
The bigotry!

I'm sick of listening to others

I can't follow them further and further,

I've lost myself into this cruel world

Where no one wanna hear my word,

Clear my confusion make me free

From this big world's tree,

I just wanna find the lost me inside

But people make me breaking beside,

Why they can't understand what I say

They just do what they wanna see and play,

May be I'm wrong but I feel I'm right

Just try to see my eye's sight,

I don't know why they say I'm fake

Just how many times I have to prove for god's sake!

Now it's just I and myself falling apart

Don't know where to go and how far,

May be I should set myself free

Cut me in pieces and make bleed,

But it's not solution for this

Instead I'm dragging me more into this,

No no just stop you there don't move forward

Just listen to me and don't be a coward,

Now I'm enough of it , enough now

You made my bigotry to exceed now,

Don't try to calm it down just

Instead it'll increase more must!

It will blow out of me when only you,

Only you will understand me true!!

I do poetry

ginsephoracreators' thoughts