
Alpha Cassius Human Mate

"Has she confessed?" I questioned. "She hasn't, but it's only a matter of time. I can make her confess, she's just a weak human!" He said in his deep voice and I spun around. That got me curious. "She's human?" It was supposed to be a get in,get out job for 22 years old Talia Fishers but turns into something more as she gets kidnapped by none other than the Ruthless Alpha of the Moonvalley pack. The plan was to take the money in order to pay for her sister’s surgery. She wasn’t aware that the money belonged to the Ruthless Alpha, Cassius. What’s worse, she finds out that she is his mate. Will Talia be able to successfully break through Cassius’ cold exterior? Or will the shadows of their past consume them all?

Alex_Joe_5448 · 都市
30 Chs

Chapter Five

Talia's POV

The next few days passed excruciatingly slowly in that dank cell. After Mia's delightful visit making her disdain crystal clear, no one else bothered to grace me with their presence. I was left alone with only my increasingly restless thoughts for company.

At first, I tried to craft plausible escape plans, running through every infinitesimal detail of my brief glimpses beyond those oppressive walls. But no matter how I mapped it out, I kept running into the same glaring roadblock - I had no idea where I was being held or how to get out of this compound undetected.

My captors may have labeled me human, but they clearly weren't taking any chances. This was a maximum security lockdown, planned by an alpha who didn't trust me as far as he could flick me.

Which led to my next desperate line of thinking - trying to figure out if I could possibly gain Cassius' trust, however minutely. Maybe if I played along with his deranged "mate" fantasies, he'd let his guard down enough for me to find Ruby and get us both to safety.

But every time I allowed that idea to flit through my mind, I felt an overwhelming wave of revulsion. Not just at the thought of cozying up to my captor, but to this whole damned situation. I was Talia Fisher, master of the five-finger discount. Not some mystical werewolf's "destined" plaything.

That stubborn well of defiance which had seen me through the roughest streets of New York kept me resolute. I couldn't allow this dogmatic alpha to bend or break my spirit. Not when Ruby's life and future depended on me staying strong, staying me.

Besides, if I was indeed this guy's "mate" as they claimed, then playing a meek little lapdog wouldn't do me any favors. Better to be my authentic, prickly self. At least that way, maybe Cassius would have a shred of respect for my tenacity, if nothing else.

Of course, none of these endless mind games and morale pep talks could distract me from the most pressing concern - Ruby's health and the ticking clock on her risky surgery. Locked away in isolation with nothing but time, grim possibilities and worst-case scenarios took root in my psyche.

What if Cassius had just been stringing me along, bluffing about paying for Ruby's operation? What if he decided she wasn't worth the expense or trouble, choosing instead to make me suffer the anguish of losing my baby sister? After the way his sibling had reacted, it was clear his pack viewed us as little more than dispensable nuisances.

My fist pounded against the wall repeatedly, smoothing the jagged edges of anger and fear stirring within me. No, I refused to believe that heartless lie. Cassius may be a criminal alpha with ego and control issues, but he'd given me his word. And for whatever that was worth on the street, he seemed a man who took grave pride in the promises he made.

Even so, I couldn't quite ease the nagging doubts creeping in like spiders in the shadows of my mind. Which was why I nearly jumped out of my skin when a new, deep voice resonated from the open cell door.

"I don't make promises idly, Miss Fisher."

Speak of the demonic alpha... Cassius slipped through the entrance, clad in another of his impeccably tailored suits that just oozed power and menace. He held a large paper bag which he tossed onto the cot beside me.

"Eat, and listen closely," he growled, eyeing me like a recalcitrant child as he crossed his arms imposingly. "Your sister is receiving the finest care. My people have transported her to a private medical facility and prepped her for the transplant surgery."

As he said the words, some of the taut cords of anxiety released their grip on my heart. Before I could stop it, a small sigh of relief escaped my lips.

If Cassius took any notice of my momentary lapse, he didn't show it. "Once she is stable, I've also arranged for you two to stay at one of my properties, under heavy security protection."

I frowned at that. "Why would we need protection?"

Something dangerous flashed in those obsidian eyes. "Because a pack war is coming, Miss Fisher. One that will shake both our worlds to their cores."

His blunt admission sent an icy shiver down my spine. I had the distinct feeling he was leaving out important chunks of context. My instincts screamed not to trust this man an inch, but...he'd at least taken measures to help Ruby so far.

"If things go my way," Cassius continued gruffly, "your sister may have access to prolonged care using...unconventional means. But for now, I need you to behave and do exactly as I say. No more hysterics or futile escape attempts. Understood?"

His tone brooked no argument. I gave a stiff nod, gnawing the inside of my cheek to keep my retorts at bay.

