
Alpha Alex Miller

Blackwolfrose01 · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Part 8

Zoe's POV.

I wake up to see white walls and I feel something with fur  beside me I smile it was Alex in wolf form. I run my hand over his ears and that seem to woke him up, he looks up and yawned "well hello there" I say and smile "have you been here the whole time " he nods. I run my hands through his fur  and smile "let's see if I can get up " as I said that he jumps off the bed, I try to stand and walk I was a little wobbly so I leaned on him and we walked out of the medical wing.  As we walked to his room we had to go up stairs and I seen he was getting annoyed of how slow we was moving I sighed " Do you want to carry me the rest of the way " he nods and then crouches down, as i sit on his back I was wondering if Flare was ok she's been really quiet since then I became lost in thought I didn't realize we was in his room as I sigh I start to get off but he growled so I stayed still and then I felt his shift and now I'm in his arms  he was so warm and I felt safe. As he walked over to the bed he sat me down gently as started to walk out the door I grabbed his hand "please stay" I say he sighs and turns to me "Zoe I have paperwork to do" he says and I let go and I see him walk out.

Alex's POV.

I walk to my study and I mind link my sister and my beta.  There was a knock at my door "come in" I say and I see my sister and beta walk in and they sit down "would one of you like to tell me what my mate was out in the woods by herself" I says with anger in my voice, they became quiet "it was my fault alpha" I hear my beta say I raise an eyebrow and he tells me how she mind linked him and told him and told Cas to come with her.  I sigh she done it to be safe from the hunters.  I look at them "you may leave I won't punish yall" I said and they bowed and left  I worked on paperwork and end up falling sleep in my office. I wake up to Zoe yelling I jump up and run out of my office I don't see her in my room I follow scent to the game room I sigh she was watching a movie I sat down next to her "Zoe I need to mark you so if I get hurt and lost I can find you easier" I say she looks at me and nods I go to her sweet spot on her I feel my canine come out I kiss her neck softly and then I sink my teeth in her neck she grabs my shoulder and then I pull them out and she curls up on my chest and she  falls asleep

Zoe's POV.

After he marks me I curl up on his chest and fall asleep but Flare is talking to me 'Zoe we need to fly and we need to heal both of us you me and Star' she says I'll sleep first then we can fly and run I thought to myself as I doze off. I wake up and I try to get up but there is a arm around me I shake my head "Alex we need to get up Flare wants to fly and heal" I shake him but he still snoring ugh I didn't want to do this but only way to wake him up, I let my canines show and I kiss his lips and I bite them, he shoots awake and looks at me I smile "well  I tried waking you up" he glares at me and I pull him up "Come Flare wants to fly " he sighs and we walk out.