
Alpha's confession

If Tyler felt threatened by the vampires before him he didn't show it. "I don't need to remind you this is werewolf territory you are stepping on forbidden lands for vampires" he thundered as the vampires before him kept approaching without fear. "We have told you, we are only here for our princess. Return her back to us and we will leave here in peace." A man who seem to be the leader of the vampires replied him. "I am going no where, you can go back to tell my father that" Avura replied coming out from behind Tyler ready to pounce on anyone. "You heard her, she is going no...." Before Marcel could finish his statement the team leader of the vampires' hand was in his heart as he pierced through his body easily with his hand. His flash like movement taking everyone by surprise. "I will reap out his heart now, if you don't hand her over to me now peacefully" he threatened as he tight -squeezed on Marcel's heart leaving poor Marcel. Tyler was thrown into confusion on what to do at the moment. Should he hand over the love of his life back to her parents or does he sacrifice the life of his best friend on the altar of their love. He looked at Avura who was ready to continue fighting and at his best friend who was gradually lossing the fight in him. The clock was ticking and he had to act fast. ********** When an alpha werewolf was gifted a vampire princess as his slave he accepted the gift with open hands. Little did he know that he will find both love and war in that bounty hence it is a forbidden bounty. *** Cover photo not mine. Credit goes ro the original owner

Delta_Line · ファンタジー
168 Chs

Chapter 8

"Tyler you need to see this" Maison rushed out from a room close by. All attention was moved from Avura to Maison.

"What's that?" Tyler asked curiously.

"You need to see it for yourself" Maison replied with fear in his eyes.

Tyler quickly rushed down to the room Maison came out from leaving Marcel and Hale with Avura.

His eyes came in contact with a sight he had never seen before. Heap of dead bodies upon each other. The smell was too much for him as he went out immediately anger suddenly consuming him on the seeing the number of died bodies.

He came to where he was his fist clenched as he gave a direct punch to Avura' s face cutting some part of her face instantly but the injury healed up immediately.

"Why did you have to that" Avura asked him angrily.. Where is the rest of your band? He asked staring at her.

"What band? I am not among them... "

Before she could say anything Hale gave her another hard slap across the face.

"Do you think we are here to play, we saw our your band killed and carried some people away. The evidences are right before us and you dare deny it" Hale questioned with anger

"I know the bodies are there but I am not responsible for them. I am not responsible for any of the bodies you find there."

"How is that possible? I can perceive your scent on some of the bodies inside there. Like you freshly just sucked their blood" Tyler question with his eyes already colored red.

"I can explain that, I swear I wasn't the one that killed those persons, they were already dead when I woke up. I had to feed on them because I was made hungry by those who kidnapped me. If I had not feed on them I would have ended up attacking this young boy here" Avura responded nodding her head towards Leo direction.

"I don't believe her, we should kill her right now" Hale yelled his claws out ready to strike at Avura's throat.

"She speaks the truth," Leo spoke out from his position where he was dumped.

"I was here all through with this band, they did all the killings and only brought her in yesterday night but they left her here while they were going todaysaying I should feed her when she wakes up." Leo explained in Avura defense. He was trying to save her life just as she had done.

"I feel they are both speaking the truth" Marcel suggested on seeing the situation before him.

"What do we do Tyle?" Hale asked ignoring Marcel's comment. He was bent on killing a vampire.

"Come this way" Tyler gestured as they three of them moved to a corner of the room to deliberate on the issue before them. He was confused on what to do with her. His instincts were telling him Avura was right but his werewolf side will never want to believe the words of a vampire.

"What do we do to her?" he asked Marcel and Hale in hushed tone yet Avura was still perfectly able to pick up their words. It was obvious they were ignorant of the super hearing abilities of Vampires.

"I suggest we kill her right away, we shouldn't waste time with her. She can be very dangerous if left alone" Hale suggested.

"I disagree with you, I suggest we take her prisoner and carry to the king, let him decide what he wants to do with her. After all she is the only witness we have that vampires were really responsible for the killings" Marcel suggested.

"If we take her back to the king then we must hang the killings of these people on her if not we have not really gotten the killers and we will not be paid by the king" Hale observed.

"Hm that's true, Tyler nodded his head in agreement. If we taker back as just a prisoner of the vampires then our work is not complete. We will need to find the real killers" Tyler observed his eyes sparkle when he realised something.

"Oh no, I think I know why she was left here", He suddenly said..

"What's that? " they both chorus anxiously.

"She was left here so we could blame her for these killings here. Whoever did it knew for sure we were coming this morning hence they all left before we came. I think she had been framed for these killings" Tyler pointed out.

Those words cut deep into Avura thoughts when she heard. It dawned on her that she was being framed for the second time, the anger in her suddenly over coming her as her eyes immediately went dark. A sudden gush of energy filled her as she tore the vervain laced ropes asif they were nothing.