

He's heartless, he's ruthless, he's merciless, he's intimidating, he's the Alpha HE IS ALPHA ALEC Born into a beta family and being the only child despised by every member of her family throws Camille Dexton into a bitter, depressed, distressed teenager with no clue of how to live her life. But fate has a different plan for her as she finds out she is mated to the greatly feared though respected Alpha Alec; Now with a mate who doesn't acknowledge her existence, she's tired of seating in the sidelines "The moon goddess made a mistake by sending you into my life but am ready to correct that mistake" Alec snarled still having a killer grip on my neck which I knew would definitely leave behind hand printed marks. Even at that my mouth decided it had a mind of its own when I blurted out "I won't be a coward and back out of your life Alpha Alec" and surprisingly I meant it

terryjanice123 · ファンタジー
4 Chs



Pain, extreme pain,not physical pain though but emotional. It feels like I'm carrying the whole world on my shoulders. My family doesn't want me and they don't pretend as if they care, they keep reminding me in my eighteen years of life that I wasn't wanted by anyone.

I am Camille Dexton, second child in the beta family of the night raiders pack,and of course the most unwanted child, according to my parents they never planned to have me. I was born as a mistake to my family. Because of how am being treated at home I find it extremely hard to socialize with anyone

I always thought that being constantly reminded of how I was useless to the family won't affect me as much anymore but no, I thought wrong because here I am crying my eyes out on my bed because of another rejection from my elder brother

"Camille get down here right this minute!"I heard my mom call out and I began my journey down stairs for another round of rejection

There on the dinning table sat every member of the family aside from me, I turned my gaze to my mother

'oh what mother, that witch' my Wolf Leah snarled and I giggled, guess I shouldn't have cause everyone turned to look at me

"It's even the slut,why must I see your face this morning it always brings badluck"my sixteen year old sister said angrily

"Says the one who's a walking badluck"I snapped at her, I might tolerate anything from them but when it comes to my two younger siblings I just couldn't condone disrespect but that always make them use that as an excuse to hurt me.

True to my words, my mother stood from her seat and slapped me across the face as if that was not enough my elder brother Sky punched me and called me a wolfless bitch

I lay there on the floor sobbing, thinking that at least they would leave me alone since they were done with their food, I always ran out of luck because my Dad walked over to me then he stepped on my hand with his heavy booth, I screamed for mercy and tried to free myself from this toture to no avail

He moved his leg like he was killing a bug till there was a sickening crack, sometimes I often thought my father was a sadist and most times he proved to be that sadistic psychopath but to the pack and everyone else he was a great beta,a lovely husband,an understanding father and an awesome family man.

He finally let me go before storming out of the house, I held my broken hand to my chest,the tears non-stop flowing down my cheeks

'a wolfless bitch' little did they know, because my family never paid attention to me they never knew and are still oblivious to the fact that I have my wolf and I've shifted

On my thirteenth birthday when I was to shift to my wolf, my parents and siblings went on a family outing without me, then my younger brother Kelvin was just five, I was at the back of the house playing alone when it began. I thought I was going to die because of the excruciating pain all over my body

But an old lady helped me, she was one of the oldest ladies of the pack then but now she's the only oldest now, she found me writhing in pain and she helped me through my shift, I looked at her through my wolf eyes as she gasped, quite confused I looked down at the fur on my paws and saw they were White

Said old lady led me to a lake not far off and I saw myself in full view I was a wolf with golden fur with the exception of my paws and the tips of my ears which were pure white

After shifting back, the old lady explained to me that it had been centuries long since a wolf like me was found,we were called full moon wolves, we were said to have thesame agility, speed and strength of an alpha or even more if trained to full capacity. Also with the ability to build a direct connection link with the moon goddess

At that moment I was proud of myself and my wolf and I began boasting about revealing myself to my family and the pack but the old lady warned me otherwise as there could be danger lurking around to hunt me down because I was extremely important to every specie

My family nor the pack knew I had transformed,my parents despised me for this but this was necessary for my safety and those I love. Despite the way my family treats me I love them unconditionally and wouldn't want them to be endangered because of me

I stood from the floor and walked back upstairs to my room, to vent out all my emotions to my bed after all that was the only thing that had embraced me in my moment of distress

'hey am right here, remember' Leah said as I felt warmth surround me

"Yes you are my one and only friend"I replied and smiled, since Leah came into my life I stopped filling like shit, like am not worth it, she stopped me from being suicidal

There's always an amount of pain a child can endure and I can remember myself reaching my limit, my breaking point in the first twelve years of my life. There were times when I gave up and wanted to kill myself but Leah would always remind me that if I went through with it, no one would care, she would joke with me that my parents would even end up throwing a grand party to celebrate my departure from this world and their lives

"You Know what Leah?, it's high time I start living for myself and not for anyone"I said and I could hear her howl in my mind

I'm tired of being a mistake, tired of being at the losing end of my family's love, now it's time for me to love myself