
Alpha's Cold Heart-A Kiss From Death

Blurb Warning, this content is rated 18 Strictly for adults mind Alpha Damon, a man like no other, strong and powerful but yet that's not the quality first seen. He is extremely handsome and physically captivating which always ends up leaving the ladies drooling over him every time he walks by. His beautiful ocean blue eyes are like a passageway of magical things that slowly lures and ensnare his victims in an unseen cage and his sweet scent like hard drugs leaving them totally obsessed, addicted as well as trapped by his scent and aura like slaves to a master and puppet to the puppeteer. Not that Damon wished to have any of the ladies enslaved to him as he literally cares for no one or needs anyone. The more you show him love the more heartbroken you will become which brought about the nickname. The Cold Hearted One. The truth is that though he has the physical features of an Angel Damon has the heart and mind of the Devil, probably because he is the actual son of the Devil himself with a mixture of yet another evil, making him a whole new dangerous creature. However Damon would meet someone, a mere human girl that would put his name The Cold Hearted One to the test but while he was still battling with this new, strange feeling a wind carrying pain and death is on its way. Find out what will happen in this one of a kind novel.

Monday_Williamson · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 14

"So tell me how are you feeling? Are you still thinking about that Damon of a guy? I bet you are not after getting down with that hot black dude last night," Nelly said with arching brows as she spoke to Gloria in Gloria's apartment.

"Yes, I am still very much thinking about Damon," Gloria replied.

"What? Wasn't Donald good in bed?" Nelly asked, looking shocked.

"He is, when did I say he wasn't?"

"So why are you still obsessed over this Damon guy?" Nelly was finding it hard to understand.

"It's just not the same. No guy's touch can ever feel like Damon's."

"Strange. This usually always works out. Having sex with a hot stranger and feeling all better the next day why is yours different? Maybe the black guy wasn't as good as other black guys I know," Nelly said.

"This isn't about Donald, okay? I told you Damon is special but you wouldn't listen to me," Gloria said, sounding a bit frustrated.

"Okay, okay… I wonder what this Damon guy looks like that has made you fall crazily for him," Nelly said.

"I have his pictures on my phone. I secretly took it when he wasn't paying attention since he doesn't really like taking pictures. Would you like to see?"

"Sure, I would love to." Nelly said and Gloria brought out her phone and fished out where the pictures were.

"Here." She handed her phone to Nelly.

Taking the picture Nelly stared at the images in the phone and for some reasons known to her she couldn't stop staring. She just kept her eyes fixed on the screen like a magnet was pulling her to it.

"So what do you think?" Gloria asked but Nelly still had her eyes glued to the phone and didn't reply.

"Hey, I asked what you think about him?" Gloria increased the tone of her voice but still Nelly kept her silent and was just staring at Damon's picture on the phone and she was slowly licking her lips in a drooling manner.

"Nelly!" Gloria had to scream and simultaneously hit her before she got Nelly out of her weird trance state.

"W..hat?" Nelly said, looking lost.

"What happened to you? What are you thinking about? You have just been busy staring at the phone. Is anything the problem?" Gloria said, strictly monitoring her expression.

"Sorry I am fine. I must have been carried away." Nelly said, trying to compose herself.

"Who do you say this is again?" She later asked, pointing to the picture in the phone.

"That's Damon," Gloria replied.

"Okay, why don't you call him over?" Nelly said and suddenly she was in an excited state.

"I can't."

"Why?... I mean I thought you were dying to see him. So just invite him over."

"Yes I am dying to see him but I don't have his contact address nor his phone number. I don't know how to reach him," Gloria said and Nelly went quiet for a while.

"Then we must find him." She said to the surprise of her friend Gloria.

"Hmmm," I let out an enjoyable sigh as I found the letters in the book I was reading intriguing and exciting.

Adjusting the pillow behind my head with one hand while I lay back flat on the bed I kept my eyes fixed on the book that's just above my face that was kept in place by my other hand. I don't want to miss a thing. I have been reading this book, more correctly a novel, since I returned from school this afternoon and it's already late in the night and I am still engrossed in it.

The Hybrid's Daughter-Red Moon The Curse.

It's a romantic slash supernatural story and it's really interesting. The male character in the novel is a werewolf/vampire creature and it kinda reminded me of the handsome blue-eyed stranger. They have similar features. Tall, handsome, strong, lovely scent and most importantly eyes of the ocean and he is the reason why the novel is so interesting to me. You may ask about my sudden interest in Werewolves and Vampires? Well the answer is Jeremy.

