
Meeting Harry

"Sooo the Vindice were cowards or were they noble?" On one hand they ran away from their problems and on the other they left into the unknown to protect Knowledge that could be disastrous for the world.

I flip a few pages and I can see how this can be dangerous. Like this one is only a level one Magic called Mana Absorption- Low. It is a spell that absorbs mana, which is stated to come from the Earth, from the surroundings to replenish ones own magic core. The issue is that it also kills off things like plants around you due to taking the mana directly from them. At higher levels this can leave large barren lands and even absorb mana from animals and people. It is no wonder this is a forbidden spell. Luckily this is only the low version of it.

Now here is another spell which I can't believe is unlocked at only level one. Fountain of Wisdom. It isn't exactly dangerous but it is also very dangerous. It says it is a one time use spell where one can get knowledge to any one subject or question directly from Magic itself. The issue is that most users of this spell die by bleeding from all seven orifices due to their brains overloading, or so it says. Only three users ever survived the spell. The creator of the spell was the first to survive (though he died when he attempted to use the spell again), Morgana LeFey was the second, and lastly the Seer of the Vindice just before they left. I guess they used this spell to find out what would be the best option for them. I believe this is a level one spell only because most users die so it seems Magic protects the knowledge it holds from those who would abuse it.

"Lord Pr- Alex. Before you leave the bank we have some items you requested us to get for you." Rgnok informs me as I go back to the cart

"That's good. You wouldn't happen to have a way for me to return home quickly do you other than apparating?"

The goblin nods "we can create a portkey and designate it to your room if you allow us to view the memory of your room though it will cost you"

"Take it from the vault. Mom isn't afraid of me using money since we make more of it everyday even if the vault runs low I can think of more ways to make more"

The goblin smirked "Well we wish you luck in your ventures then"

We return to Ragnoks office and he gets a bag from one of his drawers then lays down a list of items they procured for me.

Acromantula webbing

Puffskien Fur

Cornish Pixie wing

Kneazle Whisker

Niffler Whisker

A variety of feathers

Fire Crab Shell Shard

Crup Tooth

Streeler Slime

Wampus Cat Whisker

Occumy Plume

A variety of venoms

Billywing Dried Stings

"Wonderful!" I smile. this should let Envy take on a variety of different forms, though I wonder if envy while remain small or if it will take the full size of these creatures. I send this question over my mental link with the blob but all I got back was confusion. I guess it's intelligence is limited currently. That should change after it is feed and absorbed some things. "Now I do need to get home soon."

Ragnok nods then gets a small trinket from his drawer. "think of your home and then your room please" he says as he pressed his fingers onto my head. After a few seconds he mumbles something over the trinket "This is a portkey keyed to your room. If you say Warrior's Den it will take you straight there."

I smile "Wonderful. Can you send your team for the warding later today or tomorrow?"

Ragnok checks some papers on his table "I can send a team as early as 9pm tonight and we should be done by tomorrow. You said you wanted the best?" I nod

"I trust in you to give me exactly what I would need"

"Then I guess I will have to live up to that trust then. May your profit abound and your enemies run from your name" He says to me

"May your gold flow freely and your enemies cower before you" Was my reply, then I use the portkey. It was like being hooked in my navel then dragged, and spun to my destination.

Alex Room July 30th 11:30 PM

"Alex... Alex... ALEX!" gah I reach over towards my nightstand quickly to grab the mirror "Did I interrupt your beauty sleep Mr. Prince?" the dour, yet slightly amused, face of Uncle Snape was in the mirror

"Well it is a bit late." I grumble. Envy makes a irritated mewing sound on my pillow, Envy is currently a baby kneazle.

"Well you wanted me to call when I learned who would go get Potter." I nod "Well then I guess it was worth waking you up then. The Headmaster just sent our groundskeeper, Rubeus Hagrid, to personally deliver Potters letter. Hmph only Potter would get someone to personally deliver a letter"

I roll my eyes "What does this Rubeus Hagrid look like?" Snape sneers, I think that is the mans default mouth expression. Still he describes the half giant, I know that now, and tells me they should be in Diagon Alley sometime in the morning. "Thank you" I nods slightly then the mirror becomes a normal mirror once more.

Diagon Alley July 31st 10:35 am

Hagrid is easy to spot but I almost missed Harry. He is much smaller than I thought he would be and his clothes look way too big. Someone knocked over a box and I can see Harry wince even though the noise wasn't too loud. I begin walking over to the boy, ignoring the giant of a man beside him.

"Are you Harry Potter?" The boy looks worried and confused but nods so I smile at him trying to appear as friendly to him as I can. "I am Alexander Prince, I am your brother" The boys mouth went agape. I think I broke him. I wave my hand in front of his face "Earth to Harry"

He shakes it off his stunned expression "T-that can't be right I don't h-have a brother"

I smirk and glance at Hagrid. Hagrid looks down at Harry and grumbles slightly "I'm afraid so Harry. Professor McGonagall checked personally. He is your half brother."

