
Alpha Cassius Human Mate

"Has she confessed?" I questioned. "She hasn't, but it's only a matter of time. I can make her confess, she's just a weak human!" He said in his deep voice and I spun around. That got me curious. "She's human?" It was supposed to be a get in,get out job for 22 years old Talia Fishers but turns into something more as she gets kidnapped by none other than the Ruthless Alpha of the Moonvalley pack. The plan was to take the money in order to pay for her sister’s surgery. She wasn’t aware that the money belonged to the Ruthless Alpha, Cassius. What’s worse, she finds out that she is his mate. Will Talia be able to successfully break through Cassius’ cold exterior? Or will the shadows of their past consume them all?

Alex_Joe_5448 · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter Two


"Alpha, we've got her!" I didn't turn around but I already knew who it was, my Beta,Yulian.

He was very tall and muscular and looked scary with the scar on his face. He had gotten it during one of our tussles with our rival. The scar was slanted and ran from the side of his right eye down to his left cheekbone, across his nose.

Yulian was a very loyal friend and beta of the pack. He was one of the few people I could trust to carry out a secret mission such as this.

The room was just how I liked it, dark and chilling with the only light coming from the room being from my laptop.

"Has she confessed?" I questioned.

"She hasn't, but it's only a matter of time. I can make her confess, she's just a weak human!" He said in his deep voice and I spun around. That got me curious.

"She's human?"

He nodded and I closed my eyes as I pondered. The other night, I didn't go close to her but to have felt it, but I had assumed that she was a rogue. How was it possible that an ordinary human girl had disrupted our defenses and stolen from us?

"Are you certain?"

"Yes, Alpha. Loras caught her and he has known her for a while, she's human. I also didn't sense any wolf when I took her." He explained.

This was certainly very interesting.

"Have you done a background check on her?" I questioned and he nodded.

"She's a thief, quite alright, but a petty one. Never caught nor convicted as it seems she's rather smart. This one is way different from her usual scope, but it's understandable as she needed money urgently." He explained and I furrowed my brows.

"Money. That huge sum of money for what?"

"Something about her sister—Loras can fill you in."

"Very well. Send for Loras immediately," I ordered and dismissed him with a wave of my finger.

I didn't have to wait long before the door opened and I didn't turn around. I already knew who it was.

"You sent for me Alpha," Loras said, dragging a chair close to him and sitting down.

Loras was my Gamma and another person I trusted. He had large brown eyes and a face that made people instantly trust him. He was the direct opposite of Yulian who looked super scary.

Loras' face could deceive people into thinking he couldn't hurt a fly, but Loras was even more ruthless than Yulian.

"You caught her," it was a statement rather than a question and he cleared his throat.

"Yes, Alpha."

Both Yulian and Loras had been with me long enough to know where all the chairs were located as I didn't like even a flicker of light in my space.

I touched my chin as I looked away from my laptop. I was finalizing a deal with our partners in Positano.

"And she's human? How are you sure about this?"

"She came to my hospital last week with her sister and I told her that her sister needed urgent surgery for her liver. The little girl didn't have much time left. She pleaded that she had no money and asked for more time."

He shifted in his seat to be more comfortable. "Apparently, she's the sister's guidance as they had lost their parents many years ago.—"

"So she's dirt poor. That doesn't give anyone the excuse to steal from me." I stood up and shoved my hands deep into my pocket as my already dark eyes darkened further.

The stupid bitch would pay for her crime. I don't care if her sister or whatever was dying.

"So you're sure she's human?"

He nodded and I growled. A mere human stole from me! If this were to ever get out, I would become a laughing stock. Nobody would take me seriously! And any other person, both werewolves and humans would steal from me.

"How's your hospital?" I questioned.

Loras owned a hospital, to others, it was just a hospital, but it was really a front for one of our illegal businesses.

I wasn't just the most powerful and richest Alpha in all of the packs in New York. I was recognized throughout the country and beyond. Known for my ruthlessness in my dealings.

I wasn't just an Alpha, I was also the leader of the Twin Snakes, a deadly mafia organization, but nobody knew, besides my most trusted men.

Yulian was known as the boss of the Twin Snakes by a few as he was the one in charge of handling things. He had so many representatives.