For the first time, I dared to meet Cassius' harsh gaze without flinching. "And if I do 'behave' like you want...will you let us go? After my sister recovers?"

The slashing line of Cassius' jaw flexed as he seemed to mull over his answer. I held my breath in dread.

"We'll revisit that discussion at a later time," he said at last. "For now, keeping Ruby and yourself alive is my prime concern."

Well, it wasn't exactly the answer I'd hoped for. But it also wasn't an outright no, which I supposed was a marginal victory for the moment. With nothing else to do, I peered into the paper bag and pulled out one of the wrapped sandwiches inside.

"Right, stopping my hysterics and eating from your hand. Got it, Alpha," I muttered between bites, sarcasm laid on thick.

To my faint surprise, the barest hint of a smirk played at the corner of Cassius' lips before he turned and strode from the cell once more. The first microscopic fragment of humor I'd seen crack his stern demeanor.

Maybe, just maybe, letting my prickly, acerbic true self shine through might end up benefitting me with this stoic man in the long run.

With my hunger temporarily sated by the surprisingly decent sandwich, I settled back on the thin cot and tried to process everything Cassius had revealed. He claimed Ruby was receiving medical care and they'd be moving us to one of his "properties" once she was stable.

Part of me wanted to scoff at the audacity of him acting like we'd be his pampered houseguests after essentially kidnapping us. But I had to admit, he seemed to be following through on his word about getting Ruby the treatment she desperately required. For now, at least.

The larger, more ominous part of his admission stuck like a burred seed in my mind though - his vague portents about some impending "pack war" that would shake both the human and werewolf worlds. Just how significant of a conflict was he referring to? And why share such closely-guarded intel with someone he'd dismissed as a mere "human"?

Despite my desperate urge to ask a million follow-up questions, Cassius had already swept out in typical evasive alpha fashion. Growling under my breath, I stuffed the last bite of my sandwich into my mouth and started pacing the confines of the cell. If he expected me to just sit idle while war banners were being raised, he had another thing coming.

Sure, I'd told him I'd "behave" for the time being if it meant ensuring Ruby's safety and recovery. But Talia Fisher had never been one to simply obey without pushing boundaries. Blind obedience was a one-way ticket to getting trampled on.

No, if I stood any chance of getting us out of this hellish supernatural turf war, I needed to observe everything around me like a hawk. I needed to learn precisely what secrets this alpha and his pack were guarding so closely. Wolves or not, everyone had an Achilles heel to exploit if you paid close enough attention.

With renewed determination, I committed to scanning every minute detail around me - the sparse furnishings, the tiny slit of a window too high to peek out, the mundane sounds and smells filtering in from the outside world. Anything and everything could potentially be a key to understanding the players and sides of this brewing conflict.

Hours could have ticked by as I pored over the cell with concentrated intensity. My focus was so deeply zoned that I startled when the lock in the door rattled. Whipping around, I instinctively raised my fists defensively before relaxing slightly.

This time it wasn't Cassius entering, but that hulking blond menace Yulian who'd assisted in nabbing me days earlier. Despite his imposing size, I felt my hackles rising with bravado. Out of everyone I'd encountered so far, this ass-hat had been the most physically aggressive towards me.

"Easy there, Tiny," he rumbled, holding up his hands in a plaintive gesture as he stepped just inside the door frame. "I'm just here to collect those dishes and give you something else to eat."

My eyes narrowed skeptically as I folded my arms across my chest. "So what, you're the alpha's servant now? Gotta say, doesn't really seem like your vibe, big guy."

To my surprise, Yulian barked out a genuine laugh that crinkled the corners of his eyes. "Aw hell, you've got some fire in you for sure. No wonder Cassius has got his pants all in a twist."

He shook his head in bemusement as he gathered the food wrappers and plate, carelessly tossing them into a clear trash bag. "For your information, sweetheart, I'm the alpha's left-hand and enforcer. Not some damn maid service."

"Could've fooled me," I shot back with a sardonic sniff. "Here I figured the big bad beta was too important to handle trash duty."

Again, that gravelly chuckle reverberated in the small space. "You really don't know when to quit running that sassy mouth of yours, do you?"

"Not really my style," I admitted with a shrug, unable to stop the faint smirk pulling at my own lips.

There was just something vaguely likable about this towering beast of a man, despite his connection to Cassius. Like maybe he was simply a lug who got stuck playing the role of intimidating muscle, but didn't take himself too seriously otherwise.

Yulian must have sensed I was slightly letting my guard down around him. He jerked his head towards the cot. "Go on, have a seat. I'll grab you somethin' to snack on while I'm out here."

I was Intrigued despite my ingrained instincts.