
Alpha's Cold Heart-A Kiss From Death

Blurb Warning, this content is rated 18 Strictly for adults mind Alpha Damon, a man like no other, strong and powerful but yet that's not the quality first seen. He is extremely handsome and physically captivating which always ends up leaving the ladies drooling over him every time he walks by. His beautiful ocean blue eyes are like a passageway of magical things that slowly lures and ensnare his victims in an unseen cage and his sweet scent like hard drugs leaving them totally obsessed, addicted as well as trapped by his scent and aura like slaves to a master and puppet to the puppeteer. Not that Damon wished to have any of the ladies enslaved to him as he literally cares for no one or needs anyone. The more you show him love the more heartbroken you will become which brought about the nickname. The Cold Hearted One. The truth is that though he has the physical features of an Angel Damon has the heart and mind of the Devil, probably because he is the actual son of the Devil himself with a mixture of yet another evil, making him a whole new dangerous creature. However Damon would meet someone, a mere human girl that would put his name The Cold Hearted One to the test but while he was still battling with this new, strange feeling a wind carrying pain and death is on its way. Find out what will happen in this one of a kind novel.

Monday_Williamson · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Chapter 12

"Hey, stop talking loudly, we are about to enter the library. I don't want any problem with Mrs Benson."

I said to my friend Kate who was still busy asking questions about the handsome blue-eyed man that saved me last night.

"Sorry," she said, bringing down the tone of her voice as we walked into the huge library.

"Good morning Mrs Benson," I greeted the librarian showing her my library pass and so did Kate.

"A good morning to you too, Miss Michaelson." Mrs Benson, an elderly woman with grayish white hair, putting on her usual big, round eyeglasses returned my greeting checking the cards we gave to her if it was authentic.

When we were done with that little inspection Kate and I walked quietly to the book shelf to pick up the books we needed to read for our upcoming test…

"I think we will be needing this...and this...and this…" I said as I was jogging through the books on the shelf and handing out the suitable ones to Kate to hold.

"Do you want to read all these?" Kate said, wearing a tired face.

"No, we both will be reading them." I corrected and she sighed weakly.

"Oh gosh. Do I really have to?"

"Well if you want to have bad grades and fail at the end of the semester then you are free not to read. I will do the reading myself. Here, hand over the books to me," I said, stretching out my hands to collect the books but Kate won't let them go.

"And I thought you were my friend. I will read them too," she said and I smiled faintly.

Reverse psychology, it always works every time.

As we took our seats and prepared ourselves to start reading.

"Hey, mind I join your table?" A male voice said quietly.

I turned around and saw that it was that cute Latino boy. What's his name again??

"Jeremy," I called out as I remembered and he smiled.

"Of course sit down." I later said and he sat down next to me and Kate.

"What news do you have for me, Edwardo?" Gabriel who was standing with his hands folded behind him said while backing the person who he was talking to and a little distance by his side sat his partner, Tristan in a majestic-like chair.

"My lord, my men and I have been following the Damon of a guy as you instructed and I have this report to give." Edwardo said, taking his eyes from one Lord to the other.

"Go on," Gabriel said.

"He beat up some kids, 5 in numbers to save a girl who was apparently being sexually harassed by the boys," Edwardo replied and Gabriel and Tristan glanced at each other.

"He saved a girl?" Gabriel sounded surprised and he turned around to face him. His face clearly showed his curiosity.

"Yes, this happened at midnight."

"And who is this girl?" Gabriel asked.

"I don't know my Lord," Edwardo replied.

"Go and find out. I want to know everything about her," Gabriel ordered and Edwardo bowed his head and proceeded to leave but was stopped.

"Edwardo," Tristan called out to him.

"Yes my Lord." He replied.

"Same like before, keep it on a low radar. If possible, don't let the girl see you or know you are asking about her." Tristan instructed.

Edwardo nodded before leaving the room and mansion...

After Edwardo was gone Gabriel turned his attention to his friend Tristan.

"You made this man appear like some kind of powerful God but he is busy saving little girls from kids." Gabriel's voice showed his mockery as he walked towards where his friend sat.

"Didn't a God once lay his life for little kids?" Tristan replied and Gabriel raised a brow.

"And your point?"

"His actions don't limit his power. A God remains a God. I have felt his power and I know for sure he has it in abundance," Tristan replied.

