
Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life

There is a certain group of lesser people who measure power in terms of money or political influence-who has the best connections? But 25-year-old Yuta Hark witnessed real power, and no, it is not found in money or influence of social connections. No, the real power is in life and death, and what equals that is time. Every time you kill a living being, you prove that nothing matters if you don't have the skills to defend your life. Everything can be over in a second, a person can take a knife and kill you. Everything in a second, but that second evaluates the true value you have on the line of life and death. Do you value time or do you waste it on every extra breath? Born into this world to be analyzed, Yuta Hark was not interested in insignificant things, when an impulse of interest in something was generated, he did not rest until he reached the depths of that knowledge. Filled with an arrogant impulse, with a certain attachment to narcissism and coming to discard anything that cannot keep up with him, he finds himself trapped in a strange version of Tokyo where he must compete with other kinds of people to survive. "If the gods themselves won't admit their mistake, I'm going to take it upon myself to correct them and discover all their knowledge." Welcome to: Alice in Borderland: The Value of Life. My P_treon: SrCuervo

SrCuervo · アニメ·コミックス
10 Chs

Details Are Everywhere

Yes, I could smell and feel from miles away that the man who introduced himself as Ida Hiroshi had planned to control us, but I immediately thought of a countermeasure to prevent that from happening and curb the pretentious intentions of the other party. 

I had seen all kinds of people, and believe me when I tell you that there were also certain groups that tried to control me. I remember once in the first months when I joined the army, there was a group of recruits who wanted to use me for their benefit, but at that time I had no choice but to resort to violence to survive in that situation where I was surrounded by danger. 

Later they put us in the military jail for a few weeks, but I must say that they stopped bothering me. I know, considering many studies and people's perspectives, they would believe that I was a weak man for resorting to violence, but many did not realize that at that time I was a Lion who tried to defend himself with the best he had at the time. 

In a situation where you are surrounded by enemies that potentially threaten our safety, we have to respond explosively and resort to the best methods. Therefore, when Ida Hiroshi tried to control us, I put a discreet stop to it. 

True, I know I could have acted like a much smarter person and acted like Hiroshi expected us to be, but having Usagi next to me, this is not the time to resort to such attitudes. 

Setting the boundaries, with a few simple observations I realized many details about Hiroshi. This man didn't have the slightest idea of controlling people, he was nervous and it was obvious that he suffered internally when it came to games. In general situations, those types of people are the ones who try to control others to gain benefits based on those actions. 

His body was not athletic at all, he did not look strong or dangerous and would rather have the appearance of an ordinary office worker with nothing else to add. After those initial remarks, the three of us walked towards a door to enter the area where in Hiroshi's words, the game was about to begin. 

"This is a huge place, the game will definitely have to do with resistance. That's bad, considering this huge place, we won't be at an advantage under any kind of game." Ida Hiroshi said with a nervous look. 

"It's going to be fine..." Said Hiroshi with a comforting look, then I looked at Usagi and whispered, "Don't trust him, just now he tried to play with our mind..." 

"Yeah..." Usagi nodded with a more watchful expression and then looked towards the front of the road. 

For now, what I could notice is that if it wasn't for the lights with arrows directing us towards a specific point, they would never be able to find the place where the game will be, considering this place is huge. Numerous special places and there are many possibilities, the scenarios that could develop in this place were endless. 

When I entered through the main stands, my eyes could see a kind of red rays descending from the sky to the ground, numerous rays of light were meticulously spaced a few centimeters apart and at that moment I knew that this was probably a cage. 

Once they advanced, it would be difficult to turn back to see if it was possible to escape from the play area. But apparently, this place is strictly guarded. No doubt, there are numerous people behind this analyzing every detail in this area. However, we had no chance of getting out of this place without knowing their visas, so they could not turn back now. 

At this point, we were heading to a gigantic auditorium where the people that could fit in that place were numerous. Since we entered, I found that there were no people around besides the three of us, so I thought that everyone should already be in the playing area. 

Although this area could not tell me much about the type of game we will face, surely and only if you took into account the huge place, it would be a physical or intellectual test. Right now we were heading to what was probably an auditorium, so at a glance there are two potential options. 

But that was why I was specifically very upset that I didn't have a clear advantage over the others; I knew there were endless possibilities and if you get to thinking now, you'd end up melting your brain. 

But until proven otherwise, all these people behind that door would be his enemies except for Usagi! 

When we got to the door of an auditorium, there were lights all around, glowing, arrow signs telling them that this place was the entrance to the game.

"Well, we can only hope that this game is really easy! It can't possibly be that difficult if the meeting point is in an auditorium, you guys know that the playing area always varies in a room, it's impossible for thousands of meters to be considered in a game!" Ida Hiroshi said as she approached the door. 

Is there a way to divide the games based on their difficulty? 

After hearing Hiroshi's words, I turned to Usagi and we both signaled to each other without speaking as we walked inside the auditorium. 

Looking at the huge auditorium, I couldn't help but be slightly impressed by the huge place. Immediately, my gaze was fixed on the numerous people in the front seats, from the amount it seemed like this kind of scene was rarely seen. 

"Damn, when the fuck is this shit game going to start?" Shouted a bald man who seemed to be in despair. 

