
Announcement of the wedding

Vincent was surrounded by a few council members, who were astonished that he was finally settling down with a woman. But internally, they prayed for Marquee and Marchioness Hooke's daughter's sanity, who had agreed to marry him. It was because of the pureblooded vampire's nature. 

"Will you be living here in Skellington or be moving to North where the Hookes are living?" One of the Councilmen asked Vincent. "Maybe you will soon be working for the King and Queen, rather than in the Council."

"It does sound exciting but I will settle for wherever Lady Rosetta wishes to," Vincent answered with a bright smile, "After all, I should consider and respect my wife's wishes and thoughts."

Vincent's reply received many gobsmacked expressions from the men around him, who quickly fixed the surprised expressions on their faces. One of them was even brave enough to say,