

After Yura and I got ready, we went our separate ways. Yura headed to her company, while I made my way to my restaurant. As usual, I was greeted by the hustle and bustle of the kitchen, the aroma of spices and cooking filling the air.

Chef Kang welcomed me with a smile, and I quickly got to work. We moved around the kitchen with practiced ease, each of us knowing our role in the elaborate dance of preparing a meal.

As the morning turned into afternoon, I realized that it was almost time for lunch. That's when I decided to make lunch for Yura. I wanted to surprise her with something special, something that would show her how much I appreciated her.

I started by preparing spicy seafood pasta.

I began by heating a large pot of water on the stove, adding a generous amount of salt to season the water. While the water came to a boil, I started preparing the other ingredients.

I chopped some garlic and shallots finely, then sautéed them in olive oil until they were fragrant and golden brown. Next, I added some diced tomatoes and a splash of white wine, letting the mixture simmer until the tomatoes had broken down and released their juices.

Once the sauce had thickened slightly, I added a generous amount of seafood: shrimp, mussels, and squid. I let the seafood cook in the sauce until it was just opaque and cooked through, then added a handful of chopped parsley for freshness.

While the pasta cooked, I added a generous amount of crushed red pepper flakes to the sauce, giving it a fiery kick that Yura loved. Finally, I drained the pasta and tossed it with the seafood sauce, making sure each strand was coated in the rich, spicy sauce.

As I plated the pasta, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. The dish looked delicious, and I knew Yura would love it.

Once the pasta was ready, I packed it up in a container, along with some extra sauce on the side. Then, I made my way to Yura's company. After a few minutes, I arrived, parked my car, and entered the building.

Upon entering the company, I noticed that the receptionist was different. She greeted me with a smile, but before I could speak, she interrupted me.

"Good morning, you must be Lee Jiyeon. Our boss informed us of your arrival, but for the moment, Yura is in a meeting," she said, but she was interrupted by the opening of the elevator.

Yura stepped out of the elevator, approaching us. Her gaze swept between me and the receptionist. At that moment, the receptionist started to panic, her face stoic.

"Ah, Jiyeon, I didn't expect you to be here so soon. Come," Yura said, motioning for me to follow her.

I started to move forward, and then I saw Yura give the receptionist a dark look before ushering me into the elevator.

As we stepped into the elevator, Yura immediately smiled.

The doors of the elevator closed, enveloping us in silence as we ascended to Yura's office. I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building in the pit of my stomach. Being alone with Yura in the confined space of the elevator was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

As the elevator dinged, signaling our arrival, the doors slid open, revealing the sleek and modern interior of Yura's office. She led me inside, gesturing for me to take a seat on the plush leather couch in the corner.

"Make yourself comfortable, Jiyeon. I'll just be a minute," Yura said, disappearing behind her desk.

I nodded, sinking into the soft cushions of the couch. The office was immaculately decorated, with sleek furniture and modern artwork adorning the walls. It was a reflection of Yura herself: elegant, sophisticated, and utterly captivating.

While I waited, I couldn't help but admire the view from the large windows that lined one wall of the office. From here, I could see the bustling city below, with its towering skyscrapers and busy streets stretching out into the distance.

After a few minutes, Yura emerged from behind her desk, a stack of papers in hand. She settled into the chair opposite me, her gaze thoughtful.

"Sorry about that, Jiyeon. I had to deal with some last-minute paperwork," she said, her voice apologetic.

I waved away her apology with a smile. "No problem, Yura. I understand how busy you are," I replied.

Yura smiled gratefully, then motioned for me to hand her the container of pasta I had brought. "So, what do we have here?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

I handed her the container, watching eagerly as she opened it and took a whiff of the spicy aroma that wafted from inside. Her eyes lit up with delight, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride.

"It's spicy seafood pasta" I said, unable to keep the smile from my face.

Yura's smile widened, and she wasted no time digging in. As she took her first bite, her eyes fluttered closed in delight, and I couldn't help but feel a swell of satisfaction.

"Mmm, this is amazing, Jiyeon. You're such a talented chef," Yura said between mouthfuls.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, but I was pleased by her compliment. "Thank you, Yura. I'm glad you like it," I replied.