I nod "Yep James and my mom hooked up once and nine months later I popped out. Ah just for your information I am older"

Harry looked very confused a myriad of emotions running over his face. "Why... Why did you only show up now?!" He seems to be accusing me of something

"Harry" I place my hands up in a surrender gesture "I was raised by my squib mother, squib is someone born to a witch or wizard that has no magic. We had no contact with the wizarding world and we thought you were raised in the wizarding world but we couldn't enter because we had no idea how until a few days ago. But judging from your outfit you weren't raised in the wizarding world were you?"

He shakes his head and looks towards the ground "No I was brought up by my Aunt and Uncle on my mothers side" his tone seems to indicate he doesn't like them.

"Well you can come to my house today, after all it is your birthday. My mom gets off early today and she has set up a party for you" he has a skeptical look as if wondering why anyone would get him anything. I really have a bad feeling about this.

"How about we get to Gringotts so Harry can get money for his supplies eh?" Hagrid speaks up again and I nod as I think about what is going on with Harry. It better not be what I think it is or there will be hell to pay! Envy, now in the form of a wheat colored puffskein licks my cheek in an attempt to comfort me. I reward him/her/it? I don't really know which one it is right now since Amalgi can be any gender, though they reproduce asexually which is weird. Anyway I reward it with a gentle head rubbing.

"Hey, Harry, I'm going to tag along with you to shop today, I got my own money, I still have to pick up the rest of my supplies as well."

Harry nods "Are you the um the Alexander Prince on the Telly?" I nod "Is it true you know kung fu?"

"I know mixed martial arts. Mauy Thai, Judo, Karate, Krav Maga, and kick boxing."

Harry looks a little star struck "Wicked" I chuckle at his innocence

"I can teach you if you want. We will be in school together for almost an entire year" He nods hurriedly.

"So Harry tell me a bit about your home life" He tenses a bit which just adds onto what I think is going on

"It's fine. I um got my cousins second I mean I got my own bedroom. I get feed daily, I help out in the garden, and my aunt and uncle keep me warm and comfortable" That sounded monotone and mechanic like he has had to say this stuff before

"Uh huh. We can talk more about that later. Are you excited to be going to Hogwarts?"

He nods "Yea to learn magic seems like a dream"

"Indeed it does"

Our conversation gets interrupted when I hear hagrid say "Harry Potter would like to check out his vault." The goblin teller, who is Ragnok again, looks up with a sneer then down at Harry but also notices me and gives me a nod, after all business comes first.

"Does Mr. Harry Potter have his key" Hagrid digs in his pockets which is weird seeing as how some door mice came out and ran off during his search

"Aha here ya go" he places the key down "Oh and this" he hands him a letter "It is for you know what in vault you know which.

"Griphook will escort you to the vault" Then he looks at me "Do you have business with us today Alex?"

I shake my head "nah just tagging along with my brother. By the way how come you are in the same spot every time I come here?"

The goblin smirks "I am the Head Goblin so naturally I would be sitting at the Head Desk" I chuckle then follow Harry.

Hagrid doesn't seem to enjoy the ride as much as I do, though Harry doesn't seem to mind it. Harry is surprised to see how much money is in the vault "I bet there is more in the Main Potter vault" I say to him

He looks confused "Main vault?"

"This is a trust vault, both you and I have one, you won't be able to access the Main vault til you reach 17 and become Head of House since you are the Potter Heir" Something Ragnok told me. I may be the eldest but Harry is the Heir to the Potter fortune and possibly the Gryffindor one too and it's a toss up on the Peverell vault seeing as we are both descendents. Harry is the Heir because my mother and James Potter didn't wed. Though him being the Heir doesn't bother me as I have more than enough titles to handle on my own.

He nods still a bit shell shocked by the fact he is technically rich. Next we head to vault 713 which has some wrapped thing in it that Hagrid pockets. As we are heading out I lead Harry to Ragnok again "Hey Ragnok. Can I purchase one of those vault connected bags for my brother?" Ragnok nods and I pull out 10 galleons from my bag and hand it over to him

"Key please" Harry hands over his key. The goblin chanted something then handed both back.

"Have a nice day Ragnok. May your gold flow like your enemies blood"

Ragnok lifts his hand "May your gold be abundant and your enemies lay before your feet"

"Hagrid do you mind if I take Harry for his shopping? You can meet us at the Leaky Cauldron when we are done" Hagrid thinks it over then nods "Is that ok with you Harry" He shrugs "I guess" I ruffle his hair a bit "Alright let's go shopping!"

I am seriously beginning to run out of gold flows and enemy slain things for the goblins. Also as it is sorta hinted or blatently said I do not intend to have alex claim ALL the vaults. Only his trust vault, the Prince Vault, Emrys Vault, Vindice Vault (now empty), and the Addams Vault. So he is only claiming those four titles. I have plans for him to share the Peverell vault with Harry but I do not intend for him to claim the title Peverell. At least not at the moment.

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts