
all things began here

clown_of_madness · ファンタジー
5 Chs

New World 2

[name angels]

living beings that have halos and small wings weak to darkness and Masters in holly elements

[name devils]

evil beings that have dark skin and horns weak to holly light and Master in dark elements

[name beastman]

beast that have changed to a human form high physical states low intelligence and good with warlock elements

[that is all the main humanoid races if you want to see the full humanoid races say all humanoid]

"hmm I think I will see the deme human now open up deme human"Jackson said to the girl

[calculating deme human files opening up]

[name golem]

rock make titans that are made of the rock elements of the world middle level states good at using the rock elements they are made of

[name druids]

humanoid shaped plants that are there to help the forest stay weak states Master of all living thing in the forest

[name goblins]

low intelligence and low physical states but they are very numbering and bread fast and ok dark elements

[that is all the main deme human races if you want to see the full deme human races say all deme human races]

"ok so that leaves plants and bugs so open plants"Jackson said to the girl

[calculating plant files opening up]

[name saplings]

big tanks for plants high physical states and Master of wood elements in forest

[name fowerlys]

small plants with beautiful flowers on the head of them weak physical and Master in healing and poison elements]

[name weeds]

plants that steal the lifes of other plants and power themselves high intelligence and Master of life steal elements

[name grassy]

small plants that grow fast and group up to hunt low intelligence and ok physical states and Master in heal and binding elements

[that is all the main plants races if you want to see the full plants races say all plants races]

ok now one more before I go and open all the files open up bugs"Jackson said to the girl

[calculating bug files opening up]

[name ants]

small bugs that hunt in army's high physical states for their size and good intelligence and good at fire, water,poison,and control elements

[name hard seals]

bugs that have hard exoskeleton and Master of physical states and weak intelligence ok at ground elements

[name bees]

bugs that fly and hunt in army's high intelligence and low physical states but good at wind, poison,lightning,and control elements

[name jumpers]

bugs that Master the jump skill they are fast and ok physical and weak intelligence but they can use all wind and ground elements

[name flyers]

bug that can fly weak physical and good intelligence and Master of wind and mind control elements

[name arachnids]

8 leged bug that are Masters of silk making low physical and great intelligence and Master of poison elements

[that is all the main bug races if you want to see the full bug races say all bug races]

"ok that is all of the main races in the world and I am not sure what to expect from them but is there mixed races in the world"Jackson mumbled to himself

[yes there is mixed races but the only way to get them is to evolve in the world]

ok so now which one do I choose for the game though Jackson to himself from all the games I played in the humanoid races are the most familiar to but if I choose the none human races I will have a good chance to get special skills that others can't use

so that leaves plants and bugs so open up all of plants races and open all the bug races

[calculating opening up all of plants and bugs files]

as the girl said that a wall of bugs and plants were in front of Jackson there were thousands of races to choose from as it did Jackson sow the one that he was looking for

[name Japanese cherry trees]

a saplings that haves small pink flowers all over its branches high physical and ok intelligence and Master of wood ,fire, and control elements

Jackson was in such a good mood because he loved Japanese cherry trees but he lived in America so there is none of them there so playing as one was a dream to him so he prest the yes button on the tree

[calculating life energy choose Japanese cherry tree after your first evolve you will be able to choose a class and good luck to you Jackson]

"ya I am going to be having a good time so see you when I evolve" Jackson said to the girl as he was pulled to a seed in the world as he fell unconscious

"ahh were am I o ya I'm in the game but way is it hard to see" Jackson said to himself as it was pitch black were he was "ok so i'm guessing that i am a seed in the ground and that's why it is so dark ok so this is a game so let's open up my states

[opening states]

name :none

gender :female

race :Japanese cherry tree[seed]



HP 25/25

MP 5/5

ST [race does not have stamina]









skills:[grow lv.1/5xp0/5], [roll lv.1/5xp0/5]

[grow lv.1/5 xp0/5 ]

a skill that use MP to make the user grow in size by a little bit for a size and HP boost

[cost 1 MP]

[increases size by 1 millimeter HP increase by 1]

[roll lv.1/5 xp0/5]

moves the user to move 10 meters per hour

"what the heck is this and why am I a girl now"Jackson screamed to himself "ok so i'm a gril but I'm still a Japanese cherry tree and that's all I need so far I think I'm going to grind the grow skill as fast as I can"

[grow has been activated]

"ok so i'm growing now it feels weird like my soul is forcing me to grow"

1 hour later " hmm it has been a hour since I started to use the grow skill but it has not yet leveled up I wonder if I have to go to the skills tab for it to level up" Jackson said to himself as he has grow so much that he had one leaf on the outside of the ground so he sees that he was in the middle of a forest so he opened the skills tab

ding, ding, ding

as three ding sounds came from the skills tab his grow skill has level up three times "yes let's go"Jackson said to himself as it was a good time

[grow lv.3/5 xp7/8

a skill that use MP to make the user by a little bit grow in size and HP boost

[cost 1MP]

[increases size by 3 millimeter HP increase by 1]

"nice now we grow fast in the game" Jackson said to himself as it was his first time in the game but he lived in the gamer community

"so it's time to max out the grow skill and get the first evolved skill there is ya"

30 minutes later

ding ding ding

[grow has reached the max level grow is about to evolve choose the evolution that will help you to what you want]

[passive grow:common]

[grow steal:uncommon]

[advance grow:common]

[soul grow:rare]

[pink cherry grow:rare]

pink cherry soul grow:super rare]

