
Chapter 14

Not exactly sure what had just occurred right before their very eyes, only mere moments ago, the group remains gathered on the sidewalk in front of the ice cream parlor; trying to process the impromptu proclamation their Alpha nonchalantly revealed in his simplistic comment … ‘why would I ever lock my mate up in the detention center’. So, now: they’re all trying to wrap their minds around, and, figure out this paradoxical revelation … Alpha Jake Thornton has found his mate; and, that mate is Snow … a rogue who trespassed into their territory.

A confounded Chief of Security, whom a little under two hours ago; was dreading on having to tell his Alpha that they allowed a trespassing rogue to stay at the hospital with Rose, instead of detaining her in a cell like their edict dictates, for fear of angering him – which, it had so at first – is now racking his brains over how that same Alpha … whose been harboring a contempt for the rogues ever since the influx of rogue attacks on existing wolf packs across the nation … has allowed himself to become, what one could only describe as having been, impetuously smitten by a rogue; so much to the extent that he has even taken her as his mate. At this point now; all Tom finds that he could do is to turn to Daniel, and, quip …

“Well … I suppose this means you’re off the hook for not locking up Snow.”

He lets out a short chuckle; and, concurs, “Yeah; I guess so.” Then, he grins at Tom. “And; I suppose this also means you’ll be trusting Snow, from now on?”

Tom stares at Daniel, as he briefly sucks on his teeth; then, replies, “We’ll just have to wait and see … jury’s still out deliberating on that.”

Daniel lets out another short chuckle, while shaking his head; and, happens to catch Rose, out of the corner of his eye, with a disconcerted look etched upon her face. He first tries to draw her attention by playfully teasing, “What’s up with you, runt?”

As usual, this method always work; the sound of him calling her ‘runt’, without fail, will immediately draw Rose’s attention to him … just like chumming for a shark. And, once those ‘dagger throwing’ piercing eyes focus on him; he asks …

“Something the matter? Are you weirded out over hearing that Jake decided to make Snow his mate?”

“Nah. … I’m cool with that.” She quips, “Although … I kind of wish it was you that took her for his mate … I think Snow would be a really cool sister.”

Paul interjects, “Rose; I think you mean sister-in-law.”

Rose turns to him; and, shrugs her shoulders. “Potatoe. Potato.”

If he had to be totally honest with himself; Daniel would have to admit that he wouldn’t totally be against the idea of taking Snow for a mate … if the Alpha hadn’t already beat him to it, that is. Then again, even if he had asked Snow to be his mate; if the Alpha still stepped up and took claim over her, Daniel would probably acquiesce anyway … so, it’s best just to get that idea out of his head altogether. Still, he does find Snow intriguingly alluring; and, that whole thumb sucking, drooling thing … adorable.

“So; what’s wrong? You look like something’s bothering you.”

Rose suddenly squints her eyes and scrunches up her face; then, places both hands over her stomach, and, bends over slightly, as she groans, “Ow … my stomach. … I think I ate too much.”

Thinking back now on how she kept ‘busting his balls’ back earlier in the ice cream parlor; Roger guffaws, while gloatingly, lording it over her head, “Ha … see what you get? … Serves you right, for giving me lip in there before … and, hogging all the ice cream to yourself.”

Ordinarily, if anyone else would have come off that seemingly cross … though, in actuality; Roger was really only delivering a good, playful ribbing … with Rose in Daniel’s presence; he would have ripped their tongue out. But; seeing how everyone there, in essence, is a tight-knit, loving family … and, knowing how precociously impish Rose can be … Daniel just laughs along with the others. Yeah; everyone laughs … that is, except for Rose; who scornfully pouts …

“You’re a big, meanie; Roger. … See; that’s why I didn’t give you any of my ice cream.”

Roger continues to laugh; as he uses the palm of his gargantuan hand to playfully rub the hair on the top of her smallish head …which appears to be almost enveloped in his cupped hand. “Well … I hope you enjoyed eating it; kiddo.”

As they continue laughing, Daniel starts displaying a more serious, contemplative expression on his countenance; and, Tom immediately picks up on this. He asks …

“Hey, Danny Boy; still thinking about it?”

“Thinking about what?”

“Thinking about whether or not Snow really is a rogue?”

“Well; I can’t deny that I am just a tad curious about that …”

A dubious Tom cuts in, “… Just a tad?”

Daniel grins, and confesses, “Okay … maybe a little more than just a tad.”

Tom reciprocates with a grin of his own. “Yeah; I thought so.”

“But; whether she was rogue, or not; that doesn’t really matter anymore.”

“And; why’s that?”

“Because, now; she isn’t a rogue … she’s our new Luna.”

Tom slowly shakes his head, while briefly sucking on his teeth; then, let’s out a small, not so amused, chuckle, “Humph … guess you’re right. … Who’d of thought? … A rogue Luna.”

They’re just leaving the somewhat urban-like, though mostly suburban in nature, town; off into a more rural area, driving along a county road. Their destination … still unknown to Snow. A lot of thoughts are tumbling about in Snow’s mind; one of them being, as she thinks … Well … I may have no idea where they’re taking me … but; at least I’m riding in style. The Moonbeam Pack does have an array of fancy, luxury cars in their own fleet; but; Snow has never had the privilege of riding in any of them … viewed as an ‘outsider’ graciously being allowed to live among the pack … she never had the right to even sit in – let alone ride in – any of those prestigious vehicles. And, even though she’s never actually been in one, she still finds the interior of this vehicle kind of unusual; at least from what she’s imagined a luxury car might look like … which in some ways, it is.