
Nicklos's POV pt 2

My head whipped up from the desk and papers to stare at Uriah. He was hiding in the shadows of closet, a menacing and lurking shadow. I watched as he slowly emerged from the closet, a wide and evil smile on his face. I growled angrily and placed my hand on the hilt of my sword. He was becoming the over growing pain in my side. I know it was Nathanial who shot the arrow that ended up in Alliah's leg, but he was the main reason that she ended up hurt anyway. I almost lost her because of these two bastards, I won't let them soon forget.

"Calm down, I am only here to talk. Believe it or not, you and I are on the same side." Uriah's smug look didn't disappear as he walked towards the desk. His hand reached inside his black cloak and pulled out a stack of papers. Dropping them nonchalantly on the desk, he pushed them towards me. He patted a finger on the pile of papers and pulled away. I could feel my body grow tense as I stared at him, disbelief on my face.

"I understand why you wouldn't believe me, but we really are on the same side. After the Knighting ceremony, father grew rather angry with me. But soon he came to blame Alliah and her father because oh his supposed favoritsm towards his daughter. Laylia soon found us, hearing about our defeat and spewing nonsense about getting revenge. You have to understand something, my father has disliked the King for a very long time, and this was the icing on the cake. He agree with a collaberation, but soon found that she was plotting against the counsel too. So I am here as a spy." His smile slowly started to fade and he grew serious. The dangerous twinkle leaving with him.

"Despite my past with Alliah, I have no qualms with her. Honestly the more I grew up, the more I admired her. I came to respect her even more with how she threw herself into every battle. She cares so much more than the disgusting father of hers. We came to a consensus that if we could lead Laylia into a false sense of security that she was going to win, we could take her down. Unfortunately I am in way to deep with Laylia just to walk up to Alliah and tell her these things, so I had to wait until you came to me. Nathanial is a lost cause so don't try and talk to him. His heart was corrupted a long time ago." Although his words sounded genuine, I couldn't trust him entirely.

"So what is your plan in giving these to me? Why are you choosing now of all times to lend a hand?" I asked skeptically as I laid my fingers on the papers and dragged them over to me. Uriah let out a long and deep sigh before dragging a hand through his hair.

"Because Laylia is getting closer to her goal and it's starting to stress out the Counsel. Alliah has been handling the entire situation but she is only human. After seeing her the other day, I could see she was getting tired. So I am giving you this as a push towards our victory. I need you to hand these to Alliah, and form a proper plan. I can't help you any further than this. I am still needed here in case she changes plans, so this victory will solely rest on you. Just know the Counsel has your back." I pursed my lips, still not fully commited to his story.

His anger at being disqualified from the Knight ceremony had made him visibly upset. He had every motive to turn against the kingdom and go after her. Not to mention his father hated her's. Now Alliah as of late, obviously held animosity towards her own father because of his life choices and the secrets he kept hidden, but that doesn't mean that he would side with her because of that.

"I will accept this, but if you are lying to me in anyway shape or form, I will come after you. I still owe you for Alliah's leg." I muttered darkly under my breath, hoping to intimidate him. He chuckled lightly, nodding his head in agreement.

"I can understand your skeptism and anger. Unfortunately, his loose arrow was not of my doing. I couldn't step out of character and scold him considering I am suppose to be wanting Alliah dead as well. The 'Assassins' though, where my doing. I 'hired' some really whimpy criminals in place of the real assassins. I figured you could take care of them with ease." His smile returned, seeming proud of his plan.

"So the mill was apart of your plan after all." I murmured as I glanced through the papers.

"It wasn't mine. Laylia wanted us to ambush you, I just twisted it. I earned quite a scolding from her when she didn't find any of your bodies. I am honestly surprised you where even able to find your way in here with how tight she has security. But I guess I can't put it past you with your determination." I let out a soft chuckle in response, knowing he really meant Alliah's.

"Can you tell Alliah that I am sorry and I hope there won't be any hard feeling's between us going forward. I would really like to see her ascend the throne, and I am not the only one. Once she arrives back in the kingdom, hand the documentation about Laylia being the daughter of the King to my dad, and he will take care of the rest. Just be ready for back lash. If you need updates on Laylia, he will be glad to give you them." Without another word, Uriah quickly turned to the door. Just as he was about to step out, he rested his hand on the door way and looked back.

"If you and your friends want to make it out alive, I would suggest leaving immediately. Her temper is quite extrodinary if she gets too angry. If she finds you, she will have no troubles getting rid of you." With that, he ducked out the door. It shut quietly, leaving me in the quiet and stillness of Laylia's office. There was way too many interlocking secrets with these people. It was starting to get hard discerning people with good intentions from the people with bad intentions. But what I knew for sure, was that these documents where everything I needed to help Alliah turn around this inner war in our favor.

I quickly tucked them into my cloak and headed towards the door. Hopefully if Laylia where heading up the stairs, Uriah would distract them long enough for me to grab Alliah and escape down the stairs. I carefully opened the door, peaking around the edge. The hallways was as loud and boistrous as it was before. The moans and crying out had only gotten louder as the rooms started to fill up. I watched a very intimiate couple walk down the hall, hands passing all over each other.

Just as they neared a room, he picked her up and forced her to straddle him as he kicked the door in. Their kisses where sloppy and feverent as he entered the room, clearly already being effected by the inscense that filled the halls. I hoped no one found their way into Alliah's room. With her in mind, I quickly and quietly closed the door behind me. I paced myself down the hallway until I reached her door. Thankfully no one else came up the stairs and I was able to get to her speedily. With much haste, I opened the door and found her still slumped on the mattress.

She was fast asleep, her chest slowly rising and falling as she breathed. At somepoint she tucked herself into a ball and pulled a few pillows close to her, snuggling them. The veil on her face had since been removed, leaving her face exposed. With how hot she felt earlier, it must have felt stuffy and annoying having fabric that close to her face. I couldn't help but smile at how adorable she looked all snuggled up on the bed. It also reminded me of what Uriah had told me. She was getting exhausted. Alliah told me that much herself.

I sat on the bed beside her, watching her carefully. I almost felt bad for having to wake her up, knowing that the incense probably took a lot out of her. But we had to leave now if we wanted to make it out alive. I had the papers, and I am sure that Seria and Michael where getting ready to run with Maxwell. Sighing, I gently jostled her from side to side. She groaned a bit, but her eyes fluttered open. Her eyes where glazed heavy with sleep as she stared at me. Confusion written upon her face.

With a cautious glance around the room, realization dawned on her and her face flushed. I brushed some loose hairs that where caked in sweat, from her forehead and tucked them behind her ears.

"I have quite the story to tell you, but we need to get out of here first. Come one." I whispered to her as I scooped her out from the bed, and rested her feet on the floor. She let out a low groan, but nodded her very tired head. I steadied her on her feet before leading her out of the door. Once again, we began the long trek down the stairs and through the crowd.