
Alpha's Cold Heart-A Kiss From Death

Blurb Warning, this content is rated 18 Strictly for adults mind Alpha Damon, a man like no other, strong and powerful but yet that's not the quality first seen. He is extremely handsome and physically captivating which always ends up leaving the ladies drooling over him every time he walks by. His beautiful ocean blue eyes are like a passageway of magical things that slowly lures and ensnare his victims in an unseen cage and his sweet scent like hard drugs leaving them totally obsessed, addicted as well as trapped by his scent and aura like slaves to a master and puppet to the puppeteer. Not that Damon wished to have any of the ladies enslaved to him as he literally cares for no one or needs anyone. The more you show him love the more heartbroken you will become which brought about the nickname. The Cold Hearted One. The truth is that though he has the physical features of an Angel Damon has the heart and mind of the Devil, probably because he is the actual son of the Devil himself with a mixture of yet another evil, making him a whole new dangerous creature. However Damon would meet someone, a mere human girl that would put his name The Cold Hearted One to the test but while he was still battling with this new, strange feeling a wind carrying pain and death is on its way. Find out what will happen in this one of a kind novel.

Monday_Williamson · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 9

The evil blonde turned his attention to me. "What did you think would happen? Did you really think he would save you?" He laughed out evilly and his friends joined him.

"He is not a fool, obviously he is good at math. There are five of us and one of him. There is no way he could defeat the five of us. Just come to terms with the fact that no one will be able to save you from me."

He is right, I am doomed. I should just accept my bitter fate. Not even God is able to save me, his angel just walked away from me leaving the demons to consume my body and soul. The evil blonde was about to resume from where he stopped when.

"Let go of the girl." A voice that echoes of authority spoke.

I took my eyes in that direction and saw that the voice belonged to the handsome, blue-eyed stranger. He came back! I felt my spirit return back into my body and once again I had that hope that I am safe…

Damon walked upon a scene where five men were about to take advantage of a young lady, they had her pinned to the floor and one of the men was on top of her, the one with golden hair. The men all became in a state of alert when they noticed Damon's presence and Damon could see the fear clearly in the girl's eyes. She needed help and the way she looked at him felt like she had found a savior in him but Damon isn't no one's savior and when the men told him to walk away and act like he saw nothing he simply did what they asked. There is a lot of evil in this world and Damon isn't interested in stopping none, in fact he is a version of the evil itself. A bigger one.

Damon chose to leave the girl to her fate...However he had a change of mind not because he felt pity for the girl. No he didn't, if she was indeed a decent girl she wouldn't be out by this time and putting on such a short and revealing gown anyways he had concluded. Left to Damon she called this upon herself. The reason why Damon had a change of mind however was because he overheard the men's conversation, they seemed to think he was a coward or fearful of them. That's why he didn't choose to help the girl and that felt like an insult and a dent to Damon's pride that he had no choice but to prove the men wrong.

He is scared of no one.

Owen was completely turned on just by touching Jane's soft skin and seeing her in tears and the way she struggled to break free to no avail somehow turned him on even further. It was a sick, dirty passion and he loved it. She had refused to dance with him at the party and also disgraced him in front of her friends and his. He was going to do the same to her. This is the biggest disgrace a girl can ever face and Owen is going to enjoy himself doing it. He had pulled her gown up and now his hands were on her panties, ready to tear it off when..

"Let go of the girl."

Not again, Josh felt weak and frustrated seeing the same guy again.

"What do you want again? Can't you see I am busy here?" His pants were already hanging on his knees and the shape of his erected manhood visible in his boxer.

He really wants to fuck and he just wants this weird guy with long hair and blue eyes to leave him the fuck alone so he can ease the tension in his manhood..

"I want you to let go of her." Damon said in his ever so calm voice.

Owen let out a sigh: "I thought we have agreed that you pretend like you didn't see anything and there won't be any problem for you or have you suddenly developed eye problems. Can't you see there are five of us?" He gestured to his friends and himself.

