
Alpha's toy (rejected)

Alpha's Toy Henry's POV Taking my puff and a slip from my whiskey, I make my way into the shower which I stepped out from after a short shower. I took another puff before dressing myself up for today's event which gives me this feeling that it wouldn't be like the rest. I shouldn't do this anymore due to the last time but I have this pull towards it which made me go back on my words for the first time. Although I still have this same feelings that this wouldn't be the first time I would have to go back on my words but yet, am triggered to know what exactly is happening over there . This is the same thing that made me send my beta instead of me because it would really be embarrassing to show up there after all the last drama and vows Making my way towards the room, I couldn't help but feel somehow yet, I thought it was because I was thinking about the left overs paperwork. The door was opened for me by the guards and I walked in only to meet the shock of my life. WTF...... TBC

Authoressfikky · ファンタジー
55 Chs

Alpha's toy 12

Crystal's POV

My friends keep on setting out to have me say something when I felt eyes on me. I couldn't help but wonder who keeps on watching me like there's something on me which is mine.

Who could it be? I thought setting out to wave it off only for another eye to add up to the previous one that was staring at me.

But in this case, this one was a hard, fierce look which took longer than expected before the person look away.

Only God knows the reason I was being watch like that, I thought, trying so much to hold myself against looking at those people who were staring at me after confirming with my nose that they were witches.

Moreover, mom as warned me about witches.

And she always added it up in her rhyme every day that she doesn't want any witches' drama that would involve me.

Which means I should say away from them, no matter what happens.

This is the main reason I couldn't turn around to take a look at those two who were staring hard at me. Only if it was a werewolf, I would have returned the same look as well as a questioning look as a bounce.

But unfortunately, I couldn't because mom already warned me against doing so. But what's the reason?

I do ask her, but she would reply with; ''when time comes, I will tell you. Don't be too curious, crystal''.

Not leaving any minute for my mind to think. About what mom just said, knowing my wolf is a kind of curious one if I didn't get it busy immediately, especially getting my mind occupied by something.

Before the senior girl and boy leave, they gave us a week the to select but the class rep and assistant. They said to pick them out or to select them because they won't be changed until we graduate from this school.

They also made some arrangements which my mind didn't even pick, as well as some rules for the class since we are still new.

And under care and their control for some weeks, you know the way senior bully their junior for some weeks.

I only hope they don't bully us like we were being bullied on our first yet in junior school. I have a feeling they won't, bite it wouldn't be as simple as junior year, it would be a different topic to battle with this senior year.

They also took their time in enlightening us on some activities which do happen in the school and what's expected us to do. As well as some places we can't be and where we must be as a new student who just came in.

Taking us through the school rules and regulations again, they both wish us luck in our stay in this school before they all walk out of our class.

But not without him staring at me with this look that says see you around.

'' He is scary.'' Bella murmurs into my ear while I smirk before laughing at her because it sounds funny to me. How can she think he is scary now? She was the busy one whispering how cute he was into my ear.

She was also the one asking if he was my mate. If yes, I should hold him tight and never let go of him. No matter what happens because he would have so many girls crushing on him as well as ready to do anything to have him to their self.

How come she thinks he is scary now, hm mm ladies are something else? I thought, shaking my head as she pouted because I didn't give her the impression that she needed from me, especially the same scary face.

But instead, I just gave her the look that I wasn't bothered by his look or his stance, unlike what she expected from me.

'' Don't be like that Bella, he looks frightening, but you have to pretend as if his looks doesn't affect you else, you might end up being bullied by him or his friends since you are a new student.'' I said while she nodded.

But it took longer than expected before she takes off that expression of being disappointed off her face. But the moment she does, I was thankful she could do that finally, I have my friend back to myself.

Not long, the time for morning gathering role in making everyone leave their seat rushing to have the front spot just for them to be seen and acknowledge as someone. They do that a lot in my school.

The moment the prefects stepped in again, every noise and mumbling died down. Those who were busy catching up with their friends who arrived late and didn't give them time to talk as a result of these stopped immediately.

They all headed to their seat, running away from where they have been and taking off things that could get them punished and fined by the school authority. Everywhere was dead silent the moment the principal stepped in.

Only the distance footsteps of those who are late and being scolded by the labor prefect.

As well as their running steps and also people's heart beat can be heard including those afar and those here on their different space and seats.

Since the principal haven't said a word yet since the moment he entered here. I also noticed he is taking his time to observe those who are here early and those who were just entering.

'' Out!'' He yelled, making everyone shiver, while those who were setting out to squeeze in froze.

This moment, I realize this isn't like my junior school neither would it be as simple as he as said using that sweet voice to lure us this morning…. TBC