
Chapter 49

Dawn stared at Sarah in shock, how had all of these happened so quickly and Stephan had seen it. She wondered what must have been going on through his head as he watched Damien kiss her.

She didn't know why but she suddenly felt guilty, she felt like she had hurt him and the thought of it brought tears to her eyes as she busted into tears. 

Sarah hugged her on cue understanding how she was feeling right now.

"It's okay," Sarah patted her back. "You shouldn't be crying okay, just calm down please. let us go inside."

"I just cant go inside just..." Dawn sobbed not knowing what to do, she felt the need to go to Stephan but she didn't know if it was a good idea and she also didn't know where he would be at the moment. the more she thought about it the more she felt her heart racing in her chest.

"let's go inside please, i will call Matteo." 

They walked inside with Sarah holding Dawn and comforting her, she knew that Damien guy was up to no good, it was a good thing she tagged along as a witness to the whole situation. At least she could defend Dawn incase Stephan wasn't going to be having any of it but she just couldn't tell. 

Stephan didn't do well with cheating and all his past catch who had cheated on him came to regret their actions but Dawn didn't cheat on him. Could a kiss be classified as cheating? She remembered when Matteo had kissed Olivia right in her presence like it was nothing, she had nearly wanted to come out of the car and slap the hell out of Olivia's face.

It took a lot of self control for her to stay put and when that Anna girl came into the picture she had instantly became jealous of his past girlfriends. She didn't know if being jealous in a situation like this was healthy especially when they weren't officially an item but it was getting all so confusing to Sarah.

One minute Matteo would tell her she is the only thing on his mind and the only woman he wants and then the next he would make it seem like they were not an item with what was going on between Dawn and Stephan she needed to also be sure where she and Matteo stood in all of these.

Look at Dawn she wondered as they got into the building, Stephan and her had called it quits but still yet they act like they are still in a relationship.

"Is everything alright?" Blaire asked. she had spotted Damien kissing Dawn from the window but she had stayed put, it clearly wasn't any of her business what Dawn decided to do with her life but she slowly was starting to not like Mister Damien. He had interrogated her when he arrived, he had done it to the point where she even started to doubt her own identity.

"Are you sure you are really not a spy?" Damien asked Blaire staring at her with a blank expression.

"A spy?" Blaire asked wondering what he meant by that, she was a spy of what?

"A spy sent by someone to keep tabs on Dawn," Damien explained.

"On Miss Dawn? Why will i spy on her?"

"You tell me why? What is it that your boss wants?"

"My boss?" Blaire busted into laughing concluding that Mister Damien is only pulling her legs and trying to get on her good side with a early morning bad joke but as she planned to bow and leave Damien pull her by the arm tightly.

"I know when i see a spy and i can reassure you that whatever it is you are planning, i am going to crack it open without a fuss," Damien warned tightening his grip on her arm.

"You are hurting me," Blaire cried out trying to remove his hand from her arm.

"You will feel more than hurt when i find out your connection with Stephan Klar."

"I don't know what you are talking about."

How could she have any business with Stephan Klar when she barely saw him, maybe she had seen him once and that was it, so she didn't get Damien's sudden behavior. She wondered if he had gone to drink and got high afterwards but his breathe didn't smell of alcohol when she was closer to him.

"Just get us water, cold one will be nice," Sarah requested bringing her back to life as she and Dawn took their seat on the couch. the living room smelled of cupcakes and sweet, Sarah figured Blaire had been baking since.

"What do i do?" Dawn asked placing her hand into both of her hand as a headache was suddenly brewing. She had never been in a situation like this before, her last and first boyfriend was Damien and they ended things amicably, no one cheated on anyone so this was really complicated for her.

Will Stephan ever want to kiss her lips again? knowing that it has been soiled by someone he despised and Stephan warned her on several occasions to stay away from Damien as he seemed like he was up to no good but she had insisted on going to meet him forgetting Stephan's advice.

Why was she even feeling this way when clearly Stephan had ended things with her without even looking at her face, he had abandoned her for weeks alongside his baby but he had also sent her money which meant that he cared about her after all and just when he probably was thinking he could resolve their differences he finds her kissing someone else.  

"Here is the water Ma," Blaire said holding a tray containing two glasses of cold water, she walked up to Dawn as she took a glass and then to Sarah to take the last one after which she placed the tray to her side.