"Calm down, Shimizu!" A somewhat calm man tried to calm his friend. 

"For God's sake, Takumi, you want me to calm down when we've been waiting for ten minutes in this game room? Clearly something big is about to start, if the player requirement is that big we're definitely dead." 

"Shut up!!!" 

As Shimizu was about to start a fight, he looked towards the door and saw three more players enter and couldn't help but say, "Damn! With those three we are already over eighty players, why did I come to this point game in the first place?" 

"Shouldn't start the game?" 

"No way, this is my last day of visa, if I don't play today I'll die!" 

"This can't be happening!" 

'It seems like everyone is desperate, there is no doubt that the amount of people in this place is too big not to find any on the way here.' 

I thought about all this as I looked at the people in the front seats, there were all kinds scattered in the auditorium. As I scanned the place, there were students, women, old people and men looking around in despair. 

It was only then that I really felt that it was a bad situation, not that I really care, but if there are so many people that means it will be a very important game. From everyone's expressions, they more or less knew what was most likely going to happen. 

Don't get me wrong, I know that right now I should be observing people and that's what I'm doing while collecting important data from each one of these guys in the seats of the auditorium. 

They may be strangers now, but later they may become allies and even enemies. So if I take that into account, the people most called are the ones who are all the way to the front and are causing all that fuss. 

From what I heard, the man who was called Shimizu more or less knew what was going on, he looked anxious as if he knew what was about to happen and that definitely terrified him. 

On the other side, there are the friends of those guys, there were several figures that were silent and some more that were trying to control everyone by saying that they were overthinking things, but it was obvious that they were lying. 

Just as everyone was starting to panic, a man with his hair tied back looked at everyone with a smile as he entered the auditorium. His clean hair, short t-shirt and ripped pants gave a somewhat new impression in this place. 

"Does anyone know what the fuck happened to Tokyo? I just woke up and I don't know what the fuck happened, what's with the people?" 

Immediately everyone in the room turned their attention to the man with his hair pulled back, clearly not knowing how to feel about this very calm looking player. In a situation like this, it's normal for people who have just woken up in this place to act that way, but this man didn't seem at all concerned about what was going on in the surroundings. 


Yuta walked to some seats next to the left door corridor and sat down next to Usagi before muttering, "The situation seems to be really bad, you have to listen to what everyone has to say before making a decision." 

Hearing these words, Usagi averted her gaze and whispered, "All these people seem to be terrified, it looks like the situation we're in isn't very good." 

"For being in a city where there were seemingly no people, to now discover that there are more than eighty in this auditorium, the situation is really somewhat disconcerting!" 

Yuta looked at everyone in the room, it was a huge job to see the qualities of each person so he focused on the strongest ones in this place. After all, they would be the most dangerous in this situation. 

Seeing that everyone was examining each other with watchful eyes, Yuta understood that no one trusted anyone and they preferred not to answer any of his questions, so the man with tied hair scoffed dryly. 

At that precise moment, the light of the gigantic screen in front of the auditorium seats turned on showing a white color, then displayed a counter before a somewhat strange voice spoke from the auditorium speakers. 

"[Please wait until the game starts!"] 


"[One minute to go before registration closes]" 

Everyone stood up at these words, some were more upset than others and those waiting for the game to start let out a sigh of relief. 

"Finally, damn it!" 

"Looks like you guys know something, isn't it good that you compare those who know with each other?" The man with the tied hair asked directly. 

"This is a game, no one knows who manages them or if it has an end, everyone you see here is playing to survive." A man who had been named Takumi stood up from a front seat and looked at the entire crowd behind him. 

"The games are classified into different types of genre depending on the suits of the deck, spades mean physical games, strength is everything. Diamonds mean mental games, intelligence is the fruit of whether you live or die. Clubs are my favorite, that means the game will be a team game and lastly hearts, those are games of betrayal." 

Ida Hiroshi looked towards the people and then decided to speak in a halting voice: "Each number has a different meaning, the more numbers the card has, the difficulty will increase and that wouldn't be good for us players at all!" 

"That shit is impossible! Hahaha, you all believe that crap?" Said the man with his hair tied up as he scoffed. 

"Well, we were good enough to tell them this information before they die." Said Shimizu looked at the others and sneered. 

When they all heard those words, they looked at each other in despair as if they didn't believe those words, but when Yuta and Usagi heard that, they started to mentally prepare themselves for what was to come and looked at the blank screen in front of them. 

"[Tink, tink, tink!"] 

"[Registration closed.]" 

"[There are a total of 87 participants. The game is about to begin.]" 

When the voice sounded again, everyone in the auditorium moved their faces toward the big screen hoping to catch a glimpse of the difficulty. Everyone knew that after the number five nothing above, the deaths would be countless. 

Yuta and Usagi stood up and also looked towards the screen, waiting for the difficulty of this game. At least, both of them were at ease knowing that they can trust each other in this situation. 

"[Difficulty level: Nine of Spades]" 

Chapter nine, difficulty level... I hope you find out all the details of this game and how easy it is... (I'll read what I think you think) If you want to support me and read the chapters before they are published, you can visit my P_treon : SrCuervo

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