
All Conquering Emperor

Dying unexpectedly, Chu Feng came to a Profound Spirit Continent where cultivation is normal, and strength is supreme, If you have strength you can have anything, power, beauty, resources etc. And in this dog eat dog world.....Chu Feng occupied the body of a King. And with a heaven defining treasure he shall walk on the way of a Conqueror. When his enemies asked him why he was doing this his answer was, "I came, I saw, I Conquered".

shuking · 東方
13 Chs

Imminent Danger

The chilling feeling which Chu Feng felt was so sudden that it caused his whole body to go numb. He stood up shocking two man who were in room.

"Your Majesty,....", said General Li with uncertain voice.

Chu Feng didn't say anything but only narrowed his eyes, he could swear that he felt something that is odd.

Old Bai on the side was also confused about what just happened, when all of sudden his expression changed and he said with shock,

"Someone just made breakthrough to Soul Spirit Realm...",

"What!!?....", exclaimed General Li by the side.

"Who could it be.....Old Bai are you sure...",

"Dark Gaurds just detected a large amount of Qi concentrating in the East direction of Capital City...", said Old Bai.

The Capital City is the place which served as the place where administration of Crimson Flame Kingdom was situated, the King and all the other official lived here too. The Capital City is just a name called by Many, but the real name of the city is Crimson City and folks around call it Crimson Capital City.

Naturally as the Capital City of whole Crimson Flame Kingdom, it has protective measurements of it's own, one main part of that is Annihilation Sword Array, it's a offence and defense type Array. But it can also sense any disturbance in the City.

Like Alchemy, Arrays and Formation are the Way of Cultivation as well, Arrays and Formation are one most important things which people, and influences depends on.

Annihilation Sword Array was set up during the resign of his grandfather and since then it has been very important part of foundation with which Crimson Flame Kingdom was built.

Dark Gaurds are the secret army or department which are stationed in Crimson City and Old Bai is the current Enforcer for Dark Gaurds.

"Has it been confirmed who is it...?", asked Chu Feng.

"No, according to the the sound transmission I received.....it is certain that someone did make Breakthrough, but who exactly is that...it's hard too find this early...",

"Although, this phenomenon took place in East of Crimson City...", said Old Bai clearly trying his best to guess.

"Your Majesty, East is side where... Could it be...!!", General Li voiced out his doubts.

"Yes, it's someone from Chen Clan..", answered Chu Feng with soft voice as sat back on to his seat.

"Your Majesty, if someone did made it to Soul Spirit Realm is from Chen Clan...then they won't stay quiet....and currently if they decide to work with Blood Demon Hall....T-Then...", General Li after saying this didn't continued his words.

"Disastrous.... That's the word you looking for General....", said Chu Feng with calm voice and he continued,

"Old Bai...I need you to go in person and confirm who it is....if by chance, it is someone not related to Clans...which I am guessing would not be the case, then try to invite him in Palace and if it's otherwise...then we need to be prepared for an attack.....But let's just say it is someone from Chen Clan then they will try Contact Blood Demon Hall.....then..", Chu Feng turned towards General Li.

"General can I trust you...?", asked Chu Feng with solemn voice.

For a moment a brief hesitation appered in General Li face, but it was soon replaced by firm resolution,

"You can... Your Majesty...", he answered.

Chu Feng paused and looked towards General Li for a moment and finding no change he said,

"General, if Chen Clan does plan to do a rebellion...then they will certainly ask Blood Demon Hall for help....and when they do...there are two possibilities that can happen....First, they will send an Army.... which may or may not be lead by a Golden Core Realm Cultivator...or Second, there Soul Spirit Realm Cultivator will come in person..",

"If it's the first case then I want you to defend the borders with all might..... however if it's a fight we can't win then retreat....also when reach border this evacuat all citizens living there whether it's a City or a Village...",

"And if Unfortunately, the Second case happens then I want you retreat as far as possible...Do you understand General..?",

"Your Majesty, I don't doubt your decision but... Retreating...", General Li said with doubt.

"Yes,.... Fighting a Soul Spirit Realm Cultivator will nothing be suicide....and it will do no good....only harm to Army... I don't want that happen...", seeing General Li's unwilling expression, Chu Feng sighed and said,

"General,...I know me asking you retreat.... might seem unfair....But a living person can do more then Dead....",

"Remember General.... Dying to protect ones country is utmost honor, but living for the same cause is utmost importance...",

General Li calmed down and once again with firm expression replied,

"I understand, Your Majesty.....I shall take my leave...I will not disappoint you...",

He stood up and bowed towards him and went to the exit of Study.

"I wish to see you again General and maybe share a drink.....", said Chu Feng.

"The I shall make myself ready for that moment...", replied General Li with resolute voice.

He cupped his hands and went out of the exit.

Old Bai still was in study and after General Li went out he also stood up and was ready to leave,

"Then I should be on my way...but Little Feng, only if your father was here ...",

"Not Now...Old Bai...we got work to do...", said Chu Feng taking a deep breath.

"Old Bai..go to Dark Gaurds Headquarters and find out as soon as possible the person who a Soul Spirit Cultivator.....and contact Pavilion Master Lin to find Ice Blood Lotus by means possible.....and by that I mean anything....",

"There's a Imminent Danger coming towards us.... let's be prepared for it...",


Chu Feng too walked to the exit and Old Bai from behind asked,

"Where are you going...?",

"I think it's time for me and Miss Yun to have a little chat...",


Despite how calm he was while handling conversation with General Li, Chu Feng's mind was utter mess up to the point where he was panicking inside, but there was also a mysterious force that was Calming him down.

To be honest Chu Feng was not ready for a attack or for a fight, he still was blank about certain expects of himself and his newfound treasures. He still needs time to understand and learn how use his abilities.

While he was thinking all of this, he already was in a beautiful courtyard and by the side of a small pond situated in courtyard was a figure sitting with a sad face.

Chu Feng didn't notice it, but Yun Qing'er was beautiful then any woman he had ever seen, whether it's this or his previous life. Remembering how she said that she would anything for Chu Feng as long he helped her take revenge for Fire Origin Sect, an idea popped into his head.

But he shaked his head and tried to get rid of these thoughts, as he started to walk towards her.