
Darker Side

As we walk through the halls towards Harry's new room I began to think about the Darker Side of my life. I guess my life turned that night 3 years ago. One of my mother's business rivals kidnapped me from one of my classes. He was going to use me to blackmail my mother into handing over her company to him, which for some involved my mother marrying him. So he had me taken to a half constructed building.

He was crazy of course. He decided, after telling my mother he had me kidnapped and delivering his ultimatum, the he didn't like me. Apparently my existence proved his 'Angel' wasn't pure. Thus he decided the only way to make my mother pure again was to get rid of her impurity, that being me. But no it wasn't enough to just kill me, as I said he was a crazy bastard. No he decided to play 'How many cuts can the impurity handle' and started cutting away at my chest. I cried out of course, after all I was eight years old and some crazy man was cutting me.

It was a few cuts in. I looked down seeing blood pouring down from the cuts and pooling on my pants that I felt something snap inside me. My magic lashed out and next thing I knew the man was impaled on the ground by half a dozen rebar rods, those metal rods used in construction. I was horrified but only for about three seconds. After those three seconds all I was left with was a cold indifference. The enemy before me, and that is what he was since he hurt me, was dead and that was all that mattered.

The lashing out of my magic also cut the ropes holding me so I managed to get loose and get to the ohone I saw him call my mother on. I called the police told them where I was and tried to sound as panicked and scared as i could, because even I knew not caring during this time would be bad, I kept asking for my mother too which was a nice touch as I was supposed to be a scared child. I told some bullshit story that involved luck. How those rods fell and the knife just so happened to land near me allowing me to cut off the ropes.

That was when I became almost apathetic towards the lives of those not close to me. Only my mother knows the true story of what happened but she doesn't blame me for that mans death. It was awhile later that Ashley and Marcus introduced me to Ashton who wanted me to check on his antivirus software. It was during this I hacked into his mainframe and found less than upstanding items. I told him about some modifications he could due to improve on the plan for his next job, which in hindsight was a very stupid thing to do but it worked out in the end. Impressed he decided not to kill me instead I became the one who constructed the plans gathered the blueprints to buildings, organized the hits.

Ashley and Marcus I would learn were the thieves and the assassins. They maid sure to plug the leaks, steal a variety of items, and deal with the hits. Between the four of us, Ashton as the leader who kept control over the gang, me who developed the plans and hacked the systems, and the skills of the twins we made it so we could commit crimes without anyone even realizing a crime had been committed most of the time.

It was a shock when we all found out our love for comics though so we decided to start using Alias's one for public to show we are friends and one for the dark Underground of London. It's funny though since no one would ever suspect someone as young as myself to be involved in organized crime but hey it's extra income plus it is challenging. I feel like Moriarty from Sherlock Holmes. This is also why I have a strong suspicion I will be in Slytherin. After all I am only loyal to those I deem worthy so Hufflepuff is out. I don't think a crime lord can actually be sorted into Gryffindor. I might get into Ravenclaw but it seems like a pretty low chance.

The next few hours pass by kinda quickly. I enjoyed Harry laughing as he became more comfortable with my friends. We played games on his new SNES, he listened to the music and like myself seemed to find he really liked Guns & Roses, he watched as the twins had a spar for him to watch (Ashley kicked her brothers ass).

Still my friends had to leave and it was my turn to give Harry the last gift of the day. He unwraps it to find cd player. But this cd player has a crystal embed in it and a very small speaker. "This is a prototype from a company called Toys of Raijin in Japan. It's a music player that can work around magic! It has a sonorus spell on it to control the speaker and also a head phones jack. This is so we can take our CD's with us to Hogwarts" He gives me a hug and the dam finally breaks he began to cry into my shirt. My mother wraps her arms around us both.

