
Alien Girl Natasha 5

Who does she choose?

Natasha choose

Maya Bazin a bisexual prostitute (POV change)

"Maya Bazin" also called "Maya" in her line of work, adjusted her pink latex skirt and targeted her prey for the night. For ten minutes already she observed the middle-aged suit with the telltale wedding-ring mark around his naked finger. Rich, cheating husbands were her favorites. Those often swung by this nightclub to buy themselves some young, fresh meat and with her 23 year-old gorgeous body, "Maya" seldom suffered a profitless night. Like "Natasha" the young hooker was a predator. For Maya her occupation payed off trice. Primarily she loved the sex. Even though she had few alternatives for different jobs, she actually enjoyed to be fucked or to pleasure her customers. She had never seen the shame in sexual desires nor did she back away from the other gender or an older age. As a nymphomaniac,  "Maya" refused to consider any other job. Second, there was the pay, of course. She didn't work cheap, but her customers had never been disappointed. She could afford to rent a small apartment and occasionally new sexy clothes. Yet her profession was furthermore profitable since "Maya" always swiped something valuable from her customers' homes. The distrainor payed extra for a diamond ring here, a precious bracelet there. Therefore she preferably hunted for middle-aged, rich cheating husbands.

When he finally made eye-contact, 

"Maya" set forth to approach him. He'd be easy prey. Sugarcoat him a bit, laugh about his stupid jokes, give him the impression to be young again and the night would earn her at least 500 bucks. But part-way, "Natasha" stepped in front of the young hooker, forcefully grabbed her head with both hands and pulled her into a kiss.

"Maya" felt something long and slippery slide down her throat. Like a serpent skidding down her gullet, causing her to choke. Thick and slimy it felt, but it didn't last two seconds and the woman pulled away. "Maya" thought to see something green in the woman's tongue as she stuck it back in and grinned. Still in shock, holding her neck, Maya failed to say something. "You'll know where to find me," "Natasha" said and winked at the soon-to-become tentacle-girl....

The next morning, "Maya" woke with her head feeling twice its size. She had barely kept a memory of last night. She recalled dolling up all sexy, taking the subway to the nightclub, waylaying some rich cheater... but everything past that was gone. At least she felt the arm of her sleeping and gorgeous girlfriend "Priya" laying around her, so she hadn't been drugged and brought somewhere she didn't want to be.

She could remember her outlandish dreams, though. All night she had dreamt about thousands of eel-like, green, slippery and utmost flexible tentacles with buds on their tips creeping and slithering all around her. They had wrapped her entirely, had penetrated every orifice of her naked body and fucked her hard for hours. She had never been into tentacle-porn, but now she felt absolutely intrigued and unbearably horny by her weird dream.

Stay tuned