
alpha's alpha mate

a girl born in the world with powers and no one knows about her true identity except for her family, gods and those bastards... .... her parents died while saving her from the bastard's and her brother dedicated his life to keep her save and make his pack more stronger to keep her safe.... a sudden attack changes her life and leads her to her mate... will they be able to overcome their problems ? who is she? what is the dangerous things approaching them? will her mate be able to save her? I can't believe in myself. am I dreaming or is it real. I'm feeling like the world has been stopped around me. I don't know how to react my legs feels numb and I can't think of anything then to look at my mate continuously who has been looking at me the whole time and smiling. I finished my song and everyone started clapping their hands and praising my singing. I slowly went down the stage .... I saw my mate coming towards me but stopped when my male beta approached Infront of me.... I could see burning sensation in his eyes... /= cover belongs to the rightful owner

Silver_claw · ファンタジー
85 Chs


jungkook :" noooooooooo!!!! " he scream out with the saddest howl ever that can make anyone blurt out in tears ...

in reality-

jungkook abruptly woke up from his sleep. he scanned his surroundings and seemed it familiar. White familiar walls , tiled floor, wooden shelves with books organised neatly, big wooden office table with files laying down unorganized and here he was laid on the hasty padded couch of his office room.

seemed freaking like a dream too real to be ever true ...

he felt like a heavy weight had been lifted up from his shoulders ... like a very big mountain being put on in his shoulders. being hurt and upset all of a sudden. yes it's true it's been two months he didn't got to see yuna even a bit in a while.

but the fact is that he missed her as much as she missed him. he felt the bond between them weaken a bit due to being away from each other in a while not actually a while but freaking two Months...

it's not a minimum number of days. the craving for each other is too insane . almost like being weak ... to ignore this feeling he trained himself too much and almost exhaust himself to no longer being able to just move.

but the dream seemed too real to him like it actually took place and he was devastated just by the thought. he was confused why this happened to be so real that he could ever imagine in his life.

he felt of himself being the worst mate ever for torturing himself as well as yuna in the whole world . he left her in the crucial state and trained himself and didn't even went to take a quick peek at her.

like to see if she was well or doing fine . she could have felt sick or would have felt uneasy sometimes without him and just need a warm hug or a consideration . he knew she was safe and not left out lonely. his mother, Jennie, Nancy, Minnie, and so on were always there for her.

but the warmth and comfort of a mate can never be fullfiled by anyone then the mate itself.

he knew he did something so worst and couldn't even show up to her even when she needed him not only physically but also mentally.

his beta jimin always reminded him about yuna's updates. and even reminded to atleast go and spend time with her and he wanted to go right away but stopped himself and stayed away. was he torturing himself and her for nothing.

no he did it for her to make the pack stronger and make more alliances before the war being held.

this excuse was ok for himself to go for more strict training. he didn't physically hurt himself but her too. whenever he gets hurt the Same pain can be felt by her too. he totally forgot about that and did the worst torture to himself and her.

but it was considerable as werewolves heal faster and he didn't knew how but his wounds were healing more faster than ever ... he didn't knew how and didn't even tried to find out too.

little did he knew it was yuna who was healing him even after being far away from him. she would feel him Pain and hurts and used her healing powers to heal him almost exhausting herself and taking all the pain from him on her body.

causing her to almost faint but tried her best to stay strong Infront of others. being a Luna was not that of showing your weaknesses Infront of the pack and her loved ones.

being the mother of the pack and Luna and the strongest member , she had to be strong and not show her weakest side and even if she tried her best to be strong.

everyone knew her pain and tried to cheer up her in everything not leaving her alone for a little bit by herself to feel lonely. just leave while sleeping and bathing. they always tried to busy her on one thing or the other.

and it was abit easy to busy her as she was the alpha of heart lake pack ... they tried to make her talk or feel occupied even in small things and tried to make her laugh and smile .

but she still had the small side of emptiness and coldness even if they tried to try their best and the couples too tried to not be too touchy and intimate Infront of her .

but it was not too hard for her to catch their intentions and feel worst and even feel abit lucky of herself as they were doing all this to just make her be happy and occupy her loneliness.

little did they know she was feeling already so blessed and content to have them in her life. her relationship between Minnie also became better in this time and Minnie treated her like her own sister and felt bad for the doings in the past.

yuna forgave her in Just seconds and didn't kept and rivalry and hate towards her as she was the daughter of moon goddess and every werewolf was like her own child so how could she hate her.

jungkook still felt sad inside and the first thing that came in his mind was yuna's face.

liam :" run to mate you freaking human ... I feel so embarrassed that I am your wolf ... you made mate sad... " he said full of anger and sadness inside himself controlling himself so much to take control and being angry on his own human self .

jungkook :" I know that and I don't know how to face her after causing so much pain to her " he said to feeling sad and so nervous to face yuna.

Liam :" just go... make mate happy... mate is sad ... mate is hurt ... mate is in pain... " he kept on altering more and more getting mad.

jungkook kept aside everything and shifted in his wolf form and ran towards their house as it will be faster to reach their in the no time and held he could be able to hold yuna in his arms.

he could no longer hold himself back after the heartbreaking and hilarious dream he had just a while ago ...

he never would be able to handle himself if something happens to yuna.

as werewolves go on rampage if something happens to their mate and lose concierge of their surroundings and break apart everything till their heart becomes cold and no longer able to hold the coldness.

wolves are known for being warm and if their heart becomes cold it means clear death for them .

I tried to make it abit long as the past chapters are too short in my eyes and too make a better understanding so here it is and those who commented and tried to sue me for killing yuna XD..... here you go no offense and a relief that it was just a dream and nothing more so just chill.... and enjoy...

stay safe

be healthy

be happy

plant a tree to save ourselves and even our environment.

thank you.

Silver_clawcreators' thoughts