
Alexandra QIN

Alex Dunbar is a business man and a well known billionaire, who wants revenge at all cost for the death of his mother along the way, he met Lilly a girls whose life was miserable but somehow she brought light into his life but when Lilly find out Alex's father is responsible for the death of her 9parents, his step brother who wants to kill Alex by every means possible or his evil mother who wants Alex gone from their life. will she believe Alex and stay with him and forgo her quest for vengeance or will she expose Alex's father deeds

SilverSkyla · 現実
30 Chs

chapter 12

In a mildly dark room, with few candle lights on, Alex was seen pacing up and down feeling restless and suffocated in his heart, he walked towards the jug to take a glass of water.

"What is wrong with me?How can a minor rejection have such an effect on me", he gulps another cup of water.

"But why did she reject it? Does she have someone else or she's deliberately pretending nothing happened that night, no she can't do that she has to take responsibility yes she has to". He spoke loudly to himself.

"Alex you have to control your emotions, they can't get the best of you, stay strong you always stay strong, I can't believe my wall crumpled at the sight of her mere nakedness what would happen if I really touched her", he puts his hands in head scattering it, "no you can't have such thoughts Alex no".

He rests on the bed after a few minutes of debating with himself, then he doses off.

Lilly could be seen in Alex room putting only a very sexy and alluring nightie which exposes her breast also her ass shooting out without panties on, she was sitting on his bed in a very seducing way,

The door creaks open and Alex walks in looking at her like he would devour her at the very moment, he couldn't get hold of his emotions anymore his big monster was already raging hot in his pants.

He walks towards her and Lilly takes the upper hand and jumps on him, kissing his wildly and hungrily like she had spend eternity waiting for this moment,

Alex was taken by surprise at her actions but he followed her kissing, and touching her ass as gasps escaped Lilly's mouth, she was already drenched down there.

Alex carries her gently and lands her on the bed as he starts kissing her gently, from her neck to collar boner down to her chest giving light tender kisses then he goes to give her a kiss on her earlobe as a moan escaped her lips.

Alex smiles wickedly at how much he affects her, he continues his kisses, when he got to her breast her nipples were already standing anticipating and awaiting his touch, Alex licks, sucks and bites her hard, each action performed leaves a louder moan from her.

He moves ever so slowly down to her core as he spreads her legs and dives his head into her core licking, sucking and enjoying every bit of her, Lilly moans grabbing his head tight as she wiggles in pleasure, she was shocked at the amount of pleasure she was feeling she never felt something like this before,

She grabs Alex head aggressively, wiggles her core against his mouth as it ached and itched her at the same time, Alex smiles wolfishly at her gestures he was about to slid his finger in when she screamed as she felt a sharp pain,

Lilly jerks up from the dream panting and sweating, "thank God it was a dream" She said, looking around to see it was already morning, the sun was shining bright. As she stood up wondering why she would have such a dream, she rushed to the restroom and looked at the mirror.

"Lilly, what Is wrong with you? You can't be lusting over someone as cold as him", she remembers that when Alex gives her light kisses in the dream, her face turns red as a tomato and she rushes to the shower to cool off.


In Libra Enterprise Kyle was seen in the brother's office discussing the business trip with Alex was suddenly absentminded and not even concentrating or listening to him.

"So let's leave it at that, right? Brother, Okay?" he snaps from his daze.

"Brother are you okay you've been spacing out a lot these few days, I hope I am well? do you need to see a doctor" he said, looking at his worried brother.

"No," he said almost immediately, "No, I'm fine, I just have a lot on my mind".

knocks on the door,"come In kyle said" lilly walks in putting on a red short gown and matching black heels she was holding an iPad on her hand.

"Good morning she greeted" smiling at kyle.

"How was your night's rest?" Kyle asked her.

"I'm fine, thank you", she replied "Sir you have a meeting with Mr Douglas in 10 minutes", she said to Alex who was staring at her.

"Okay, I'll be right there in a few minutes, prepare the car", Alex said.

"Okay sir" she said and left.

Alex was staring at her till she left, and the door shut behind her.

Kyle was smiling at his brother, "What?"Alex asked, "Nothing, I'll be taking my leave now" he said standing up smiling on his way out.

After the the meeting Lilly and Alex were sited at the back of the car

"Sir you have another meeting in 30 minutes time", Lilly said, looking at the iPad she could feel Alex hot gazes on her cheek.

"Take us to the nearest restaurant?".

"Sir, can I drop here?, I have other things to do" Lilly said with a plain face.

"No it's an order, I won't take no for an answer today" he told her blatantly.

They both were sitting in the restaurant facing each other, Alex was eating then, he raised his head to see Lilly who was just staring at her Food and not eating, he frowned.

"Why are you not eating?" He asked her in a slightly annoyed tone.

"I'm not hungry sir," she answered politely, Alex was now getting angry at her unlikely behavior towards him.

"Lilly was shocked by what she heard next" do you despise me that much? He asked her coldly.

"No sir, I wouldn't dare", Lilly answered innocently.

He was getting more and more annoyed by her responses toward him, "now eat", He ordered her harshly.

Bam! Lilly hit's the table, "I work for you, that doesn't give you the right to order me around or force me to do stuff's I don't want to do, you really don't know how hard It is for me to understand the aspect of this work, No you don't, you have been acting like you don't care after you have seen me naked ain't you suppose to take responsibility or something, you didn't even apologize or talk about it with me, but instead you acted like nothing happened", She said in one breath.

"Then after you start making silly advances on me, confusing me all over again,do you think I am a robot?, or you think I don't have feelings? i do", she breathes hard as she had spoken what she harbored in her heart for so long.

"You're the first man to see my nakedness and you just act like It doesn't matter",she stands up, grabs her bag and walks away, feeling hurt.

Lucky for Alex they were the only one in the restaurant, as he booked it.

Alex was dumbfounded by what he had just heard, he thought she was avoiding him, but It turns out he was the one hurting her all this while, he was more than happy but also angry with himself.