
Chapter 20

Dawn opened her eyes slowly, she remembered waking up last night but she couldn't really tell if it was real or a dream, her head hurt like hell and her vision felt a little bit blurry. 

"aaahhh," she groaned as she felt a sharp pain in her waist, she raised her hands up and felt something snuggle into her from behind.

Stephan had fallen asleep cuddled up with Dawn last night. She had asked him to stay back. He got uncomfortable on the chair and late climbed on the bed, cuddled up with her. He still felt sleepy but he heard a soft groan.


He sat up on the bed and felt something wet.


He jerked up from the bed stained in Dawn's blood on his hand and on his shirt. He stared at her as she held on to her waist in pain.

"Relax okay," He removed his phone from his pocket and messaged Matteo quickly, he wasn't sure Sarah would answer. 

Matteo replied immediately that they were on their way and he should not panic.

He placed the phone back into his pocket and stared at Dawn. 

"We need to clean you up."


"Me and you, I can't do it all alone if you don't corperate."

"Call a nurse or a doctor," Dawn muttered in pain. She tried to get out of bed as Stephan rushed to her side to assist her. 

He didn't know if he should touch her, he just stood beside her.

"This is a private room, it has a bathroom and toilet, you can make use of it but first I need to make sure I didn't loose your stitches."

"No..." She didn't want him to see her like this, she looked awful and she didn't know how her waist would look like right now.

"You were gentle last night."


"Just trust me, I don't trust anyone to check you right now except Sarah. Even your surgery was a scary experience for me."

His phone vibrated in his pocket, he picked it up seeing the caller was Sarah.

"Please, put it on loudspeaker," Sarah said over the phone. Stephan placed the phone on the table and placed it on loud speaker.

"Dawn... It's me Sarah, Probably when you see me you did remember but I am your doctor." Sarah explained. "Please corperate with Stephan, he has been a pain in my ass and won't let anyone touch you. Even the nurse I sent was sent away." Sarah continued on the phone as her voice echoed in the room."How are you feeling? I mean your waist."

"I...I..." Dawn felt weak to talk too much.

"She is bleeding out," Stephan took the words from her mouth. "I think she prefers to bleed out and die, than have me touch her."

"Don't be mean to her Stephan, like I said Dawn he is a pain in the ass."

Dawn chuckled and stopped when she felt like her stitches would lose.

"Open the first aid box, wear the gloves and change the bandages." Sarah instructed. "I will be there soon.... Dawn you are in safe hands, he is good with changing bandages." Sarah said disconnecting the call.

"So?" Stephan stared at her, he didn't want to be forceful about it. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her.

Dawn stared at him for some second and lied down back on the bed, she looked through the neck of her cloth to see if she was on undies. 

Her eyes widen when she realized she was wearing a very expensive lingerie, she knew the brand.


She stared at him, as he smirked at her.


"I didn't change you, so stop looking at me like that, I only provided the undies."

"Turn around," Dawn bit her bottom lips, not knowing how to go about this. She always wore bikini to the beach but this wasn't the beach. This was a hospital and she was alone with Stephan.

"What's the essence of me turning around if I will still see it?"

"Turn around," Dawn insisted again.

"I will go and clean up in the bathroom," if he was going to touch her, he needed to wash off his bloody hand. 

"Alright," Dawn nodded.

He entered the bathroom, the bathroom was well furnished. 

He wanted Dawn to be comfortable and didn't care if Sarah would demand triple the usual price.

Good thing he brought some extra clothes and undies for a week incase he slept over, and he also brought some gowns for Dawn as well, he didn't know what she liked so he had them bring in different designs.

He decide he would take a shower instead, he didn't like the way he was.He took off all his shirt and threw it in the bin. He took the soap on the side and turned on the shower for a quick bath.

He knew Dawn was going to have difficulties pulling that gown off, such a stubborn woman. She probably was high on hospital meds that she forgot that stretching her hands to pull the gown would come with great pain.

He took his time to wash off all the blood on his body, after he was done. He cleaned up, opened the cabin on top and changed into a pair of blank pants and black tee shirt, he heard Dawn groaning and he could only chuckle.

He came out of the bathroom and for the first time found himself laughing at the sight of what was in front of him, the hospital gown was over Dawn's head and wouldn't come off and she was groaning from the pain.

"Help me," Dawn yelled when she felt his presence she couldn't see anything and the more she stretched her hand the more she felt like her muscles were tiring.

"I will rather turn around," Stephan teased going to help her, he pulled it gently over her head as he stared at her body. 

