
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · 現実
30 Chs

Chapter 18

Lilly woke up to an empty bed, her eyes fluttering open as she stretched her limbs. Confusion clouded her mind for a moment until she realized that Alex was not beside her.

As her gaze scanned the room, he must have left she recalled the events of the previous night, her cheeks instantly flushing a deep shade of crimson.

Memories of their intense moments flooded back, she couldn't believe she did those kinds of naughty things leaving her feeling both embarrassed and exhilarated.

Shaking off her thoughts, Lilly composed herself and climbed out of bed. Determined to find Alex, she wrapped herself in a robe and made her way out of the room moving forward.

The comforting aroma of a delicious meal greeted her as she descended the stairs. Curiosity piqued, she quickened her pace, following the scent to the kitchen.

And there he was – Alex, clad in an apron, standing by the stove with a focused expression.

Lilly couldn't help but smile at the unexpected sight. The idea of the Almighty Alexandra Dunbar, renowned for her power and prestige, a fearless man and a cold businessman, donning an apron and preparing dishes seemed almost surreal.

"Good morning," Lilly greeted softly, her voice filled with warmth and amusement.

Alex turned around, a grin spreading across his face as he met Lilly's gaze. "Good morning, sleepyhead," he replied, his eyes twinkling with affection. "I hope you had a wonderful sleep, hope you don't feel sore, maybe you should soak in a warm bath.

"Not as restful as I had hoped," Lilly admitted, her cheeks tinged with a blush. "But it was definitely... memorable one, and don't worry I am fine in every part of me."

A mischievous glint danced in Alex's eyes as he approached Lilly, his apron slightly stained with ingredients. "I'm glad to hear that," he murmured, his voice laced with a hint of playfulness. "I can assure you that the memories we made last night will be etched in my mind forever."

Lilly's heart fluttered at the words, her embarrassment melting away in the warmth of their connection.

She took a seat at the table, anticipation swirling within her as she watched Alex move around the kitchen, expertly preparing the meal.

She admired the efforts he put in just for her, the littlest thing he does makes her heart flutter a thousand times.

As the minutes ticked by, the tantalizing scents grew stronger, filling the room with an irresistible aroma. Lilly's stomach rumbled in response, reminding her that it was already noon.

She couldn't wait to taste whatever culinary masterpiece Alex had conjured up. But she bet it would taste heavenly, it was already prepared to dive into the food.

Finally, with a flourish, Alex placed a plate in front of Lilly, a symphony of colors and flavors enticing her senses.

The dish was a work of art, each element carefully arranged to create a harmonious composition.

Bon appétit," Alex said with a smile, taking a seat across from Lilly.

"Mm thanks' ' but the food had taken up all her attention, Lilly picked up her fork, her mouth watering in anticipation. As she took her first bite, a burst of flavors exploded on her palate, leaving her speechless.

The food was beyond anything she had ever tasted, a testament to Alex's culinary prowess. "Did you make breakfast earlier?"

"No, that was from one of the maids, this is your reward for pleasing me so well, '' he said without shame, while Lilly blushed hard. She continued eating.

Between bites, Lilly couldn't help but express her delight. "Alex, this is incredible," she exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration. "I never knew you had such talents".

Alex chuckled, a hint of pride evident in his expression. "Well, I have my secrets," he teased, his voice filled with affection.

"And I'm glad you're enjoying it. Cooking has always been a way for me to express my creativity and show my love for others, but it is just one of my hobbies."

Lilly nodded, savoring the food before her, she,ate till she was filled, she raised her head and smiled at him, "thanks a lot Alex"

"There's no need for that Lilly, I can cook for you anytime you want you just have to tell me okay".

The door opened and Kyle walked in, there was a bright smile on his face, he couldn't believe they had progressed so much when he wasn't around.

"You guys have done so much, while I was away" he smiled and turned to Lilly with a slight playful frown "you choose my big brother over me, I am so heartbroken"

Lilly smiled awkwardly, "no I".

But Alex cut her off " how was the trip?" He asked him.

"We got the deal, they will send over their representative in a few days" he said smiling proudly.

"Good, I guess you were lucky this time" he turned to face Lilly.

"What do you mean by lucky, I always get it done, it just takes longer most times" he admitted.

"Still you were just lucky" he smirked at him and took Lilly's hand so they would yea back into the room.

"Sister in law, you see his bullying me" he said jokingly.

Lily paused on her tracks at what Kyle had just called her 'sister in law' . Her brains sounded it, she smiled, deep in thoughts, not knowing Alex was staring at her.

"Ohh you're already loving the title huh" he pinched her cheeks slightly to bring her back to reality.

"Ouch, that hurts" she said and pretended to be angry and rushed into the room, Alex followed behind smiling brightly, he couldn't believe how much light she had brought on his life. Now he always smiled a lot, she was his light.

Kyle was so happy with this development. Finally, his brother is now happy. He thought Alex was never going to find someone, but I guess the heavens have taken pity on him. He smiled and walked into his room.