
Alpha's Cold Heart-A Kiss From Death

Blurb Warning, this content is rated 18 Strictly for adults mind Alpha Damon, a man like no other, strong and powerful but yet that's not the quality first seen. He is extremely handsome and physically captivating which always ends up leaving the ladies drooling over him every time he walks by. His beautiful ocean blue eyes are like a passageway of magical things that slowly lures and ensnare his victims in an unseen cage and his sweet scent like hard drugs leaving them totally obsessed, addicted as well as trapped by his scent and aura like slaves to a master and puppet to the puppeteer. Not that Damon wished to have any of the ladies enslaved to him as he literally cares for no one or needs anyone. The more you show him love the more heartbroken you will become which brought about the nickname. The Cold Hearted One. The truth is that though he has the physical features of an Angel Damon has the heart and mind of the Devil, probably because he is the actual son of the Devil himself with a mixture of yet another evil, making him a whole new dangerous creature. However Damon would meet someone, a mere human girl that would put his name The Cold Hearted One to the test but while he was still battling with this new, strange feeling a wind carrying pain and death is on its way. Find out what will happen in this one of a kind novel.

Monday_Williamson · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 18

As the vampire got close to Amelia with his mouth all wide open, ready to dish out the killer bite... out of nowhere came flying a huge, mighty, black wolf.


Its growl was loud and fierce and before the pale looking man could know what was happening the black wolf was on him, clawing him hard and deep on the face and the force from the impact sent him flying and crashing onto a vehicle parked on the street. He landed on the car and dropped down on the ground- creating a huge dent on the silver Toyota vensa's front passenger door and the alarm of the vehicle tripped off creating a disturbing sound.

"uuggghhh.." the pale looking man groaned and moaned in pain as blood came flowing from his face freely.

There was three visible large scar-like opening that ran across his face caused by the black wolf's huge claws and it was from that opening that blood was gushing out from but then the blood stopped gushing out as the large wound started healing up and as that was happening the pale looking man slowly started picking himself up from the ground and by the time he was up the wounds had healed up completely leaving not even a tiny scar of it's memory. However his pale, scaly face had become red with anger making him look like the devil himself, intimidating but the black wolf didn't look intimidated. It also was looking all raged up and dangerous itself.

They both stared and snarled at each other and it seemed another battle of beast and monster was about to take place again before...


A big gray wolf announced itself, coming into the scene and at this point a worried look was visible on the pale looking man's face.

One wolf he could take on even if the wolf happens to be as big and fierce as the black wolf in front of him but two wolves??

He wasn't feeling that confident about his chances but he wasn't going to show fear or run unless that would definitely make him an easy meal so he stood his ground but it seems the wolves although they have the numerical advantage weren't too eager to fight as well because they haven't attacked him yet. Well the wolves ain't that stupid to underestimate a nightwalker especially one who is red of eyes but the pale looking man knew that's not the reason why they are being cautious. The reason was because they are in vampire's territory now and the wolves know it won't take long before other vamps discover they are in town and that would surely mean their end...

The black and gray wolf both snarled and growled at the pale looking man aggressively but didn't charge at him. The vampire, although standing his ground, gradually retreated- taking little back steps to the dark corners until he was completely covered in the darkness and out of sight.

"We need to get out of here now. It won't take long before more night walkers swarm here." The gray wolf who is Henry communicated to the black wolf who is Dominic in wolf's dialect.

The black wolf nodded before turning around and walking to where Amelia lay, still in visible pain and the shivering of her body had become even more worse than before. She was even sweating profusely.

Standing close to her the black wolf transformed into a man- Dominic. Dominic picked Amelia up gently and walked away to the direction of the forest with the gray wolf standing watch for a while before it accompanied them from behind as a watchdog and protector...

Less than a minute after they left that place the nightwalkers came to the scene and with them was the pale looking, handsome man.

"Where are they?" One of the vampires with dark brown eyes said, looking bloodthirsty.

"They have run away like little scared puppies." The pale looking, handsome man said, smiling softly.

"What gave them the courage to come out in the open, especially at this dark hour?" The vampire with the dark brown eyes said.

"I am still trying to figure that out." The pale, looking handsome man replied.

"They possibly couldn't have gone far." Another vampire with thick blue eyes and silver hair made mention.

"Then let's find them." The vampire with the dark brown eyes said before turning to face the pale looking, handsome man. "What do you say Elisha?" He asked.

"I say," the pale looking, handsome man who he referred to as Elisha paused then walked some steps forward. "Let's go dog hunting." He smirked afterwards.

"Hurry up, I can smell them coming. They are close, they are very close." The gray wolf communicates mentally to Dominic who was carrying the wounded Amelia that is looking more lifeless by the seconds.

Dominic was running as fast as he could but clearly he wasn't going fast enough as the night walkers' were gaining ground on them. He would have been much faster if he was in his wolf form but in that form he won't be able to carry his girlfriend, Amelia.

"I know a shortcut around this path. Let's pass here." Dominic said and he was unusually calm.

"Go on, follow that path, I will distract them away from you." The gray wolf telepathically communicated and Dominic nodded.

"Be careful." He advised before departing while the gray wolf moved to the other direction.

The wolf stopped and howled loudly to call attention to himself and it worked as he could smell the vampires heading to his direction...

Meanwhile back at the wolf camp.

After staying for a while Damon reasoned that his home invader Roshan would have been done making use of his bed and apartment by that time so he decided to leave even without waiting to say goodbye to Amelia or see if she was at least safe. He really didn't care but as he was about to leave he felt a soft, tiny palm touching his hand. Looking down he saw a little girl holding on to his palm.

"You have really long hair, Mister," the girl said with a childish voice and Damon stared at her before smiling softly.

"Yes I do." He replied.

"Can I touch it?" She asked, stretching her hands up but it was impossible for her hands to get to his hair cause though his hair were long and touching the center of his back, Damon is a really tall man and the girl is really little.

Damon watched as the little girl struggled to touch his hair then he decided to make it easier for her so he crouched down to her level making it possible for the little girl to grab hold of his hair.

"They are really soft too." She said in surprise and she looked intrigued by it.

Damon just remained still like a statue, letting the girl toy and have fun with his hair.

"I wish to braid them." The little girl said and Damon looked at her.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Crystal." She replied.

"I promise you, you will get to braid my hair when next I come visiting here." Damon said and he could see the excitement on the little girl's face.

She was really happy at the prospect of braiding Damon's long hair but Damon knew that her dream would never come to pass as he had no intention of returning to the place once he leaves.

Standing upright: "Goodbye Crystal." Damon said before slowly walking away...

But then Dominic came into the scene screaming and shouting like a madman with what seemed like a lifeless Amelia's body in his arms.

"Melissa! Melissa! Somebody get me the healer now! Please..."

Moments later.

Amelia was lying straight and motionless on a wooden bed with a soft pillow made out of feathers underneath her head inside what looked like a small tent and a middle aged woman was close by examining her body.

"Her body is heating up really fast, she has a terrible fever. This is the work of a poison." She paid attention to Amelia's palm that had become really pale and also her lips that had become dried and scary.

"What happened to her?" The woman turned to ask.

"She was bitten by a red eye nightwalker." Dominic answered with a very worried look.

"That's not good. That's not good at all. The red eyed vampire breeds are known to have very toxic venom that is capable of killing even an Alpha wolf." She said to him,

"You have to do everything to save her please, Melissa. I can't lose her," Dominic was almost in tears.

Melissa sighed:" I will try my best but if she is to survive this we have to remove the venom from her system unless I am afraid there is little I can do to save her."