
Double Shot

Then the guy with the mask looked confused trying to figure out who I am. The placed the ball on the counter and walked toward me. Why did you followed me in? I need to know what you are? But it basically explain because look around us. People these kind is not like what's on earth. So ur saying Evie they the people that is here is not human and not your care? No I didn't- I'm gonna stop you there. Everyone is the same. No one is different trust me. So if your against my kind I order you to leave. After all I'm the Master of Broken hearts so I'll crush you. He winked and walked away laughing like his insane. Of course my heart couldn't take the pain. I ran out the bar and looked a around. When into the place of hell. Hello there? Are you new here my darling? well kind of. I don't know if im human or supernatural.. Eh don't worry! You will know soon. A lot of people here found out their self. He took my hand and said wishes wishes are something that will change you. You will be pay the price when your enough of gold. You my child is a healer. Your answer is here darling. Remember everything I said will tell you what you are. Now goodbye darling see ya in the after life

I ran back to the bar of broken hearts. I didn't see Peter is I guess his off right now. I wanted to tell him what guy said but little did I know everywhere I go I have enemies. Hi newie. Outfit looks priceless. Oh really last time I check that's not what he said. You bit- Nope shut up. Don't got the time with ya bullshit. You thought everyone in here cares for you. Well of course not their want your head. Peter come downstairs and said what the hell is going on? She said my outfit looks priceless and I said something a slightly sad. I'll with you later Yaa. Now you can't just come here and start problem! I came to tell you what the guy said. Hm ok what he said. Wishes wishes are something that will change you. You will be pay the price when your enough of gold. You my child is a healer. His basically saying your a healer. Oh that's cool. What do u mean? Having powers is a gift from god. Why have you been on my case Peter? Because I'm in love with you. And the only way to show you that is to be rude and disrespectful to my woman I love! I can't even breathe when I'm next to you. When I do that I feel like I'm in a different whole world. You probably saying I'm a idiot. But your not wrong.. So what you say?