
alpha's alpha mate

a girl born in the world with powers and no one knows about her true identity except for her family, gods and those bastards... .... her parents died while saving her from the bastard's and her brother dedicated his life to keep her save and make his pack more stronger to keep her safe.... a sudden attack changes her life and leads her to her mate... will they be able to overcome their problems ? who is she? what is the dangerous things approaching them? will her mate be able to save her? I can't believe in myself. am I dreaming or is it real. I'm feeling like the world has been stopped around me. I don't know how to react my legs feels numb and I can't think of anything then to look at my mate continuously who has been looking at me the whole time and smiling. I finished my song and everyone started clapping their hands and praising my singing. I slowly went down the stage .... I saw my mate coming towards me but stopped when my male beta approached Infront of me.... I could see burning sensation in his eyes... /= cover belongs to the rightful owner

Silver_claw · ファンタジー
85 Chs

the monk

jungkook was seated in the living room could with others and yuna on jungkook's lap ... the moment he kept his hands on yuna he didn't wanted his hands off her.

he became over- protective and possessive towards her and his wolf didn't help him much too as he also was so overwhelmed to see their mate after a long time and wanted to spend time together.

everyone was so happy seeing their Luna being so lively and full of energy today... as if like they missed this side of hers.

they were all sitting around having fun and making some jokes as they heard a car screen outside loudly ... which however means that someone has came ...

a while after that a guard came inside and bowed his head before speaking...

guard :" alpha!!! alpha taehyung has came to visit you... "

jungkook :" get him in !!! " he said without looking at the guard because his full attention was on yuna and her every motion...

he guard bowed before disappearing in the wide exit of the living room. as in moment yuna slowly tried to shift herself from jungkook's laps to the side of him in the couch but jungkook hold her tighter before she could do that...

jungkook :" where do you think your going little mate ? " he said with a smirk which made yuna blush in all red ....

yuna :" umm... in the couch as it will be embarrassing if you talk to others and me being in your lap like a clingy mate ... and by the way it's taehyung oppa what he would think about us " she said innocent stating the Matter of fact .

jungkook just chuckled a little and looked at her.

jungkook :" your place is no where but in my laps... you will never sit anywhere then my laps when I'm with you or near you so get used to it... and I don't care if anyone think about anything about us I'm with my own personal wife and mate. " he said as a matter of fact ...

as they were on their conversation Jennie was slightly enjoying their cute lovey-dovey talks in the side and smiling at them also missing taehyung ... but she was happy that he was here and was walking to their side as his scent was getting stronger and more closer.

taehyung walked inside with a man following him inside the room... getting all the attention from the people in the room.

taehyung :" hey jungkook how you doing and how are you my little sister...? " he said getting towards them and hugging Jennie...

jungkook :" I'm doing good and everything is fine right now with nothing suspective and unusual... " he said smiling at him... totally forgetting about the person next to taehyung.

yuna :" I'm good too oppa and how are you doing... ? " she said smiling at him cutely...

taehyung :" awwwwww!!! my little sister... by the way jungkook " he said looking at jungkook with full attention... and then pointed at the person whom he brought while coming here..

" this is a monk and descendants from the pass monks that always helps us ... I brother him to discuss something but you weren't in your office there so I thought you were here and came here "

jungkook :" ohh it's alright we can discuss here in my office room " he said and then looked at the monk...

he thought that he had seen him somewhere but couldn't recognise , he tried to think but couldn't so he gave up and kept it for later to think....

jungkook looking at yuna with longingness and upset in his eyes but didn't show it too much and pulled back his emotions too quick... but it didn't went unnoticed by yuna .

yuna slightly smiled at him understandingly and pecked his lips and said.

yuna :" you go and complete your work ... I'm always here... we can stay with each other after you complete your work alright... "

jungkook sadly smiled not wanting to let go of yuna but obviously stood up and walked towards his office room in the villa with taehyung and the monk...

heyoooo guys it's short I know but bare with me... I was doing all the planning about my new novel ' arena of heroes ' and I have a good news too... as you know I had currently attended my exam and my results are out and I have qualified so yooo party party yeah!!! lol... btw guys

take care

stay safe

stay healthy

Silver_clawcreators' thoughts