
Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life

There is a certain group of lesser people who measure power in terms of money or political influence-who has the best connections? But 25-year-old Yuta Hark witnessed real power, and no, it is not found in money or influence of social connections. No, the real power is in life and death, and what equals that is time. Every time you kill a living being, you prove that nothing matters if you don't have the skills to defend your life. Everything can be over in a second, a person can take a knife and kill you. Everything in a second, but that second evaluates the true value you have on the line of life and death. Do you value time or do you waste it on every extra breath? Born into this world to be analyzed, Yuta Hark was not interested in insignificant things, when an impulse of interest in something was generated, he did not rest until he reached the depths of that knowledge. Filled with an arrogant impulse, with a certain attachment to narcissism and coming to discard anything that cannot keep up with him, he finds himself trapped in a strange version of Tokyo where he must compete with other kinds of people to survive. "If the gods themselves won't admit their mistake, I'm going to take it upon myself to correct them and discover all their knowledge." Welcome to: Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life. My P_treon: SrCuervo

SrCuervo · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs


Being someone unique in all the people around you is unique, Yuta Hark was driven by the desire to gain new knowledge of life and knew that killing is about neatness and efficiency. Having been in the military, he knew that there were rarely two chances to kill a person.

Just look for chances and opportunities to hit a target off guard, but you must remember one thing, you have to strike first. Always try to kill your target with one move and remember to kill all those who pose a threat.

In that situation, you can forget about such nonsense as the moral code, duel in different obstacles, the rules do not exist to save your life. Unlike actors, to kill, defeat or disappear a life you do not need flashy moves.

Living all the time and what have you is the only criteria to be a predator in this group of boring humans and is something Yuta was sure of. This is just a small example on one particular subject, but all subjects in general are not very different if analyzed with special structures.

Just as he had been taught by his father, Yuta Hark, a man who had been a great soldier in his time of service. Today, he had received the news that his father had passed away.

As he walked with his father's only belongings, Yuta thought about what that old man had taught him. The only thing he hated was that he could not feel any paternal respect from his father, after all he always regretted that his son could not have become someone important with all that talent and that is the reason why Yuta moved home .

Looking at all that group of people so boring and hypocritical that they were changing through the streets full of falsehood, their faces covered by those masks that prevent them from acting as they really are is something that causes disgust to Yuta.

Without much thought, he just headed towards the train station to head to Tokyo and take the things he had from his father towards the home that right now he had no one close to him.

Yuta's eyes roamed over the faces of numerous people, in just a split second he understood what they were thinking, feeling and most of all their problems that were described in big words over their heads.

"Depression, fear, anguish, suicidal thoughts and above all pain..." Yuta muttered as he stood on the accent to enter his train.

Nobles and commoners...

In ancient as well as modern times, there was very little difference between these two generic terms. Money and property were huge and important factors that would decide if someone would be in either social class and even social connections could be helpful in your growing up, and last but not least, social classes would determine if you could raise a family.

A war from youth to adulthood. Having to forge your way from youth so that in your old age you have a house to retire in, socializing and fitting in from the bottom of the food chain in order to survive the clutches of life, debt, likes, taxes, food and even having to pay for a place to be after you die. Meaningless rules in this society is something that set Yuta on a very different path.

If either of these two factors were lacking, he would not be able to stay in the upper class of society for long, nor would he be able to think of having a quiet and cozy life in his last days of his life. Upper, middle and lower class, having to struggle to remain in any of these without having to sacrifice each person's humanity. To be trampled by someone above your class, only to have that same individual then lick the feet of someone far nobler and more powerful than him.

"Believe me, I tried to blend in too..."

I had been deluded too, I truly tried to blend into society as someone with dreams and goals that would make my father proud. Pitifully I was someone different, I always felt unique around all that ball of masses that surround me every day.

Maybe, and only maybe it was because my way of thinking was liberated one day. That day, I stopped being interested in distracting topics and focused on improving myself not only physically, but mentally as well. I fed my brain with things that caught my attention at the time, I learned the ins and outs of analyzing people and learning what they thought of others.

I'm sneaky, I could tell quick convincing lies. At not-so-beneficial times, he could tell lies with a logical and benign proportion throughout. At the time I wasn't that good, but in order to grow in these kinds of skills I had to enroll in acting classes. It was said that the best actors could leave an impression using their faces, dialogues, and performances to leave a favorable image.

My perceptions and decisions were not affected by emotions and biases, instead I liked to know objective truths based on facts. The important thing about these skills is to have a control of emotions, this helped me a lot in difficult to digest occasions in my life.

It was not easy at first, but very quickly I was able to adapt to many things to face situations and get out of them as they best suited me.

This way of thinking, seeing, acting and smelling made me move away from people and they themselves moved away from me. I did not like to waste my time on people who were not worth it, at least I could never give a part of me if that person is not willing to give all of him or her.

You could say that I got out of the system that dominated this world, there was no thing that could distract me but also nothing that could drive me if that same goal or purpose did not fill my desire to learn. The last people close to me call me someone curious. I could be interested in things like mushrooms, but I would completely ignore the opportunities to make money.

There was nothing that could change that, that's just me after all. Useless people who only serve to fill holes make my contempt for society grow ever greater. It doesn't take a genius to realize that all humans like to be controlled.

But well, that's how it is in this world, surrounded by people of all kinds, I headed towards the train that would take me to Tokyo to meet with that family that didn't accept to see me as I really am, I'm really curious to know what their reaction will be when they realize that I don't cry over my father's ashes.


This is a relatively new story that I started writing and when I realized I already had some chapters written, I wanted to share it and if you like the prologue I will do my best to upload a relatively large chapter a day. If you want to support me and read the chapters before I publish them, you can visit My P_treon: SrCuervo

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