

Infinity is a tricky concept to understand. I guess the only true infinite in terms of actual existence would be myself and I guess Lucifer perhaps. Well there is one being that rivals us. Mugen. The swords men that looked death in the face and scared him. To understand the full gravity of that scenario you need to understand the process and what death is. Souls are created by Overseers and when a person dies. The essence of that soul gets taken by a reaper. Reapers are just aspects of death. They existence on all dimensional and transdimensional planes of existence. They represent a 1/ of infinite set of death. For any being who has a soul is subject to torment by death. Accept mugen. Mugen refused to die using the power of his own soul to fight the reaper who was going to take him to an Arbitor. His sword swung and cut the the concepts of space and time. The battle was so fast the idea of distance itself was irrelevant. They were everywhere. It was a fight on a conceptual level to the point where I can not express words that will allow you to even conceive of this. Although he is mortal. He has the power of an Elder god.