"What happened to your arm?" Sarah asked noticing a red print as she took a sip of her water.

"Mister Damien."

"Did that idiot touch you?" Dawn asked.

Blaire had not want to mention his name but it was best she informed her miss about the man she was kissing and what he had been up to when she was away.

"No, he only just pulled my arm tightly. He said something about me being a spy." Blaire explained.

"Are you sure that Damien guy wasn't like hospitalized in a mental institution before you met him or something?" Sarah asked Dawn not believing the nonsense that he had just done. "because he is just totally out of control."

Damien had mentioned something to her about some Gonzales, was something really going on that she wasn't aware of but how could something be going on in her life that she wasn't aware of except Damien had busied himself in digging into her past. That was the only reason she could see here that would make him believe that her bioliogical father was her biological father.

"He really did that to you?" Dawn asked just to be sure even though she knew Blaire would not just formulate such a story up for no reason what so ever.

"Yes, he also mentioned Mister Stephan, that i might be related to him."

"Related to Stephan in what sense?" Sarah asked shaking her head and dropping her empty glass on the table.

"Go and continue your work, i will handle the situation." Dawn informed Blaire as she took the glass from Dawn as well as Sarah's on the table as she walked into the kitchen to continue baking and making more cupcakes.

"I still can't believe that he would actually do something like that, now i get why Stephan hates him so much," Sarah said. "How could he hurt her like that?" Sarah asked but wasn't expecting an answer. "Do you see how red that part of her arm is? he must have been holding on to it so tightly."

"Call Matteo, i want to speak to Stephan now."

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 

"Gonzales?" Olivia repeated staring at Damien. She had taken a big risk leaving Travis apartment and coming here to see Damien. Over the course of staying with Travis she had figured out ways of leaving the house by paying one of the maids to sneak her out, sometimes she would go to the mall to get ice cream and just sit and enjoy the view, other times she went window shopping as she could buy anything when clearly Travis always bought everything she needed without blinking an eye.

It wasn't that she wanted to buy anything but just the idea of being outside and not being confide to that room was something she enjoyed doing but today she wished she had locked herself inside the room inside because what was this nonsense Damien was saying about some Gonzales man.

"He is Dawn's biological father."

"I heard that already, i am only confused because you told me clearly that it was urgent and it involved me," Olivia replied. When she had gotten the call she didn't know what it was all about but the fact that it involved her she wanted to know and now this nonsense.

Damien had decided to reach out to Olivia because he knew how close Olivia was to Dawn, If he couldn't get to Dawn maybe Olivia could but it seemed he had made a mistake because Olivia seemed un bothered right now. He thought she would have put her differences aside by now but it seemed she hadn't.

"It seemed i have made a mistake calling you."

"The mistake was mentioning Dawn's name."

"She is your sister."

"So because she is my sister, i shouldn't have a life of my own right?"

"That isn't what i mean and you know that, i am only looking out for Dawn."

"I took a big risk coming out here today,"

"What are you talking about? You could clearly just leave him but it seems you are hooked on him already."

"You know what i am done here," Olivia snapped. What did he mean by she was hooked here? the truth was maybe she was hooked but what was his business. She had enough money to leave the country and go into hiding if she wanted but she didn't want to because a part of her know that Travis would definitely find her one way or the other and when he does she wondered what her punishment would be then.

"I will never be able to vouch for you," Olivia heard a voice behind her and from the look on Damien's face she could clearly tell who it was. 

Holy cows.

How was he here right now? She had been careful as usual and even chose this restaurant because she knew Travis would never come here to dine.

"Don't tell me you are now shy to look me in the face, my love," she heard Travis say as he placed his hand on her shoulder and placed a peck on her lips. Damien understanding the situation rised to his feet.

"I will also appreciate it if i do not see you with my woman again," Travis warned with a smile that didn't reach his face. " I wouldn't want to kill you before Stephan does."

"You wish," Damien hissed leaving them alone. 

"Now where were we my love," Travis muttered into her ear then raised his head still standing behind her. "I give you the opportunity to sneak out when you want and you misuse it."

Permission? Olivia pondered was he aware of her sneaking in and out of the house. How long had he known about it and how stupid was she to think that he wouldn't eventually find out. She shivered under his touch lost for words to defend herself.