
Chapter 38 : Death Is Near


Cold. Dark. Damp. A musty smell filled the air and the sound of dripping water echoed relentlessly in my cell.

A “cell” was too good of a word to describe the place where Jason had me chained up like an animal. It was more of a cave that had been slightly altered to suit my captor’s needs.

I coughed. The chains rattled and the metal cuffs cut through my already raw wrists, it drew a small amount of blood. The lack of food and water kept me from healing. How long had I been here? I had lost count of the hours. Dehydration was not working well for my cognition.

Jason had meant what he’d said when he told them not to give me anything. I hadn’t so much as had a drink of water since they brought me in here. And I knew that at least two nights had passed already.

It might be longer, but I couldn’t tell. I was starting to see black dots across my vision, and I knew it was dehydration but I had no idea how bad it was.