Loras on the other hand was in charge of the drugs, using the hospital as a front.

Loras was explaining how the business was going but my mind was somewhere else, I was thinking about the human who dared to rob me.

"Make sure that this doesn't get out," I cautioned and he nodded.

I walked to the door, my hands still in my pocket.

"Where is this human girl being held now?" I growled.

"The farmhouse." He replied.

The farmhouse was one of our locations where we took anyone we wanted to torture.

"Where is Yulian?"

"Outside. He was in a conversation with Mia," he announced, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

I exhaled loudly. It was futile trying to separate those two. It was as if the more I tried to keep them apart, the more their bond grew.

Mia was my sister and it came as a surprise to me when I caught her making out with Yulian. They had revealed that they were mates and had been hiding it from me because of what I would do.

I had already given up and was ready to give them my blessings.

"I want you to meet Trevor in Positano next week. We got the deal and will be finalizing it next week."

"He requested that the deal be finalized at a local bar in a hidden place to avoid any unnecessary leakage. He would send the location two hours before the meeting."

Loras smiled. "Trevor and his overly careful attitude."

"Can't blame him. This new one is hard to come by."

"Anyway, prepare for your trip. I have to see this human girl,"

"Okay, Boss." He muttered as I strode out of the room.

True to what Loras had said, I found Yulian and Mia in a heated conversation and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"Yulian," I called and he whipped his head back, looking at me with guilt.

"Alpha-," he looked like he was about to explain himself so I held a hand out to stop him.

"Save it. Let's go see this human that has been causing much ruckus."

I glanced around but couldn't find Mia and I made a mental note to have a conversation with them.

The farmhouse was a bit far from the packhouse and we had taken the SUV.

I gently tapped on the partition, signaling to the driver who was seated in the driver's seat to begin driving.

As the engine roared to life, I reached for the bottle of water beside me and uncorked it, taking a large gulp from it in an attempt to relieve the ache, but it was of no use.

The ache I had been battling with since that day at the house came back again and a growl of annoyance slipped past my lips.

I didn't tell Loras anything as I had thought it was just a heartburn.

Yulian must've noticed because he raised a brow as he glanced at me.

"I don't know what kind of heartburn won't go away," I muttered with a frown and Yulian shook his head.

"Did you tell Loras?"

"I thought it was gone."

"Maybe it's something you ate," he stated and I agreed.


My wolf, Dante, too was disturbed by the uneasiness that suddenly clouded me as it would whimper whenever the ache intensified.

The ache was wearing me down and I wanted to turn back and go back to the pack house, but I was determined to see this human girl that dared steal from me. It wasn't just the money. It was the ancient device that had gone missing too.

I couldn't dare tell anyone apart from Loras and Yulian. The object was sacred and must be protected at all costs. It wasn't supposed to fall into human hands because it would cause grave danger and if the others in the pack were to find out, there would be chaos.

Raising the bottle of water to my lips again, I gulped down the rest of the contents and discarded the empty bottle on the floor of the car. I groaned again as the ache intensified.

"Should we go see a doctor?" Yulian questioned but I shook my head. I will be fine, I knew it.

The farmhouse finally came into view and as soon as we got there, the ache heightened, almost taking my breath away and I clutched my chest as we walked inside.

Suddenly, Dante began to howl excitedly and I felt a feeling of longing.

"Follow the scent," He urged and I sighed, already knowing what was going on.

Yulian was unaware and I wanted it to remain so. But it was weird because it wasn't like this the last time I saw her or it could be because I didn't see her, I only caught a glimpse of her retreating figure.

There was no way a human was going to be my mate. It was impossible. The moon goddess had made a mistake this time.

I couldn't even begin to imagine how the others would react when they found out that the Almighty Cassius' mate was a human!

"See, it's helping with the ache," Dante whined and he was right. Still, there was no way.

She stole from me and I was here to punish her.

From the darkness, I could make out her features. She was frightened and Dante wanted to help her.

I did something I had never done before. I turned on the flashlight in my phone, shining it on her face. I could feel Yulian's gaze on me, but I didn't care. I wanted to see who the Moon goddess had given to me.