
Almighty Slash

Typical Story Mc get transmigrated to another world with a system of course MC is not a cold blooded killer so don't read if you like that kind of thing If you like the novel Don't add it to your library yet because sometimes I revisit chapters and edit my mistakes First time writing a novel BTW Image is not mine

rodel_benalio · ファンタジー
21 Chs


The coin was flipped in the air , Mag and Leo was staring at each other even when the coin reach the ground dm,they didn't initiate their fight .They were walking slowly to each other as seconds passed and they are already a meter apart from each other they are starting to prepare to use mas on their bodies .Leo can't wait anymore he launch a quick thrust to Mag in which Mag tries to dodge but it was a feint Leo then slash horizontally to Mag and it connects to Mag's Chest .

Mag quickly back away the pain inflicted by a 4th rank warrior is no joke so he goes on defense stance while enduring the pain.

Leo grins and said " you would have died if that was a real sword" He attacks Mag aggressively he needs to be the one who controls the flow of this battle so that he can finish him quickly.

Mag was having a hard time blocking and dodging Leo, He sighs and started to use his Mas fused with wind elemental coming from his spirit , He becomes faster and faster until Leo can't land a hit to him anymore.

Leo finally feels what Jason felt when he can't land a hit on El, it was so infuriating. This time he infuse more mas to his feet and arms to make him quicker but he can't still hit Mag. Mag then started his counter attack and thrust his sword towards Leo. Because it has wind element with it it becomes more faster and hits Leo's chest. Leo felt pain in his chest he didn't even saw it coming the sword thrust was so fast that his eyes didn't manage to keep up this time he was the one backing away.

Pel notice the wind element that surrounds most of Mag's attack . "A spirit. this young man had contracted a spirit there's so much potential in him and he might will bring trouble if our family become his enemies" He also noticed the killing intent radiating from Mag's body earlier when he Heard Leo's surname "This boy held a huge grudge to our family we must eliminate him before he grew stronge" Pel started to think how can he kill Mag without getting in trouble .

Leo was angry how can a mere 3rd rank warrior pressure him like this ,He can't dodge ,he can't block and he can't even saw Mag's attacks. He sneakily grabs a dart in his backpocket and when Mag shows a sign that he will attack he immediately trew it at him . Mag felt something stab on his knee and put a distance from Leo and inspect it. He saw a Dart was stab on his knee and he feel his strength diminishing in a rapid rate.

Unlike the other students who is watching El saw the Leo threw a Dart it was so fast and quiet that others didn't notice it . He holds his wooden sword and stand near the fight he is preparing to interfer if something happens to Mag. Mag decided to finish it now he use more mas and his speed grew faster this time he strikes at Leo's head and although there was quite a distance separating them ,Leo still didn't manage to dodge and the sword hits his head. A black smoke appears surrounding the two children and the people can't see what's happening inside of the smoke . El then rans towards the smoke but someone stop him ,it was Pel "Don't go towards it ,it might be dangerous I can't risk another student get trapped in it". El struggled and shouts "Move out of the way My friend is in danger" Pel kicked him and his body flew away "I'm afraid I can't Let you do that"

Mag was also confused at the black smoke then he saw Leo, his appearance is very different his body become more bigger and the fair skin becomes black. His eyes and teeth grew and also Mag can feel Pressure from Leo. Mag threw his wooden sword and communicate with his spirit . A heavy sword appears in his hand Green lines can be seen on the sword and Wind surrounding it, Spirit Weapon it was form by the spirit living inside a warrior Depending on what they want it to be . Leo laughs and it echoed through the surroundings the voice was so sinister that the children felt cold in their spine and goosebumps overwhelmed their body even El was slightly affected.

Mag was observing Leo when suddenly he disappears , He cautiously look around to find him. He started to get nervous a dangerous being was hunting him and he can't see it . A voice can be heard on his back "Looking for me?" Mag turns around and found Leo there .Leo punched Mag and Mag was knocked away and his sword disapears Leo then followed up with a kick on his stomach .

Mag was spatting blood at his mouth it was so strong whatever thing that Leo becomes. He then saw a huge feet coming towards him this time on his head. He immediately formed his Spirit sword and infuse his remaining mas to it and slash towards the thing . Leo looks down on Mag's last attempt but he felt danger and tries to dodge but it was too late his feet was sliced into two and the slice reached until his waist . He cursed and said " I'm afraid that won't still gonna stop me His hand grew bigger until it was a size of a fully grown man he then smash it towards Mag. Mag can saw memories in his life as the hand approach him , He didn't want to die he didn't get his revenge yet, he didn't punish the ones who deserves punishment .Leo said "Goodbye boy you are so unlucky" and bam his arm lands on something and a voice can be suddenly heard beneath his arm "A member of a believer huh I can't believe they made you a child one of them hmm probably there is still many of you lurking on this academy or the city" Leo can't move his arm. Dean Audie was keeping his promise and tries to find El to observe him when he caught this situation happens, The smoke can't block his eyes and when he saw a student who is about to die he quickly goes to the rescue and blocks the huge arm.