"what the heck is this and why is it so much like me"Jackson mumbled to himself from the evolution "well I was going for special skills so I choose [pink cherry soul grow] as I know that the rarity is weak/trash/common/uncommon/rare/ super rare/superior/heavenly/godly/god killer/ infinite as these are the rarity of all skills and I get a first evolution super rare i'm going to take it

[calculating users has chosen [pink cherry soul grow]]

[pink cherry soul grow lv.1/45 xp0/25]

as the user uses there soul to grow with a pink like glow the soul will send out waves of soul energy and mutants the srondings pink and make the living things that are hit by the waves to defend the energy

[cost 2MP]

[increases size by 5 millimeter HP increase by 2 percent per use and it will send waves of energy to the srondings and the forest will grow by 0.5 millimeter and the forest will defend you]

"omg what is this crazy effect that it does and the forest will defend me that is awesome" Jackson said to himself as he has grow so far from the beginning it hasn't been a day and he has a super rare skill that made the forest defend him "ok use pink soul grow"

[pink soul grow has been activated]

as it said that pink flower shaped lights came from him as it made him grow fast that he was looking at the wave of flowers go past his body and hit the ground all the plants grow faster and started to turn pinkish the grass the trees and the animals and bugs turned a color of whitish brown

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

in a small town near by named Paulo a lumberjack was getting ready to go cut down trees for wood he sees a wave of pink flowers pass him as he feels healthier "what the heck is this pink flowers all of a sudden I feel healthy and taller than I was and me tan skin looks lighter than what it was this most be something with the 20 kids that were born at the Sametime" the man said to himself as he ran back home to tell his wife about the pink flowers that made him healthier

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1 hour after the evolution happened "ok so i'm growing in a way that makes the forest look good"Jackson said to himself as he was looking at the forest that he was in "ok so i'm guessing that I am going to level up when I open my states"

[states opening]

ding five came from the states

name: none

gender: female

race:Japanese cherry tree[saplings]

level 5/5

xp maximum



ST[race does not have stamina]









skills:[pink cherry soul grow lv.2/45 xp6/26],[roll lv.1/5 xp 0/5]

[user is now able to evolve into a new body for their use of their life choose evolution]

[big Japanese cherry tree common]

[pink Japanese cherry tree uncommon]

[Queen Japanese cherry tree rare]

[pink flower Queen Japanese cherry tree super rare]

[warning when you evolve you will be unconscious for a day so be in a safe spot]

"ok I get the resin why I'm getting a super rare race it's because the skill they are getting mixed with my race does that mean that my class will be like pink forest Queen or something well I was going for special so I choose [pink flower Queen Japanese cherry tree]"

[calculating user choose[pink flower Queen Japanese cherry tree] the user will be unconscious for a day sending soul to choose class]

just as It said that Jackson fell unconscious and was sent to choose his class "were am I at now

[hello user Jackson it's been a while since we talked]

"hi yes it's been some time since we talked what is your name" Jackson said to the girl

[yes my name is althemy say start class to start]

"nice name and start class"

[use may choose class]

[kight,swordsmen,archer,defender,fire mage, low Queen of the forest,weak fire Queen of the forest, Queen of the beautiful flower forest]

"ok I choose the Queen of the beautiful flower forest"

[user has chosen the Queen of the beautiful flower forest may the Queen of flowers live long]

just as the girl said that a wall of flowers polled Jackson into his body and he fell unconscious

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

as Jackson was unconscious the lumberjack was telling everyone that he was in the forest and a wave of pink flowers pass him and that the flowers made him healthier "ya I was going to cut down trees but a wave of pink flowers pass me and then I felt healthier after that day

"what is that true because I've been trying to get healthier for some time now and you tell me that a wave of pink flowers pass you and you feel healthy i better go there myself working on the fields harts your back " said a farmer who was to old for what he does

"ya I want down there after what my husband said and a wave of pink flowers pass me and I felt healthier than I had in my life" said the lumberjacks wife

"well gosh dang I better go to that forest tomorrow after I'm done with my crops" said that old man

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

in the morning if the second day Jackson been here he woke up from evolving he/she was 5 times the size he was he had small pink flowers on him and there were cracks on him that had a pink glow coming from them his bark was cracked and it was a dark brown with a tiny bit pink as the grass all a round him shorted like they were bowing to him all the trees in the area moved back and had red leaves on them as if it was fall and they had pink flowers all over them as if the forest was helping each other to defend their Queen the air was filled with beautiful colors "what the heck is this what my evolution did to the forest ok first thing to do is to make the my pink forest be hidden so no higher intelligence beings come here" as he said the order all the outside plants overgrown to block the forest from the outside "ok so that leaves me with opening my states"

[opening states]



races:pink flower Queen Japanese cherry tree[saplings]

level 1/100



MP 50/50

ST [race does not have stamina]








titles:Queen of the pink flowers

skills:[pink cherry soul grow lv.2 xp7/26],[roll lv.1/5 xp 0/5], [forest control lv.1/10 xp1/5],[flower beam lv.1/10 xp0/5], [humanoid speech lv.1/10 xp0/5],[rage of the forest Queen lv.1/10 xp0/5]

"ok so i'm the Queen of the pink flowers and now I can talk to humanoids"Jackson said to himself

[warning this user has been activated to fast the user will go unconscious for 5 years to that the others get to an age that they can play the game to because they are all humanoid and deme human races so they have to grow up

"what the heck don't you think of putting me to sleep for 5 years"Jackson screamed at the voice

as he said those things he could feel his body fall in to a deep sleep "no stop this i want to live my dream and be a Japanese cherry tree stop thi.."

but just as he was going to finish his sentence he fall asleep