
All the worlds begin with Demon Slayer

The game starts with a demon-slaying sword, and begins in the world of Demon Slayer, where demons eat people and people kill demons.

ihatesakura · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 31 New Mission

[Task: Completely eliminate all {ghosts} on Fujixi Mountain]

  [Task completion reward: Obtain Wood Breathing (Mastery); Ghost Devourer level is upgraded to D-level, D-level ghost devourer can devour ghosts with blood ghost arts]

  [Task failure penalty: Host life is reduced by 20 years (current host life is still 81 years)]

  Just after Bai Yu officially stepped into the depths of Fujixi Mountain, the super-dimensional crossing system suddenly issued a task.

  After reading the task details issued by the system, Bai Yu was a little speechless. Is this system going to kill me this time? Can't we be a little more low-key? Why must we kill them all!

  And what does the remaining 81 years of life mean? Am I so short-lived? This is too inconsistent with my identity as a dimensional crosser!

  Bai Yu muttered in his heart, helpless. Especially after knowing his exact lifespan, although as a person, living to 100 years old is considered a long life, but if the mission fails, it will be reduced by 20 years, which makes Bai Yu particularly uncomfortable. Is his life so worthless? Reduce your lifespan!

  However, this disrupted his original plan.

  Without this task, according to the requirements of the selection, he only needed to take Tanjiro to live leisurely on Fujixi Mountain for seven days, and then go down the mountain.

  Because Bai Yu felt that the number of {ghosts} imprisoned in Fujixi Mountain should not be too large, and would not exceed two hundred at most. In addition, Fujixi Mountain is so large, the probability of encountering {ghosts} would not be very high.

  And {ghosts} only come out at night, so there are 12 hours of safety in a day.

  With this calculation, Bai Yu felt that his and Tanjiro's survival rate must be 100%.

  But after the system issued this task, the situation changed completely. Bai Yu could not use the method of delaying time to pass the selection as before.

  After all, Bai Yu did not want to reduce his life by 20 years. Even if he lived to 80, it would be enough, and the remaining 20 years did not matter. But, after all, it was his own life, could he just say no!

  In this case, Bai Yu had to go all over the mountain to find {ghosts} to kill, and finally kill all the {ghosts} in Fujixi Mountain.

  This is a big project!

  Bai Yu was also a little confused about the reward for the task. This breathing of wood does not seem to be one of the five major breathing schools, and it does not seem to be a derivative of other breathings. It feels like a breathing independent of these breathings.

  But what is the use of this breathing of wood? Will it improve my strength?

  "Senior Bai Yu, what's wrong with you?" Tanjiro shouted at Bai Yu who was suddenly stunned.

  Tanjiro's call brought Bai Yu back to his senses from his thoughts. Bai Yu shook his head and said, "Tanjiro, we have to separate after entering the mountain."

  Hearing this, Tanjiro was a little confused, so he asked, "Why do we have to separate? Didn't the master tell us to try not to separate?"

  "Because I have something to deal with. If you follow me in this situation, it will only be more dangerous." Bai Yu explained lightly.

  "Tanjiro, you have to believe in your own strength. Even if you don't follow me, you have the strength to survive. I will carve water ripple marks on the tree trunks where I have been. As long as you see this water ripple mark on the tree trunk, it means that this place is safe. Don't follow me, because it will be very dangerous."

  As if he was not very confident about Tanjiro, Bai Yu encouraged Tanjiro again, and then gave the final instructions.