
Interlude - 3rd Hokage

Death is ever present; the life of a shinobi is hard and short. It is with a heavy heart that you perpetuate this cycle of death and violence.

You are but a single drop of water in the ocean. One man cannot stop the world from turning.

You're old, far beyond your peak. The end is close; you can feel it in your bones. They creak and your back hurts.

Yet... you'd still be able to kill even the most dangerous of ninja.

Chakra is both an amazing weapon and life support system. Still, your feats of strength don't fill you with confidence. You are Hiruzen Sarutobi, the God of Shinobi- and you are withering away.

You take a puff from your pipe, glancing out the nearby window. Birds chirp and dance by a nearby tree. Your eyes narrow.

No- none of those feathery creatures are disguises. You're being paranoid.

War changes people. It pits man against man and the bloodlust required to survive changes them. Some return, but many are lost in that particular labyrinth of blood.

Sometimes, you can still hear the screams.

Your pipe's flame is extinguished as you put it down on the small table in front of you. The life of a leader is stressful and full of paperwork. Some might suggest using shadow clones, but the technique is quite exhausting; if an attack were to happen, you'd be working at half strength. It's too much of a risk.

Every day's the same. You sit, read, and stamp paperwork. The council brings up the city's concerns and you sign off or deny them. Things would be so much easier if times weren't rough. The Kyuby practically brought the village to economic collapse. Many a favour were spent to rebuild.

You grin, thinking of the miraculous recovery Konoha underwent. Like a Pheonix, your village rose from ashes into a brilliant, majestic creature. However, the scars remain.

The village hides them well, but Kyuby's rampage can't be understated. It'll take years perhaps even decades to return to full strength.

In front of you, a violet crystal ball sits. You reach out and gently tap its surface, changing the clearness into a viewable picture.

Naruko... one of your greatest mistakes.

It should have been you. Your time was close, so why wasn't it you?

You smile, comforted by her large grin.

Sasuke Uchiha.

He was a risk, but one you gambled on. You met the boy; he's someone that you deemed innocent and without corruption. Yet... there was a certain spark of wisdom in his eyes. It spoke of hardships and fear.

He was afraid of you.

Thankfully, your investigation provided nothing. Still, you were paranoid. You dug deeper. Surface level scans of his mind had nothing out of place.

He was a young, innocent child with incredible curiosity. Sure, he was far more mature than his peers, but there were children like that.

A part of you still worries the Uchiha might be using him to influence Naruko, but that really doesn't seem to be the case. Itachi is perhaps one of your most loyal shinobi- he has only praise and pride for his younger brother. If anything, he's the one influencing his family, rather than the other way around.

Sadly, one boy's smile, a clan does not make. The show of trust alleviated the worries of some, but many still view the Uchiha in a bad light. Tensions are rising, and you fear what that might cause. Danzo suggests that ninja aside from Uchiha be allowed to join the police force- an idea that doesn't sound too bad on paper. You'd have agreed to it, were it not for your recent nightmares.

You see a lone Uchiha, slaughtering his clan so that his brother may live. You see your old friend, taking advantage of the massacre to steal dozens of eyes.

Danzo's idea was denied. If one was to look further ahead, they'd see that it'd only raise tensions higher. Take something away from someone and it's obvious that they'll not be pleased. Such action wouldn't be so bad in normal circumstance, but when standing on a cliff's edge, the slightest of weighs could send one tumbling to the lowest of depths.

They might be dreams, but a shinobi's being is one of paranoia. You'll keep your eyes on Danzo, Itachi, and his little brother.

A storm is rumbling on the horizon; you merely hope to stop it before it arrives or at least prepare your people for the inevitable damage.

You turn back to the crystal in time to see Naruko practicing her Chakra exercises. Her potential shines through, like a dazzling gem.

A sting of pain assaults your heart.

They didn't want a shinobi's life for her. It's as if fate herself conspired to guarantee the opposite life they chose. As a Jinchuriky, she must be trained; for her own safety and that of the village.

Life is cruel.

If you had been the one to go. Could things have been different?


You sigh.

There are things to investigate- people to check up on. These might be dreams, but there's nothing wrong with looking into your paranoia.


[2 Wish Points used! Third Hokage has Nightmare of the massacre and Danzo!]
