
Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life

There is a certain group of lesser people who measure power in terms of money or political influence-who has the best connections? But 25-year-old Yuta Hark witnessed real power, and no, it is not found in money or influence of social connections. No, the real power is in life and death, and what equals that is time. Every time you kill a living being, you prove that nothing matters if you don't have the skills to defend your life. Everything can be over in a second, a person can take a knife and kill you. Everything in a second, but that second evaluates the true value you have on the line of life and death. Do you value time or do you waste it on every extra breath? Born into this world to be analyzed, Yuta Hark was not interested in insignificant things, when an impulse of interest in something was generated, he did not rest until he reached the depths of that knowledge. Filled with an arrogant impulse, with a certain attachment to narcissism and coming to discard anything that cannot keep up with him, he finds himself trapped in a strange version of Tokyo where he must compete with other kinds of people to survive. "If the gods themselves won't admit their mistake, I'm going to take it upon myself to correct them and discover all their knowledge." Welcome to: Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life. My P_treon: SrCuervo

SrCuervo · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Not losing your cool is a sign of intelligence

A myriad of questions and assumptions began to form inside Yuta's mind like a hurricane, meanwhile he entered a sportswear store with Usagi. 

Have all the people disappeared? 

What can be seen in the surroundings with the naked eye? 

Looking around the store, this was a simple clothing store decorated quite possibly the same way as when there were still people, there were no signs that people had been in this place so now followed the assumption that they were alone in this huge city. 

While looking around, Yuta discovered something on top of a display case, a data phone with a credit card embedded in the entrance. 

Noticing this very curious detail, Yuta walked slowly and took the dataphone, then took out the credit card to examine it. 

Deducting that this credit card is embedded in this device to charge, the world should be the same moments before all humans disappeared, starting from that assumption. 

So this new knowledge that Yuta discovered a few moments ago, was something true according to his assumptions. Right now, he only concentrated on relating the information to each other to find answers that were closer and closer to the truth. 

Therefore, all this information will take an active part in making a decision, Yuta knew that very few were aware of the work of deductive intelligence. In fact, deductive intelligence can help people reason if it is used well. 

Yuta, therefore, used his deductive reasoning to get a head start on the perception of this reality. From what he discovered with the things around him, that mere chance is witness to many facts that cannot be seen with the naked eye, but this happens as life is a big chain and Yuta was not too rushed by this situation. 

Walking around the store, Yuta and Usagi didn't find anything else to give them extra information about this situation. Nothing, Yuta's keen eyes examined every detail in the store and there was absolutely nothing else to tell him what exactly had happened. 

"If people disappeared as is evident, there are other factors to consider for the time being." Yuta, who had things clear, took a set of black colored sportswear to his size and entered a dressing room. 

Usagi who was looking at the store silently, also thought the same way as Yuta and looking at her clothes, it was not at all optimal if she considered walking long distances. So when she saw Yuta casually taking clothes from the store, Usagi made the same decision and started looking for suitable clothes for her.

In this situation, the important thing is to be comfortable and evidently the clothes they were both wearing were not at all suitable for moving long distances. So, in this situation he wouldn't care about anything but making sure of his own safety. 

"I see, this situation has awakened an instinct for knowledge and survival like I've never felt before." Yuta muttered as he began to undress. 

This is not an illusion, but rather the real world that underwent serious changes that no one of the two of them understood until now. 

It is nothing like a situation that would have happened before, of course if he considered something like aliens, this situation could be solved easily but that was not his way of thinking. 

Yuta, a person who is well prepared for this kind of situation, will obviously be able to cope with all these intriguing events that are happening around him. There was a whole city to be explored and examined by his eyes, so now he knew what he had to do. 

But looking at how far things had developed, this world that should be the same before he lost consciousness would have to have all the things that there would be before with people roaming every corner of this city. 

So the first step he had to do was to look for food, water, weapons to protect himself with and if possible, find other people. 

"Yuta, are you ready? We should look in other different places and see if there's anything new that will tell us something clearer." Usagi's voice came from the other side of the dressing room where Yuta was changing. 

"Yeah, we shouldn't waste any more time in this place." After answering, Yuta took off his T-shirt and put on a more comfortable long-sleeved one. 

Yuta came out of the dressing room and then looked at Usagi who wore sportswear so he said, "You should practice some kind of sport, you have good muscles, let's get going." 

Without wasting any time, Yuta led the way this time heading in a specific direction. Meanwhile, Usagi silently looked at Yuta and started to follow him. Although she would prefer to be alone, she couldn't deny that it was better to move with Yuta as he didn't seem to be a bad person, he looks very calm and it wasn't a bad idea to move together either. 

She still remembered when she handed him the fragment of her cube, to be honest, she wouldn't have picked up that fragment of the cube if she hadn't looked at the very indifferent expression on Yuta's face at that moment. She felt the loneliness and indifference of life, which somehow felt familiar to her. 

Usagi didn't remember much before she woke up, she only vaguely remembered the sound of fireworks and how before she lost consciousness as Yuta took her by the hand. Could that have influenced them waking up together in this place? She didn't know for now, but she would definitely find out. 

She has no other thought than to find out where she is. The person next to her may become indifferent or talk very little, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she is silently thinking about everything that is happening. 

Back to Yuta, he walked slowly through the streets and his eyes observed every detail and processed everything in silence. There were cars on the streets without any driver, with this it was evident that everything except for the people had been left in the surroundings. 

Although cell phones and electricity had stopped working, it was still early so Yuta was not anxious to find resources to at least spend the night. So the first thing on his mind was to look for weapons to defend himself, with these he would be solving two problems at once. 