A little bit skinny and marks here and there but she still looked good.

"Are you going to stare all day?"

"Pretty much, you should start getting used to it," Stephan said opening the first aid box and putting on the gloves. He assisted her to lie down. "Relax," he said softly when he felt her getting tensed as he touched the bandage, the blood around it was dried up, from experience Stephan knew this was going to sting really bad.


"What nonsense are you telling me? How can she still be alive." Olivia went to Alberto's office as soon as she got a call from the police station that Dawn had been found and one of the criminals had been caught.

She was shocked at how quickly it had happened, she didn't want to be implicated and had to rush to Alberto's house very early in the morning to find out what was happening. Was Dawn alive? If she was, where was she? And who was the criminal they had caught.

"She is alive, that's all I know. Once I get to the station, I will be given a full detail on what is going on." Alberto lied, he knew the full details first hand from Stephan.

"We had a deal." Olivia said angry at how careless Alberto had been, she had paid him handsomely and even shared a bed with him the next day Dawn was kidnapped as a sign of appreciation for a job well- done.

"Of course we did," Alberto said adjusting his tie, he was sleep deprived. He had slept in his car last night watching Sarah's house to see if Matteo would leave, he still didn't believe they were together. 

Matteo had eventually left the building but in the morning and with Sarah by his side, he had trailed them to Sarah's hospital.

It seemed she was telling the truth but he still wasn't accepting of the fact that Sarah didn't want to have anything to do with him.

He even heard Dawn was admitted in Sarah's hospital and since he was in charge of Dawn's case he was pleased that he would be opportuned to see her once again today.

"Our deal was for me to get some goons to kidnap Dawn, but you ended up being sloppy along the way." Alberto reminded her, he had told her that the money she paid wasn't enough and that the men might get greedy. 

People who would do anything for money were very dangerous, the more money they got the more corperate they were, Olivia had not only refused to pay double, she had also stopped picking their calls.

"I slept with you and i...."

"We had sex, how does that pay the bills? Do you think sleeping with you was your ticket to getting the bills paid for." Alberto couldn't believe this stupid woman, he thought she was smart enough to know that sex could never stop anything, it could only slow the process.

After their little intimacy, he had called them to be patient with Olivia. That was all he could do, he didn't have plans of using his hard earned money to cover up. "For the record I didn't even enjoy myself that much, you were so loose and irritating with your silly...."


Olivia couldn't take it anymore, she slapped Alberto so hard her hand hurt from the impact. How could he call her loose? She was even very silly to have lowered her standard for a useless police officer like him. 

Alberto grabbed her by the head and pinned her head down on the table close by, he didn't want to beat her or hurt her. It wasn't in his nature.

"You better keep your strength for when you are in jail," he warned.

Jail! This bastard was planning on turning the tables on her, she had been so angry at Dawn she didn't think straight about the plan. If Alberto was to get concrete evidence against her she was surely going to jail. 

How was she going to get out of this mess?

"We will go down together," she had recorded their conversations and had enough evidence to back it up. Even now that they were talking her phone was on record in her pocket.

"Is it all the useless recordings you have of me? You are a very foolish woman." Alberto said letting go of her head, Olivia raised her head up and straighten her hair.

Alberto had a lot of connections with top celebrities and politicians, he did a lot of dirty works for them and in return they paid him handsomely and made sure he was always out of trouble even when evidence were presented.

No matter what Olivia did, she could never get him in jail rather she was the one going and with the way things were going, Alberto was going to make sure she went to jail.

She was a loud mouth and could get him implicated. He needed to sort out Scar issue first.

"Where is Dawn then?" Olivia knew Alberto wasn't going to be of any help to her. She decided she would reach out to Dawn and figure herself from there.

"Why? Do you intend to go and kill her there?"

"Just tell me where she is, that's the least you can do."

"And what will I gain by telling you such a vital information." Alberto asked licking his lips and staring at Olivia. He wasn't done with her just yet, he had plans to pay back for that slap she had just given him.

"What are you implying?" Olivia said regretting that she ever contacted Alberto in the first place, she needed to find Dawn, Dawn was the only way now that she could get out of this problem.

Since Stephan doted on Dawn she had to plan on that. 

"You know what I am implying, get on the bed and lay on your belly, and I will tell you where Dawn is and how to get to her."

"You just said you didn't enjoy what ..."

"I have a lot on my table today, are you interested in the information or not?" Alberto asked as he was already getting impatient, he watched Olivia and he could tell she was thinking about her options. "They wont tell you anything in the police station, as I am the one to break the news to them."