
Alien in the Cultivation World

We're so used to magicians, reincarnators, transmigrators and other race in the cultivation world. But what about an alien? Even better.... An evil one ?

InnocentFox · ファンタジー
48 Chs


"He's here to kill us you idiots!" Lin Tao shouted. 

The group froze for a moment, then hurriedly pulled out their swords, in an attempt to feel a bit safer. 

"I'm giving you all a chance to live," Fang Xuan took another step forward.

"Tell me who was responsible for my mother's death,"

"Or else..." Fang Xuan's voice trailed off, then without warning, he swung his sword.

"AHHHHHHH!" Chen Zhi's scream pierced the room as his arm flew from his body. 

Blood sprayed everywhere, drenching the floor as he collapsed, writhing and clutching the bloody stump where his arm used to be. 

Panic erupted among them. Their hands trembled uncontrollably, making their swords feel heavier than ever. 

The look in Fang Xuan's eyes was enough to fill them with fear. 

"Answer me!" he roared, his voice reverberating through the room.

The short, nervous boy Liu Fan turned white as the violent scene overwhelmed him.