
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · 現実
30 Chs

chapter 5

Xavier's mom is seen sitting in her room looking carried away. She tries to recall the Libra company her son accused of blackmailing him,she picks her phone and calls a private number.

"I need you to dig out information about the Libra company, especially the family," she said plainly.

"Yes ma'am I'll get back to you soon" the voice from the other side responded,she drops the phone.

*Flashes back*

Mrs Qin was eve dropping on her husband's conversation with the lawyer on phone.

Mr Oliver Qin was heard telling the lawyer to rewrite his will and put his other son in charge as he discovered through a secret DNA test that Xavier is not his biological son after suspecting his wife of infidelity.

Mrs Qin left for her room in panic and made a phone call.


"If I hadn't planned fast my son and I would have lost everything to that bitch and her son, I'm glad she's no more, I must make sure her missing son joins her, I'll never let anyone reclaim what's mine" she said in a soliloquy.

"That stupid husband of mine is no more since he refused to stay away from that bitch and her son rot in hell y'all", she laughed loudly as the door opened.

Xavier works into her room with an angry look on his face, "Mother Mother, I told you I'm certain Libra enterprise is behind this, but this time I won't lose to them" he frowns.

"Calm down son I'm always investigating them, they chose the wrong prey, and they are gonna sure hell pay for it" she assured him

In the apartment Lilly is seen preparing for an interview with Libra Enterprise she carries her credentials and was about to walk out when she heard a knock come through from the door, "'Who is it?" She walks towards the door and sees Jane. She was so surprised.

"I thought I would not see you again" I was so happy to see my dear friend again.

I can't really stay pissed at you" she smiles at her Looking at her from head to toe "Are you going somewhere?".

"Well yeah, for a job interview"

"Really which company" she too was happy for Lilly.

"Libra Enterprise"

"Are you serious, so the Rumors is true, oh my God" she covered her mouth with her hand.

"What rumor?" She raises her brow up.

"The rumor between you and the C.E.O of Libra Enterprise"

chuckles, "hold on I don't understand what rumor?" Still confused about what Jane was trying to say.

"it says you're Seducing the majestic twins, Alex and Kyle".

"What! That's ridiculous, I barely even know him. I can't believe you actually believe that too. "She was clearly hurt by her friend's words.

"Well it's hard to say when there's a video of you dancing with Alex and also seen going to the party with Kyle" she said sarcastically.

confused "are you serious Jane, I only met kyle accidentally he helped me his just a friend, that all there is to it".

"And what about Alex" jealousy was so evident in her tone.

"well I don't really know Alex, it was my first time seeing him too and that was at the party"

"Oh! mind explaining why he danced with only you with a party full of classy ladies. She kept poking and asking silly questions.

"I don't… wait! Jane, are you just here to sound me out on that? you don't even wanna know how I have been doing all these while?" The mood in the house changes due to their almost heated argument.

Pauses and smiles "no Lilly dear I was only curious why I decided to ask you, I was only looking out for you, you're my only friend don't get me wrong okey" she faked a smile.

"Am not, am just surprised at how you threw me off with lots of questions. well it alright, um.. I'm late for my interview".

"Okey let's head out" they both left the building..


Mr's Qin is seen pacing around her room waiting for something with a worried look on her face Soliloquizing I hope my suspicion is not confirmed *Ding* her phone rings.

"Hello ma'am", the man spoke.

"So did you find anything?" She was quite anxious, for fear of her suspicion.

"The Dunbar family has two sons but one of them is a foster child. He was adopted at the age of 6 into the family, after he was rescued from an accident by Mr Dunbar '' Mrs Qin heartbeat picked up pace at the mention of the foster son.

"Is there any information about this boy?" She asked almost immediately.

"No ma'am, I'm still searching".

"Well search harder i want detailed information on this boy so keep investigating" she cut's the call.

"This can't be right, this can't be a coincidence, but if my suspicion is true then I will just have to finish up what I have started. I can't let him ruin my plans"


Alex is seen in his room packing his luggage and Kyle walks in.

"Already going for a business trip again?"

he turns to his brother.

" Kyle, take care of the company while I'm gone, I will only be gone for a few days. Okay, remember don't mess up". He said the last part with a warning glare.

"Hey bro you say it like I always ruin things for you"

smirks" because you always do so be careful or dad's gonna give you an earful", takes his luggage and walks towards the door then stops, "Take… care of her and be careful", walking away.

"I'm always careful talking like you're already her husband", he said, smiling.

"I heard that," his voice echoed.

Lilly walks into the building and heads towards the hall for an interview . She takes her number and sits waiting for her turn. The secretary walks out after some time and calls Number 3.

She stands up. "I'm here", she raised her hands to signify her presence.

"Please follow me", she leads her in and see's Kyle sitting among the interviewers, she becomes a little nervous.

After an hour Lilly finally comes out with a bottle of water in her hand. someone taps on her shoulder, "miss Lilly" Kyle called smiling at her.

She smiles back "please call me Lilly"

"You really did great there, I'm impressed. I can tell by the looks on their faces that you already have the job".

"I really hope so, I really need this job it my last resort"

"Don't worry okay, wanna grab lunch with me?".

"I would love to, I'm starving already" she said, smiling at him.

"Okay, let head out".