
Alolan King

One day an old Hawaiian man, who had watched his forested island turn into a bustling city, the plentiful and beautiful birds disappear, in order to try to cheer him up his grandchildren show him an interesting game. Pokemon Sun and Moon. Even though it was nowhere near what Hawai'i was like, he did enjoy the company and joy of his grandchildren while playing it. So he did. but a couple of months after Pokemon Arceus was released he passed away. What seemed to be the end of his journey was actually only the beginning.

Teruya_Trevor · ゲーム
1 Chs

Make Mihi- Regretful Death

Laying in a hospital room, filled with leis and flowers, is an old man. His skin is bronze but his face is pale, and his muscles are toned even though he looks so frail, he is at the end of his life. Growing up in Hawai'i was enjoyable, people were nice and kind when he was young. Only to seem more bitter with every generation.

Those white foreigners whose greed seems to know no bounds had brought medicine and technology, but also their cancerous way of life. They are not connected with the 'Aina (1) they do anything to abuse her and her gifts. Which in itself is not the saddest part, but rather that his own people are following them. Even though he tried to show them the way home, the way to finding your na'au (2), few had listened and even fewer had taught their keiki. (3)

Although many of these had brought a lot of sadness into his life, his grandchild had brought him great joy. He had taught them the meaning of Aloha (4), and also how to dance hula(5), fish, hunt, and farm. Although they had taught him many things, how to use his iPhone, how to play games, and recently showed him the world of pokemon. This had taken his interest quite a bit. Different from all the other games they had shown him, it was quite relaxed, though competing in online tournaments was very stressful. He and his grandchildren would compete and train pokemon, his grandchildren would teach him different tactics, and they even watched the anime together. When thinking about this a smile can't help but creep on his face. To be surrounded by his 'ohana(6) in a room full of flowers, what more can a man want on his last day. He closes his eyes and everything fades to black.

Death is not what he thought it would be, it was relaxing. There were no worries, nor hardships. Just an endless abyss, it was not dark nor bright. In fact, he couldn't tell nor feel anything. Only thinking of what his life was. He had not regretted mistakes, they are lessons. The only thing that he had regretted was letting power lay in the hands of people who were not from Hawai'i, but what could he had done. He wasn't taught the system til later in life, and by then it was too late. As he was thinking if anything he wished he could go back, go back to the days when he was free and could roam the Island as he pleased. That was his one and only wish.


"A light in the sky with feathers like a Decidueye would signal the birth of a great chief, a king who will unite all the islands." said a tanned man who was kneeling with his head down.

"That was the prophecy that the Kahuna's Alakazam had spread?" said a man who sat under a tree. He too was quite tanned, in fact, he looked like a bronze god, he was shirtless and only wearing a red Malo (6) with an 'Aha 'Ula(7) on his back.

"That is correct" said the kneeling man

"Interesting.... according to our calendars such heavenly body should visit us soon.. no?"

"That is correct" said the man again

"Start training warriors and hunt down any baby born on that night. It seems a war might start soon."


Hey guys your main man the author here, this is sort of my first novel. My other one I really did not think through it and was just writing down ideas. Anyways this fanfic is kind of something I wanted to write for a long time since Pokemon Sun and Moon came out. Now you might be thinking about what I'm going to do with the story, and oh boy I will give you a hint. It is gonna be set in ancient Hawai'i and I already have the story laid out. It is going to be super fun, even though I am not too sure how long this story is gonna be. Let us hope I can make it a bit longer! Also if I ever use Hawaiian words I will try to tell you what they mean from what I was taught growing up. Of course, I will do research too, but when it comes to a recovering language like Hawaiian, there are many different meanings for the same word.

1- 'Aina [ai-nah] is like the land or mother nature in a sense. It was what we the Hawaiian people believe to be the most important to us.

2 - Na'au [nah-ow] is like your heart, your way, the thing that tells you what is good and bad. Its that feeling in your gut when you do something wrong. To lose your na'au, is to lose your way. You still feel it, but rather you do not know how to interpret that feeling

3- Keiki [kaykey] is children or the next generation.

4- Aloha has a very different meaning than what most people think. Aloha's literal meaning is "presence of life or breath" though it is used as a greeting to one another. When you say aloha to someone it is more like your saying "I see your life." It is to realize that, yes, this person is in front of me and I am not the only person alive in this world, or in other words, I am not alone. Which is completely different than what is in Hollywood.


6- Malo is a Hawaiian loincloth and is what Native Hawaiian would wear on a daily basis. It's too hot to wear anything else in Hawai'i

7- 'Aha 'Ula is a cape made out of bird feathers, making one takes years since Hawaiians didn't kill the birds only trapped them and took out the loose feathers to make it. Having is a symbol of status and usually only worn by the 'Ali'i a.k.a the chiefs.