First, he would solve the problem of his protection. Although Japan has very strict gun laws, but, rifles and shotguns could still be compared, so thinking about this there was also a gun store nearby called Shibuya Firearms just five minutes away from his previous position. Also, after that he would look for a flashlight and a backpack before investigating further. 

Secondly, by making the most logical decision that everyone could have made in their situation, they would actually realize whether they were alone or whether there were more people in this place. While it is likely that very few would think about these things if they were in their situation, there would undoubtedly be beings among those people intelligent enough to think about this situation. 

"First we must solve the problem of our security, if the weapons in this store were taken or there are signs of human intervention, we will know if we are the only ones or there are more people in this city." Yuta turned his gaze and then entered the Shibuya Rifle Shop. 

"Very well." Usagi nodded her head and then entered the store after Yuta did. Although she was unfamiliar with firearms due to their strict restriction, she knew many things about survival so she knew how important safety was. 

Yuta, who had entered first, looked inside the store and soon noticed broken glass in some display cases and immediately knew what had happened. 

"Someone apparently had the same idea as us..." Yuta muttered before walking over and looking more carefully at what had been taken from the store, it wasn't big stuff, at most a shotgun with some shells and nothing else. 

"How long ago was someone here?" Usagi was slightly relieved that there were traces that indicated someone else had been in this place, it was obvious after looking at the mess in this store and how they took some things without taking into consideration the damage. 

Yuta, who had expected this, wasted no more time and walked over to a broken display case and picked up a Remington 870 shotgun which was a sliding one. Although this shotgun was employed for hunting, it was much better than the other options in this place, this shotgun not only served for self-defense.

Weighing in at a little over three kilograms, Yuta held it up and looked it over with familiarity, this was not the first time he had come into contact with a weapon as he had been on duty in the military for a while longer after completing his military service. 

"This shotgun is a twelve gauge, in its tubular magazine it can hold no more than eight rounds. This gun has many variants and will serve us to protect us from whatever wants to harm us." Yuta didn't look at Usagi's expression and handed him the shotgun while he took another one of the same model. 

"I don't know how to use guns..." Usagi made a strange expression as she held the shotgun. 

"Don't worry, I'll teach you how to use it, though if we're together there won't be any need for you to use it, it might come in handy for self-defense later." Yuta said with a wry smile. 

In this situation, where you don't know what will happen in the future, it won't hurt to learn all the knowledge of others to stay alive later on. Although Yuta doesn't usually focus on the future but more on the present, he wanted to impart knowledge that Usagi might not know. 

While looking for the cartridges, Yuta also took the liberty to select two Merkel Helix rifles which was one of the best field rifles at least in this hunting gun store. 

"Find four holsters to hold those guns for now while I look for the cartridges." Yuta said without looking at Usagi. 

Knowing that there were people with guns in this lonely Tokyo, Yuta wasted no time and quickly returned with four boxes of ammunition, two for shotguns and two for rifles. Although that rifle might only hold three bullets, it was better than nothing in their current situation. 

Usagi on her side wasted no time and also found some flashlights, knives and some sheaths to carry on the body. She knew there was no electricity, so having those tools would make it easier for them to get through the night. 

After stowing the rifles in their backpacks, Yuta handed one to Usagi to carry with her and one slung on her back next to the other backpacks they previously carried. 

"Are you confused?" 


"Usagi, I can't deny that our situation is very confusing and I don't know much more than you do, but you must understand that in order to find out what's going on and incidentally maintain our safety, it would be good for you to learn how to use these weapons for self-defense only." 

Yuta didn't want to explain much about the situation, not that he would care about Usagi's safety if it were in another situation, but now she was his partner and the only person he could come to consider trustworthy. If he now found himself with someone else, he would be anything but trustworthy. 

In this situation, where it was difficult to place trust in other people, Yuta had no choice but to trust Usagi and hope for the best. 

"Do you really think this is necessary?" Usagi asked as she pointed to the shotguns and rifles in the backpacks. 

"Truth be told, they're useful, but I'd rather not have to use them if I'm being honest." 

"Were you a hunter or something similar?" Usagi asked with a calm look, she wanted to at least get to know a bit more about this person she would be sharing an indefinite amount of time with. 

Although reluctant to familiarize herself with other people, there was no choice but to take the initiative to get to know a little more about her companion who so far had acted very clearly about what they had to do and not to do, he was very smart. 

"Well, I finished my military service and then stayed for a while in the army to satisfy my father who was a retired veteran at the time, it was perhaps a coincidence that he died and on my journey home I am in this intriguing situation." 

Yuta also didn't want to be indifferent, at least establish a connection where the other party and he would get benefits. Who knows what will happen later, right? In a situation like this, it would be good to try to work with a partner who wasn't dramatic at all, if it were another woman he would very possibly be crying about what would happen tomorrow. 

This girl who is apparently a year or two younger than him, seems to have the same thoughts and doesn't have to repeat things to him twice, so Yuta thinks that it won't be dramatic at all to move with Usagi. 

"Usagi, my behavior and way of thinking may be hard to understand, I don't usually make connections with circles of friends who don't understand me. But, in this situation I must say that it is better to be accompanied than alone. Do you want to move forward together with me or take a different path?" 

As Yuta said this, he held out his hand and showed a sincere expression. It was clear that this situation was new and had awakened an intense desire for knowledge within him; he expected at least a little of that from Usagi. 

Usagi, who had mostly understood Yuta's way of thinking and intentions, didn't mind and nodded. "Let's team up and find out what happened, I'm not good at relating to people either." 

Yuta, seeing Usagi's outstretched hand, nodded and understood him. "Then now we should look for food and in turn, find more clues along the way." 

"I think the same."

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