
All Kinds of Men are Pining Over Me.. but I Want the Villainess!

A girl who's always remained as the shadow of her twin, now that he's gone, will she sink deeper into this darkness or will she shine brighter than anyone else? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ this story will be slice of life-ish and magic or the like won't be the main focus.

alleninwonderland · ファンタジー
6 Chs


"Xinyu, Xinra! Hurry up now, we don't want to keep the Knights waiting!" A voice called out to us from outside.

"We're coming!" I yell back an answer for both of us while almost stumbling down the stairs.

It's finally the day that we move to the city of Stelaris also known as "The City of Light" since it's where the Light Goddess resides. It's the biggest city in the Kingdom where the royal family stays.

My brother, Xinyu, has been chosen as a participant in the qualifiers round for a scholarship in the royal academy. Commoners like us don't have the previlige to have a dorm like nobles though, so we'll be coming with him to the capital.

'I wonder if I'll be able to make friends in my new home!'

While I was high in my enthusiasm, Dad looked somewhat concerned.

"Xinyu, are you going to be okay in the academy? You know that there are many powerful people there and I don't want you getting in trouble..." Dad reminded him about the danger of that kind of place with worry in his voice. I think he's just a worrywart though.

"Don't worry, father. I won't forget to be respectful, not only to the nobles, but also to the staff of the academy." the boy replied with dashing smile on his face.

My brother is a charming young man with jet-black hair and golden eyes, features that we both have, but unlike me, brother is clever and skilled with a sword, even having the qualifications to contest with other people for a scholarship in Obsidian Dragon Royal Academy. He's also popular with the girls in our village so there were some older guys that tried to pick on him but he easily beat them with his bare fists so the people in our village know better than to pick a fight with him!

He's the golden child of our village, that's why adults would always compare me to him. He has contributed a lot to the village and is significantly ahead of everyone. I'm supposed to be the older twin but he's more responsible and mature, even taking care of me at times. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and they have never neglected me even if I'm the inferior twin but I can still see the difference in attitude and treatment from the village folk. It makes me feel like I will only ever be a shadow of my brother. Only known as the glorious Knight-to-be's sister.

"Kyaaaa!" "Run! There are monsters!"


"....ra? he... Xinra!" someone shouted to my ear, making me yelp in surprise.

"Huh? Seffy? Sorry, you were saying?" I answer, my mind returning to the present.

"Haaa what's gotten into you? You've been spacing out a lot recently, you okay?" The girl, who I consider my bestfriend, asks with worry in her voice.

"It's nothing... Just thinking"

"...family again huh? You can't hide it from me, y'know" Ah.... she found me out.

"Is it that obvious?" I retort with a wry smile on my face.

"You forgot that I can always see through you, Xinra. But I won't ask too much, I know you don't want to talk about it..... I already know, after all"

"Sorry, what was the last part? I didn't hear it"

"No, it's nothing. Anyway, stop being so gloomy, you'll become old quickly if you keep frowning, y'know" She says with an annoying chuckle.

"Where did you even hear that? But... thanks for trying to cheer me up Seffy, you're the best" I say with a genuine smile on my face. Is it just me or did Seffy start blushing a little bit?

"Anyways, break is almost over so you better get going or we'll be late for the next class. And it's 'that' teacher's class next" She reminds me with a small shudder, which I return."Yeah, we don't wanna be late for that"

Standing up, I saw her amethyst eyes staring at me before turning around and leaving. I thought it was weird but I decided to ignore it, and I followed her soon after.

Milovich Ezhufie, or who I call "Seffy", is a commoner I met in this academy. When I found out that there was another commoner here, I was honestly relieved since I had someone I can talk to without having to be nervous and I can even be friends with them. People like us in this academy are rare, after all. The students that attend this school either have a large sum of money or their daddy has a title to their name. But Obsidian Dragon Royal Academy isn't exclusive to nobles even if it seems that way, they accept anyone from any race or status as long as they show exceptional skill and abides by the school rules.

Seffy definitely earned her seat in ODRA. She aced every exam in the qualifiers, from basic spells to magic theory. She's a once in a century genius that can even rival one of the princes in regards to intelligence and swordsmanship. Sadly, she can't use magic so she is only considered 'one' of the best.

"For me? I'm not a genius, nor can I wield a weapon. It is all thanks to my brother that I can attend this academy. After a horde of monsters from who knows where suddenly appeared, my brother and the Knights that were supposed to escort us to the capital were defending the townsfolk but they were eventually overwhelmed by the horde. When the reinforcements arrived from the capital, I was the only one left. They said they would take me to the capital, at the time, I thought they were just going to drop me off at an orphanage when we get there, so imagine my surprise when they said I'll be staying in the academy my brother was supposed to attend. Apparently, my brother had an arrangement with the higher ups of the academy that if something happens to him and he becomes unable to wield a sword then the scholarship will be handed over to me. Really, I'm still relying on my younger brother even after all these years.

Though, if you think about it, it becomes really strange. Why did the higher ups approve of Xinyu's proposal? And why did a monster horde attack our peaceful village in the first place?

"Ouch!" "Ugh...." Oh no... I bumped into someone, and by the voice of the person, there's no doubt that it's 'her'

"Tch, watch where you're going commoner!" Yep, it's definitely her...

"Um.. I-I'm-" I try to apologize but my voice comes out hushed.

"Are you not going to apologize?!"

"I'm s-sorry lady Wysteria. I didn't mean to bump into you....."

"Hmph, you better not do it again.... or else" she whispers a threat before, quite roughly, grazing my shoulder and leaving.

"Phew...." I sigh in relief when she was finally out of sight.

"You okay, Xin? Didn't wet yourself?" Seffy asks beside me with a teasing smirk.

"Ugh, I hate that look on your face. And no, I did not wet myself" Seffy just laughs at that with amusement in her eyes. Really, what will I do with this girl.