
All rounder assassin system

Isaac McKenna would be what you would’ve called those boys that that were born with a silver spoon if he had a chance. Unfortunately he never had the that chance his family unexpectedly died for some unknown reasons that even this author can’t explain and little Isaac was found run over by a car 50 miles away from his home, now here is the mystery how did a 3 year old Isaac drenched in his parents blood travel so far and just to be knocked over. This story is about mystery, assassin system & revenge Disguise Weapon’s expert Work any job be chef, table boy, doctor, footballer as long it’s not conspicuous he’s your man. He can be anyone, do anything and know anything he wants also learns fast. It’s all rounder system The world is searching for him all major cities are in a uproar and he is smirking right under there noses.

Zia_nths · アクション
2 Chs

What happened? Chapter 1

Isaac opened his eyes to a pitch black room, he looked around, confused and worried. The room he was in seemed never ending it was like space but without the stars "mum dad where are you ?", his eyes teared up As he looked around trying to find someone or something to stop his escalating fear.

As his emotions were about to run wild a whitish blue light like a falling star came heading his way startled he forgot about his fear for a moment and looked at the star light as it seemed to get bigger and bigger all of a sudden the light became too bright so he shut his eyes, when he opened them it was like a switch had been turned on and the room was brightly lit with a luminescent light.

"Welcome to the assassin system I'll be your guide, companion and friend till the day you do not require my assistance" a holograph of his mother appears, Isaac runs up to his mother to hug her, only to go straight through the hologram. The hologram appears in front of him again and says

"This is the image that is running though your mind, I will take whatever and whoever you need to help guide you" Isaac did not understand and started screaming "Who are you!? You can't take my mummy! She is mine and daddies only! So you can't take her! And if you hurt me my mummy and daddy will punish you!" Isaac seemed to understand but not quite so. After all, he was just a child. He clenched his fists, determined to go all out with this hologram.

"Mmmmmm this life form is a bit too young to comprehend my language, maybe I should take it down a notch" all of a sudden the hologram squats down "I will be your friend and your teacher from now on let's get along well".

"To get along you probably need a companion around your own age" muttered the hologram . Isaac stared at the hologram he knew now that this whatever it was didn't want to harm him so his fear subsided a little he even started to think that maybe he was dreaming Isaac was unlike other 3 year olds his parents were both working parents so he was often left with the servants but they still tried their best as parents to try and spend any of there free time with their son also Isaac was quite intelligent as well having good emotional bonding with his parents,for his age he could already read and write so you could say he was a little genius.

As he watched his "mother" he saw that the hologram started to shrink till it was slightly taller than him but the face the hologram was wearing was his own but slightly different it opened its mouth to speak with his voice " let's be friends then, I'm a slightly older maybe by 2 years than you, and this image of mine is about 85% accurate to you the rest depends on you I won't go into too many details now but I will tell you this, you are currently in hospital your hurt and if you want to get out you have to finish your tasks". Isaac looked confused "what tasks, my servants usually do the chores around the house I only know how to to read write eat and sleep also play that's the job that mum and dad gave me" he started of arrogantly but ended his sentence with a whisper and a forlorn look on his face.

The system looked at the child unsympathetically after it didn't understand human emotions nor could it convey those emotions as of yet, it walked around Isaac then stood in front of him again "Isaac could you give me a name?"

"Name?" He looked at the system weirdly

"Yes Isaac a name I can call you because you have a name but how are you to call me ?"

Isaac nodded as if agreeing " a name hmmm, how about Brownie?" Isaac said slyly.

As the system just needed a name it didn't realise the significance of the name as it was just a program it hadn't developed its own emotional intelligence so it agreed.

All of a sudden a screen appeared in front of him

Age 3

Name Isaac McKenna

Intelligence 5/10

Agility 1/10

Strength 0.3/10

Camouflage 0/10

Accuracy skill n/a

"Isaac these are your statistics as you can see these don't even reach level 10 yet and you can't leave till you reach a level 10 and learn 5 skills with full accuracy but before you learn any skills let's get you to level 10, by the way in this space system you won't need to eat or go to the bathroom or have to do all those necessary things to keep you hygienic because your body is outside only your essence, er your soul is here but don't worry what you strengthen here will also strengthen your body because you are linked to the system me which has the ability to enhance your physical body as well." Brownie explained while Isaac understood the necessary information but he seemed tired."Isaac, Isaac pay attention I know know your tired but you just have to listen to a little while longer now this white space you can be changed to anything to teach you now think of your bed", as soon as Brownie said the word "bed" Isaac thought of his own bed and it appeared, by now he was rubbing his eyes as he crawled in falling asleep without even covering himself.

"Let him sleep he needs it from now on, his Hell training will begin" a woman's voice echoed. "Yes as you command my lady I will train Isaac well "

"Sleep Isaac for tomorrow will be the beginning of your new life" murmured the woman softly