Well I have been thinking about what we discussed earlier in the library though I didn't take his words too seriously cause I know it's impossible for such creatures to exist because if they did all humans would have died by now, I mean they are all pure evil. But I was still curious to know more about them so that's how I ended up in possession of this book. It's a story based on fiction but it looks so real and enjoyable...

I was busy reading the book and feeding my imagination when I heard the doorbell ring and that disrupted the flow.

Who could that be? I wondered.

I decided to ignore it and continue reading but the person, whoever they were, was persistently ringing the bell and I could hardly concentrate on what I was reading.

"Shit!" I cursed, placing the book down on the bed.

"I am coming!" I yelled so the person would stop ringing the damn bell because now it's sounding more irritating than disturbing.

Getting off the bed I walked to the door; peeping through the peephole of the door I let out a sigh when I saw who it was that was standing at the other side of the door. Of course it gat to be her. I mean who else can be this annoying?

Unlocking the door with the keys I opened it open revealing Kate standing with both hands behind her back, it seemed she was hiding something away cause I can still see traces of the content.

"Hey," she greeted me with a wide smile.

"What are you doing here by this time, Kate, after ditching me at the library?" I asked with a serious face though I am actually excited to see her.

"I brought chocolates and pizza."

She spoke excitedly, revealing what she had hidden behind her back. A box of pizza and chocolates.

"I thought I told you not to follow me?" Damon spoke out but there was no one beside him in the large sitting room but then...

"When have I ever listened to what you say, little brother?"

A figure materialized in the open. It was Roshan.

He was putting on a white long sleeve shirt that was free at the hands and the three up buttons of his shirt were left unbuttoned, revealing his well structured chest. His body below his waist were covered by a black leather, slim fit pants and a dark, long boot that made him look tough. He was looking great actually in his outfit.

Damon sighed softly, taking a little sip from his glass of liquor without even looking at his visitor that was behind him.

"I like the new place," Roshan complimented, taking a look at Damon's hotel apartment as he walked forward.

"If you are here to try to convince me to come home, you already know my answer." Damon said, finally giving Roshan notice as he stood up, turning around to face him.

Roshan smiled: "You must be feeling like the whole universe revolves around you, don't you? But sadly it doesn't. Everything isn't about you little brother. I am not here for you nor am I here to convince you to come home or anything of such."

Damon raised a brow: "Then why are you here?"

Roshan let out an evil smile: "You will find out soon enough. By the way since you ain't making use of your bed since you don't sleep I will be borrowing it for the night."


Before Damon could say anything Roshan disappeared out of sight and not long after he reappeared back but he wasn't alone.

With him were two pretty, sexy looking ladies that were half naked by each of his sides and by the look of things they were dead drunk as they were just laughing uncontrollably and misbehaving. They didn't even know how they came to be in the room.

"What is this?" Damon asked.

"These are my entertainment for the night. I am not stingy. I can give you one of them, little brother." Roshan said, already offering one of the ladies to Damon.

"I do not want your entertainment." Damon refused in a frown and Roshan smirked.

"As you wish then, more fun for me then." Roshan said, grabbing hold of the two ladies by their butt. He squeezed it hardly and the girls giggled, clearly they enjoyed it.

"Be so kind and show me the way to the bedroom," Roshan said to Damon but Damon kept him quiet.

"Don't bother, I think I will find my way around and whatever room I end up in won't be a hindrance in me eating up these two sweet, spicy foods." Roshan then proceeded to walk the girls to a room while Damon just stood watching.

"I am going to kill that demon soon," Damon said inwardly with a slight frown.

He took his glass cup to resume his drinking but then he started hearing disturbing sounds.

"Oh yes!...Oh fuck! Fúck me!"

"Yes! Yes! Yesss! Oh fuck!"

The frown on Damon's face became more tighter and the glass cup in his hands shattered into pieces because his grip had become so tight out of anger.

He closed his eyes to try to block the disgusting sounds away and relax but they were becoming loud and more disturbing each passing minute.

"Oh yessss fuckkkk!"

"I need that dick deep inside me. Fuckkk!!"

Damon opened up his eyes and it was shining all blue like a touch. He was very upset and before he killed someone he vanished away from the building.