"Please don't leave me, help me please I beg of you," Jane pleaded as she feared Damon might just change his mind and leave her again.

"Shut up, you!" Owen shunned her angrily.

"I won't repeat myself again. Let her go," Damon said and this time there was a threat in his voice that Owen felt.

It frightened him somewhat but Owen was quick to remind himself that the advantage was in his side. He had four of his friends with him plus himself making their total, five while Damon only had himself, surely there is no way they can lose this fight.

Oh, Owen, if only you knew the devil or a man you were about to pick a fight with you would have done what he had asked of you..

"And if I don't? What will you do?"

Owen said standing tall and broad, trying to look intimidating. Three of his friends stood alongside him glaring at Damon while the fourth one held on to Jane so she wouldn't escape.

"I am glad you asked, then I will have to break every bone in your body." Damon smirked and Owen was bewildered as he thought he saw Damon's blue eyes glow brighter.

How possible is that? He shook it off. Probably he saw wrong.

"Ruffle him up so we can get done with this before more people start coming."

Owen said to his friends and they nodded and started advancing towards Damon in a fighting stance but Damon just stood calmly and composed...

I know I felt safe when I saw this handsome blue-eye man but now I wasn't feeling too optimistic about his chances. I mean they are five and he is just him and although I was in a very bad predicament of my own I started feeling sorry for him when the evil blonde friends started encircling him with harmful intent. They are about to harm him and it was because of me, he should have just left me to my fate. At least only one person would get hurt and I don't mind if I am that person. I wished I could help him in some way though he looked calm and unafraid like he had everything under control and let's face the fact what help can I be to him anyways? I can't even break free from this idiot that was holding me to the floor. I just lay helpless watching as the fight began. It was dark so everything wasn't that clear but I could still see.

It was one of the evil blonde friends that attacked first- charging at the handsome blue-eye man with a raised fist but all of a sudden I saw him on the floor blending from his nose and holding his face groaning in an anguished manner. I really didn't know what happened, did the handsome blue-eyed man hit him? I couldn't say, honestly. Maybe he did but everything happened so fast and before I could understand what was happening the other two guys were on the floor as well with one of them screaming so loudly.

"My leg! You broke my fucking leg! My leg!!!"

He was seriously screaming and crying and when I looked at his legs I felt like throwing up as it was twisted and bent in a manner it ought not to be.

How did that happen??

All I saw was some movement like shadows and they both were on the ground. The other guy was just lying on the floor motionless. Is he dead or what?

"W.. What did you do to them?" The evil blonde's voice was as shaky as a leaf in a river.

"Don't worry, you will find out soon enough." The handsome blue-eyed man spoke icily and I could feel the fear emitting from the evil blonde's body and that of his friends.

"W.. What are you doing with her? Go do something," the evil blonde said to his friend who was holding me.


Edwardo and two other men had been spying on Damon as instructed by their vampire bosses, Tristan and Gabriel. They had followed him unnoticed till Damon stumbled upon the sight of the girl, Jane and the men that were assaulting her so Gabriel and his men hid and from a distance watched as Damon confronted the gang of five by himself.

"He must be crazy if he thinks he can take on five people on his own," One of the men said, the taller of the two and the other laughed.

"I think he is trying to play hero and save the girl but I will be too happy to watch him die right here. It will save me the stress of following the fool about," Edwardo said, lighting up a cigarette.

"Why do you think the bosses are so worried about him?" The shorter of the men asked.

"I really don't know. You know the bosses, especially Tristan. No one can truly understand him and the way he reasons most of the time," Edwardo said, puffing out smoke.

"Yeah, but he is usually correct in what he says. I don't know how he does it but it always appears like he could see the future or something." The shorter man said.

"You are right." The taller man agrees with him.

"Bet he never saw this idiot dying in an empty alley though," Edwardo said, smiling but then his smiles disappeared when he saw what Damon was doing to the men. He was actually defeating them all by himself.

"That's not possible." Edwardo muttered.