
Chapter 64

Music recommendation : Lana Del Rey - Watercolor eyes

Luna got down from the car and stared at the child in her hand that was already fast asleep, she looked at the door in front of her and stepped in.

When she got in Gonzales was already heading down from the stairs with a worried look.

"You have finally decided to bring my child home,"

"You want to act like you were not going to look for me and her," Luna yelled at Gonzales as he watched her holding on to a little child rocking her gently as she slept peacefully in her arms.

"I wasn't until i found out you are now staying with another man."

"At least he is always there for me whenever i need him to be, he doesn't go into hiding for months," Luna replied.

"Everything i did, was to protect you and to protect our unborn child."

"Well in between your protection, you forgot that you had a wife," Lana said.

"Lana," Gonzales sighed.

"I don't want to hear your excuses, all you ever have to give me is nothing but excuses and i am sick and tired of your excuses," Lana confessed. "I don't want any of these anymore, i can't keep up with this nonsense. i deserve better." Lana yelled angrily throwing a file in his face as it fell to the ground. One of his men ran quickly to his side to pick up the file for him but Luna moved forward and handed him the baby instead as he held on to the baby with care trying not to crush her in anyway. He stepped back as Gonzales squatted down to pick up the file.

"That is a divorce paper, i don't want to be married to you, this marriage has cost me a lot of sleepless nights," Luna explained looking at him angrily, no matter how angry she was her voice was never loud even when she was shouting it didn't sound that way but Gonzales could tell that she was really angry and he could only wonder where he had gone wrong.

He knew he made a mistake by not being there for her when she gave birth to their daughter but he didn't expect her to move out of the mansion into another man's house, he had been fighting another gang and had to go into hiding from them for some months. He tried to keep up communication with Luna by calling her once a week but the maids always informed him that she didn't want to speak to him.

He made up his mind that once he came out of hiding he would make their wedding official to the world but to come home to this was too much for him.

"And you think i am just going to sign this without an explanation."

"What better explanation do you want Gonzales? I am tired of hiding in your shadows, i am tired of pretending and acting like you do not exist," Luna replied. "Sign it and set me free, i beg you." she concluded stared at her little baby in the hand of the guard and then back at Gonzales who was busy going through the divorce paper.

It wasn't shocking to him that she wasn't demanding for anything like his house or car, she just wanted a divorce from him and the opportunity to see her baby once in a week.

"Her name is Maya," he heard Luna inform him. "Maya." she repeated this time more like she wanted all the people who were peeping and eavesdropping on their conversation to be aware of the name and that was the last thing he heard from her as she walked out of the mansion and headed for the car that had brought her.

"Boss," his men called out.

"Let her go," Gonzales said waving off his hands as he watched her strode away.

Luna got into the car and shut the door.

"Home," she told the driver, the driver nodded to her knowing where to drop her. She turned around to stare at the mansion briefly as she busted into tears, it had taken everything in her to come back here to hand over Maya to him but she knew it was for the best.

Even though he said he didn't want a daughter, it was still his blood and she was sure he was going to hunt her down and take Maya away from her and in the course of that he might find out that she is actually keeping the other child and she wasn't sure she would be able to endure the fact that her two daughter would be taken from her.

She had hoped that things would get better between them, that Gonzales would adjust and change into the man he had promised her that he would be but nothing had happened over the years. 

It was one thing to be pregnant but to not have her husband beside her when she was giving birth was more painful. She had to pretend for close to five years that she wasn't married because Gonzales felt it was the right thing to do.

Her family had questioned her countless times to bring home the man who she was dating but she didn't have any proof to show them because Gonzales had refused to see her parents countless times, his reason was that he was protecting her but she knew it wasn't that. He was ashamed of her, she wasn't like the kind of women he was used to being around.

The high class women, full make up, red lipstick, big bags, long silk like hair, expensive clothes and wealthy family background, she was the total opposite of that, she didn't grow up in a wealthy family they had to beg to fed everyday.

She still remembered when Gonzales had found her on the street, she had knocked on his window to ask him to please buy the newspaper she was selling. he had stared for her for long.

"How much is the whole newspaper?"

"One or two?"

"The whole bundle."

That day had marked the beginning of their love story but at the earlier stage she had been so naïve and clueless to what he was doing, always coming to her stall to buy the whole newspaper that she was selling everyday. He barely said anything but just stared at her and smirked.

"I think that young man is in love with you," her friend who always assisted her had told her one day but she had waved it off. How could such a high class man be in love with her, he probably just wanted to sleep with her and then dump her afterwards at least that was what she always heard about men like that and every one on the street seemed afraid of him.

"Well why don't you increase the price of your newspaper and see if he would buy it at that price," her friend suggested to prove her point.

"I can't do that," Luna said. " that will be cheating."

"Then i will do it when he comes today."

"You wouldn't dare?"

"Watch me." her friend had told as she truly tripled the price when Gonzales came around but he seemed un bothered by the price, as usual his men packed the newspapers into his car, paid Luna the money and for the first time he talked to her as she stared at the huge bag of money they had handed her.

"Where do you stay?" He asked her as she stared at him.

"He is talking to you," her friend whispered to her collecting the bag of money and pushing her closer to the car window, Luna turned around and stared at her with a warning stare then back at Gonzales who smirked at her.

"Down the road," she muttered for only both of them to hear.

"What is your name?"


"You are a very beautiful girl Luna," Gonzales praised her. "I would love to take you out for dinner tonight."

Luna stared at him confused by his offer, what was he up to? He barely spoke to her and the day he decides to he was asking her out to dinner. 

"You can bring your friend along with you or more if that will make you feel safe," he added noticing that she might not agree to his offer.

"What do you want from me?"

"To talk, isn't that what people do over dinner."

"I don't have what to wear to this dinner and i don't think it will be a good idea for me to be seen with you."

"And who said that?" he asked smiling. "There is a dress in the bag of money, i will love it if you wear it Luna. i will be here by noon, i hope to see you." he said as the window rolled up shut before she could process what he had said and give him a response he had already drove off.