

Falling from a realm beyond his wildest imaginations still craving the taste of a soul more powerful then that of a platonic being. A roomer caught his ear. His infatuation overtook him. There is another being, well in actuality there are numerous but he is unaware of that. Another beings vastly beyond platonic souls. So he chose to hunt it. It didn't exist in reality or it's dual. This is because all things that come in within range cease to exist. There mind body and spirit gone with out a trace. If your soul is devoured or absorbed it will just be reincarnated by the overseers the ones in charge of soul creation even the creation of platonic ones. However this type of erasure leaves nothing left to reincarnate. The literal idea of your existence is no longer. You might think well maybe you could go back in time and stop him from being erased? That is a very ignorant belief to hold. I've observed it many times your not only erased here. Your gone everywhere and every when. Your temporal doesn't matter. In all points in time and even parallel versions of you in different universes are also gone. Being obsessed he decided to leave reality and venture off. It's hard for me to describe the perceptual experience of outside of all things. This is because you the reader does not have the capabilities of even comprehending it or words in the languages you speak that would even match a description. Things didn't go as planned for the nameless one. As soon as he got close enough for the erasure to take effect. He got erased. Just like that. Gone without a trace. Not many people even remember him excluding myself.