
Alpha's little Butterfly

She didn't knew that she was destined to be his, no one knew he would go far for her. He is created to be as a doom, she meant to tame his beast. His beast claimed her, she accepted him. They both are meant to be together. World fears him as a doom, his wolf is a rare kind. which had power on ever supernatural. But no one knew, the beast himself would bow down for a mare girl. It's another life of them leading together, who aren't aware of that past is going to repeat again.

Samyuktha_09 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Tale of a Beast

There were tales, of the beast exists in the dark deep forest, where his castle lit's up the dark in the middle of it. He owns it all, everyone fears him. He is the king of all supernaturals. A powerful tribrid and a tyrant to be known. His wolf is the strongest and a rare, Royal blood flows through his veins and has the powers of ancestors who possessed great powers.

The Moon goddess created him to bring peace over supernaturals , even though higher officials didn't liked the thought of bring doom upon them self's.

As he bought peace upon, they treated him as a god, worshiped him.

Soon he concurred everything, every being started fearing him.

Everything he desired, he got it. But soon god's and other supernaturals couldn't bare his cruelties. But they are not powerfull enough to fight him. While the officials confessed that there maybe an extinct danger so they took the help of Witch's who can do black magic.

After so much struggling, they could made his wolf go into deep sleep, but the tables turned no one knew there is also a beast inside him. At the end the witch queen set a prospect on him that no one could for get it, she made him go to deep dead spell sleep. Everything ended there but the moment they forget his existence he will raise again.

The Witch's prospect ( a Chant of dead sleep )

' Oh Lords created him to bring peace upon,

But they weren't aware that they bought doom him self upon them.

At the end he was sent to to a deep sleep.

He is known as a dark creature, king of the kings.

The moment you forget his existence, the doom come alive spreading the darkness.

The moment you forget him, you shall be the key to wake up the harbinger of distribution and annihilation.

We, your ancestors, has sent him to long death sleep.

But don't forget to spread this prospect to the every nook and conner of your world kins.

Because the moment you forget, the beast will wake up.

The doom will wake up and bring an end. '

But no one change the fate.

Billions of years he was in deep sleep.

Over this time, people didn't forgot him.

they were aware of the prospect.

Later they used to believe it as a historical tale.

But at the end no one used to believe that.

The tales of his existence got away, they started to spread roomer's and stories about him and his cruelty.

But latter all got away, no one could remember his existence.

He woke up, bring a war upon the realms,

he concurred the world with in.

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