"So are we just going to let him walk freely in our town, doing whatever he pleases? You know the effort and resources we had to exhaust to drive the wolves away. I didn't do all that to let this one man dominate us," Gabriel said in a not too pleasing tone and Tristan stood up from where he sat.

He walked towards a table that was closed by and picked up a transparent glass jar that had a red liquid content in it and he poured that liquid content into two glass cups.

"You seem tense, this should help ease the tension. Here, take." Tristan handed one of the glass cups to Gabriel.

Both of them took a sip from their glass and let out a refreshing sigh at the end.

"Does anything taste better than fresh, warm blood?" Tristan said aloud more to himself.

"Getting this Damon guy out of town would definitely taste better," Gabriel said and Tristan smiled softly.

"We will but first we have to study him to identify his weakness because every strong being, even a God, has an Achilles heel," Tristan said.

"And when we identify his weakness?" Gabriel asked.

"Then we let the arrow fly." Tristan smiled evilly before sipping from his glass of blood.

Location: Crystal Hotel

Time: Night

Demon walked into a large, well furnished room and alongside him was a man dressed formally in black and white shirt and trousers, that looks somewhat like a uniform. He is actually one of the hotel attendants and he was showing Damon into his new hotel apartment.

"These are the keys to your hotel apartment, sir. Please make yourself comfortable and if there is anything you need please don't delay in giving us a call. The telecom is over there." The man said pleasantly pointing to the direction of the room where a phone was placed on a table.

Damon nodded softly in acknowledgment, letting out a silent groan.

"Please do enjoy your stay, sir." The hotel attendant bidded goodbye before leaving the room.

It was a 5 star hotel and it really looked like it, as it had the latest and expensive gadgets and furniture. It has a sitting room, a bedroom, a restroom and a private kitchen as well as a balcony and the hotel apartment was stationed up at the very top floor of a 70 story building. As soon as the hotel attendant left Damon's calm face changed into a very disturbed one and he hastily walked to the balcony breathing heavily like someone who is in some kind of pains and when he finally got to the balcony he stood so close to the rails- resting his body on it, completely disregarding the great height he was in.

The heavy wind started blowing on him causing his hair to scatter backwards by his sides as he stared out into the open sky and space. The sun was just setting so the sky was giving out these orange rays and it looked beautiful in the eyes but Damon wasn't really paying attention to the beauty of the sky. He cared little for such things, especially at this very hour. He is only out here to calm himself down as it seems the evil that dwells within him is about to come out like it occasionally does and the feeling that was dominant to him at this point was anger, pain as well as hate. Normally he is a dangerous man but when he is in this state Damon becomes an unrecognizable beast who is capable of doing the greatest evil and the worst thing is that he would find great pleasure in doing so. He needed to calm himself down and drive the evil back in before it takes complete charge of him and makes him do cruel and unimaginable things. One of the things that usually does calm him down is the feeling of strong wind blowing against him, especially his face. It somehow eases the tension in him but not all of it. Sometimes it takes something much stronger to calm him down while some other times nothing at all calms him down and he becomes evil itself.

Damon's eyes had changed from its beautiful ocean blue color to that of a red bloody beast and his nails had gradually extended into sharp long claws that punctured and dented the steel rod of the balcony rails he was grabbing on to. The wind blowing against his face wasn't working, the evil was coming out and Damon didn't know what exactly had triggered it, the evil in him usually comes out when he is emotionally down or extremely angry but he was feeling none of that yet here he was turning into a deadly demon. He could hear their whispers, they want to come out, they want to take charge, they want to cause destruction and mischief and Damon was finding himself liking the things they were whispering to him and he was ready for the evil to take charge...but then a picture, an image of a person flashed before his eyes and all of a sudden he regained control.

"Hmm..Hmm.." Damon was still breathing heavily but gradually his breath became a lot more calmer until he felt a lot like himself and the color of his eyes returned back to its beautiful ocean blue shade, his claws also retracted back into neat, trimmed nails.

Stepping away from the balcony Damon walked into the bedroom and took off his clothes starting first from his shirt before his pants came off as well as short then he wrapped a towel around his waist. There was a huge standing mirror in the bedroom and Damon positioned himself in front of it. Staring at his reflection for a while he wondered what just happened a few moments ago. Right now he was not even concerned about why his evil was manifesting without any reason but more of how the image of the person he saw was able to calm him down. It was really strange, really strange indeed. Damon shook the thoughts away from his head and stepped away from the standing mirror, walking into the bathroom.