
Chapter 131 Limited Quantity Sale

Mrs. Lu was pregnant, naturally, everyone was overjoyed. Mrs. Liu immediately sent her steward's son, Xie Zhong, to notify Shen Chengzu. Shen Chengzu was so pleased that he rushed back overnight.

Because Mrs. Lu's pregnancy was not yet past three months and relatively unstable, Shen Chengzu specifically went to Mrs. Shen and Master Shen the next day and said, "Father, mother, my wife is pregnant. Doctor Luo said her pregnancy is not yet stable, and she should not do much heavy work during this period."

"Has the fourth son's family got a child on the way? This is great news! Whatever she craves, let the fourth son get it from the town for her. Take good care of yourself and give me a chubby grandson," Master Shen chuckled.

Mrs. Lu smiled in response.

"Wife, don't burden the fourth son's family with household chores anymore," Master Shen laughingly told Mrs. Shen.