
Alpha Culinary Love

In a world where omegas are at the top of the social hierarchy, Lee Jiyeon, a female chef from the 21st century, finds herself transmigrated into the body of a poor Alpha girl in a world ruled by omegaverse dynamics. Upon awakening, Jiyeon discovers she has not only inherited the Alpha body but also a marriage contract with the tyrant Yura, making matters more complicated. In this new world, Jiyeon's culinary skills are not just a passion but a valuable asset. She gains a Culinary System that helps her rise from rags to riches.

popo9074 · LGBT+
54 Chs

But... it smells so good

Yura looked at me, her expression softening with understanding. Without a word, she climbed into bed beside me, wrapping her arms around me in a comforting embrace.

"Shh, it's okay, Jiyeon. I'm here," she whispered, stroking my hair soothingly.

I buried my face in the crook of her neck, feeling a rush of relief at her presence. However, I couldn't help but notice a faint scent of strawberries that enchanted me. My instincts kicked in, and I reached to remove the pheromone suppressor from Yura's neck, wanting to indulge more in the sweet fragrance. But Yura immediately grabbed my hand.

"No, Jiyeon, you mustn't do that," she said firmly.

Confused and still under the influence of my instincts, I looked at her with pleading eyes. "But... it smells so good," I murmured, my voice tinged with longing. 

Yura sighed, her expression torn between amusement and concern. "I know, but you need to control yourself, Jiyeon. Please," she said, her voice gentle but firm.

Feeling a pang of guilt, I reluctantly withdrew my hand, nodding in understanding. "I'm sorry, Yura. I'll try," I promised, my voice barely above a whisper.

Yura smiled, relieved. "Thank you, Jiyeon. I know it's hard, but you're doing great," she said, her voice filled with warmth and encouragement.

I sighed, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me. The struggle to control my instincts was overwhelming, but Yura's presence gave me the strength to keep fighting.

We lay together in silence for a while, the only sound in the room the quiet rhythm of our breathing. Yura's arms around me were a source of comfort, and gradually, I felt my tension begin to ease.

"Yura?" I murmured after a while, breaking the silence.

"Yes, Jiyeon?" she replied softly, her hand gently rubbing circles on my back.

"Thank you for being here for me," I said, my voice barely audible.

Yura tightened her embrace, her voice filled with love and reassurance. "Always, Jiyeon. I'll always be here for you," she whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of my head.

As Yura's soothing presence enveloped me, I gradually felt my racing heart begin to slow down. Her arms around me provided a sense of security that I desperately needed in that moment. However, the lingering scent of strawberries continued to tempt my senses, reminding me of the primal urges stirring within me.

Yura must have sensed my inner turmoil because she tightened her embrace, offering me even more comfort. "It's okay, Jiyeon. You're doing great. Just focus on breathing," she whispered softly, her voice a calming melody in the darkness.

I nodded, trying to heed her advice and focus on my breathing. With each inhale and exhale, I attempted to push aside the overwhelming desires that threatened to consume me. Yura's steady presence beside me acted as an anchor, grounding me in reality.

After a while, the tension began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of tranquility. Yura's gentle strokes on my back lulled me into a state of relaxation, and soon, I found myself drifting into a peaceful slumber.

The night passed in a haze of dreams and fleeting moments of consciousness. As morning light filtered through the curtains, I slowly blinked my eyes open, feeling disoriented at first. Then, the events of the previous night came flooding back, and I remembered Yura's comforting presence beside me.

I turned to where Yura had been lying, expecting to find her still asleep. However, to my surprise, she was nowhere to be seen. Confusion washed over me as I sat up in bed, searching the room for any sign of her.

 A pang of loneliness tugged at my heart as I realized I was once again alone. Despite knowing it was for the best, I couldn't help but miss her reassuring presence.

With a heavy sigh, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stretched, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. As I stood up, a wave of dizziness washed over me, reminding me of the lingering effects of my estrus.

I stumbled slightly, reaching out to steady myself against the nearby dresser. My head throbbed with a dull ache, and I could feel the beginnings of a fever settling in. Panic threatened to overwhelm me as I struggled to figure out what to do next.

Then, I remembered the inhibitors . With a renewed sense of determination, I made my way over to where I had left them on the bedside table. Hastily, I grabbed one of the small vials and quickly administered the dose, hoping it would alleviate some of my symptoms.

As I waited for the inhibitors to take effect, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of my mind. Despite Yura's reassurances and the inhibitors, I couldn't help but worry about the unpredictable nature of my estrus.

Just then, there was a soft knock at the door, pulling me out of my thoughts. Surprised, I called out for the person to enter, wondering who it could be at this early hour.

The door creaked open, and to my surprise, it was one of the maids who worked in the manor. She entered the room with a small tray in hand, a warm smile on her face.

"Good morning, Miss Jiyeon. I brought you some breakfast," she said kindly, setting the tray down on the bedside table.

I returned her smile gratefully, touched by her thoughtfulness. "Thank you, that's very kind of you," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude for the gesture.

The maid nodded before turning to leave the room, but before she could, I stopped her with a question. "Excuse me, do you know where Yura is?" I asked, curious about her whereabouts.

The maid hesitated for a moment before responding. "Miss Yura left early this morning. She had some errands to attend to," she explained vaguely, avoiding my gaze.

I nodded, although disappointment gnawed at my heart. I had hoped to spend more time with Yura, especially during such a challenging time for me. However, I understood the importance of her responsibilities and didn't want to burden her further.

Once the maid had left the room, I turned my attention back to the breakfast tray. Despite my worries, I knew I needed to eat something to keep up my strength. With a sigh, I picked up a piece of fruit from the tray and forced myself to take a bite, hoping it would settle my queasy stomach.

As I ate, I couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness that lingered in the air. Despite the bustling activity of the manor outside my room, I felt strangely isolated, as if I were the only one in the world.

With a heavy heart, I finished my breakfast and set the tray aside. As I sat alone in the quiet room, I couldn't help but wonder what the day would bring and whether I would be able to face it alone.