
His dark allure

He brought her nothing but his darkness. But then she brought him light. Brilliant light that blinded him into falling for her. Larissa had grown into a beautiful young woman who was admired by many men. Her aunt always pushing her into the ones of the highest ladder but she was never interested until she met him. Good looking he was, but then all his other qualities had a sharp contrast with what she had always dreamt of. A cold blooded murderer whose heart had been frozen upto the point where it could never melt but then she was the fire that slowly melted him. In a society where class mattered and with different races of humans, vampires and witches, she did not reach the expectations when it came to him but in the long process of having to see him every morning, she made a mistake that she should have never committed. She fell for him even though she knew it was a mistake. Was it worth to fall for a person who seemingly carried no emotions within him or was it wise for her to just step away....

Rityshah · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Under the spring sun

It took them two hours to get to the town of lensat and when she got down from the carriage, she was greeted by wealth and elegance of the place. Unlike where she came from, the houses here were large and beautifully made making her feel out of place.

Once she had taken her own time to observe her surroundings, she turned her focus on Michael who stood next to her.

"Sir Michael, do you know this address?" Asking that, she passed the piece of paper that had been given to her by lady Minerva.

"It is the third house from here milady."

When Michael left, she started to make her way towards the directions given and it did not take her long to get to the gate that had the same address that was given to her.

Taking her own time to swallow her uneasiness, she finally raised her hand and knocked on the magnificent black gate.

For almost a whole minute, no one responded and raising her hand to knock again, the gate was opened by a young bulky man who looked at her indifferently.

"What do you want?"

The guard's tone was aloof which made her all nervous.

"I came here looking for a job as a caregiver." She explained.

By the way the man was looking at her, all she wanted was to go back to where she came from.

Sizing the small framed woman in front of him up and down, the guard asked,

"What is your name?"

"It's Larissa..._. Larissa Campbell."

The moment she gave out her full name, the guard stepped aside and allowed her to get inside.

When she got inside, she was greeted by a jaw dropping scene.

At first, her eyes fell on the large house that proudly stood in front of her and if she did not know better, she would have thought that it was a castle.

Before her eyes could wonder a little bit more, a young maid who appeared to be the same age as her appeared in sight.

"Milady, I shall escort you to the study room where senior Hamilton is waiting for you." The maid said to her and as they continued to head towards the house, she could not help but wonder on how the owner of the house knew that she would be coming today.

With them taking left and right turns every now and then, they came to stand in front of a white painted door and once the maid knocked on the door and received a response, she finally opened the door and they got inside.

"Sir Hamilton, the lady is here."

The old man was not looking at them. Instead, he had his back facing them while he stood in front of the large window.

When he turned around, his eyes locked with Larissa and it was in that moment did she realize that she was not in a human's house but a vampire's house.

The old man's eyes were red in colour.

"Alright then. You can leave."

Once the maid had left, the old man continued to say,

"I can tell that you had never shared a room with a night creature."

When she had come here, the last thing she had expected was to meet with a night creatures.

Since birth, she had never met any of them but she had heard that the vampires had red eyes but that was not the issue that worried her. What worried her is how she heard that these creatures thrived on human blood.

"What have you heard about my race?" The man's question was calm and his intelligent old eyes looked at her brown ones waiting for her response.

Parting her lips to say something, she quickly closed them because who knew what would happen to her if she bad mouthed them.

"You don't have to hold back. Just say what you know and then we can make some adjustments."

"I have heard that you don't like us. That you kill with no remorse.._"

She did not want to say more because in as much as she was living a miserable life, she did not want to die.

"You have not given me your name yet."

She had expected to receive warnings from him but instead, he just asked her name.

Larissa had never been the type to judge people by their appearance but looking at the old man, he looked harmless which made her question if everything she had heard was true.

"My name is Larissa."

"Well Larissa, what you have heard is not a lie. We kill, we do not like most humans but does that make us different from humans. You also kill, and you are disgusted by our mere sight. The only difference between us is that we embrace who we are but when it comes to you people, you pretend to be righteous while in truth, most of you are wolves in sheep's clothing. You seem to be a nice woman. With dreams and I would never take that away from you which is why I ask you to spend a day here, with me and then you can decide whether you want to work here."

The words that had been said by senior Hamilton held truth in them because her mother had died by human's hands and although she was learning to live with that, the deep scar that had been ingrained in her heart would never fade away.

When she nodded at the old man's words, he gave her a warm smile that vaguely reminded her of her own grandfather.

"Why don't I show you around the place then."

With his suggestion, the two started to make their way outside.

Unlike the previous day which had been gloomy, today the sun shone brightly and she basked into it's warmth.

With her hand hooked around the old man's hand, they headed towards the garden and she was awed by its beauty.

The place looked so magical and considering that it was a spring season, different varieties of flowers had bloomed beautifully. As they continued to take their tour, she could not help but wonder if the magical flower garden was always so prestine.

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