I wait until Harry Settles down "Now Harry. I need you to tell me about your life with the Dursleys." He tenses up "Harry if they did anything bad I can make absolutely sure that you will never have to go there again." He relaxes a bit but is still not talking "Harry if you don't tell me I can't help you I want to help you Harry"

"... No one ever believes me when I do tell them. Why would anyone trust a freak. No Potter is just a bad child who lies and makes excuses. Potter is such a trouble maker always stealing things and blaming it on his cousin. Why can't Potter be more like his cousin Dudley. Oh there is no way the freak could get a better test score than Dudley he must have cheated"

"Harry do they ever hit you?" I am horrified by what I am hearing so far. I may have only known him less than a day but I guarantee he would never steal or cause trouble on purpose.

"D-dudley and his friends have this g-game called Harry Hunting. I am pretty small and fast so they don't catch me all the time. Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia will punish me if I do something freaky or wrong"

Ok I had heard enough. I lift my hand and I focus on the mirror in my room. Soon it flies through the door and into my hand. I tap it with my wand "Uncle Snape. Uncle Snape come on answer I need to talk to you right now!"

"What do you want you insufferable child" He says sounding a bit harsh. I guess he was busy.

"I am sorry to interrupt whatever you were doing but I need to see if you could come over and if you could bring a healer with you for Harry?"

"Hmph did he get a splinter?"

I take a deep calming breath "Sev from what he has told me and what I have seen" I glance over to Harry who looks uncomfortable but i put my hand on his shoulder to try and comfort him "He has most likely been abused most of his life"

"Yea right" Sev sneers "Like the pampered Potter prince could be abused. Probably over exaggerating things"

I growl "Severus! Listen to me this isn't the time for your grudge match with James Potter! I desperately need you here. Look if I am wrong and this is a wasted trip I will buy you all the potions ingredients you could ever want for six months" The man in the mirror loses his sneer maybe from my urgent, slightly threatening, tone or from the deal I am making I do not know

"Fine. I will see if Madam Pomfrey will be up to making a home visit" he relents

"Thank you. But you may not be able to apparate here now due to the new wards so come through the Floo. I'll unlock it for you, the key is Uncrowned Manor" The mirror becomes a regular mirror again as Snape ends the call. I put my arm around Harry who is shaking a little at the thought of a check up.

I lead Harry down to the room where the floo is connected "Mittsy can you bring a bed in here" POP a bed is now in the room and I sit with Harry on it. A flash of green light and Uncle Snape shows up and then some woman who I assume is Madam Pomfrey.

"Alright where is he? Where is Harry Potter" She says in a stern voice. Snape just goes and stands to the side obviously thinking this is a waste of time. My mother goes over and began to talk to him.

"I-I'm Harry Potter" Harry says lifting his arm.

"Of course you are. Now I am just going to cast a diagnostic spell ok, won't hurt a bit." I scoot away from Harry a bit so that I won't interfere in the reading. She waves her wand and a scroll appeared. "Merlin! How did this happen!"

Finally Snape seems to have interest and comes over checking out the scroll "How.. What damn that blasted old fool! He said you were safe and happy!" I don't know who he is talking about but there must be a good reason for him to be this upset.

My mother walks over now "What does it say?"

Pomfrey sighs "He has bones that were brocken and never set right so they mended badly. 4 ribs, both arms, his left leg, his skull has been fractured, he is malnourished, he had an untreated dog bite on his leg. Some of these injuries date back to him being 4 years old and some as recent as yesterday. Harry I need you to take off your shirt"

Harry began to shake a bit and he held his shirt down. My mother walks over and hugs him while stroking his head "It's ok Harry. You don't have anything to be ashamed of. Shh shh dear it's alright" Harry clings to my mother tears flowing down to his chin. It takes awhile for him to calm himself "Harry dear please we need you to remove your shirt so we can see how to help you"

Reluctantly he nods and began to take his shirt off. It wasn't even all off before we all gasped at what we saw. On his stomach and back, though only I can see his back right now and only partially, where blotches of purple and yellow. "Harry how and when did this happen?" Asked pomfry

"T-they weren't happy about having to mov because of the letters so they p-punished me for bringing more freakiness to the house" he mumbles out

"Harry I would like to move you to Hogwarts so we can heal you"

Harry panics "N-no I don't want to leave!" My mother sits beside him and draws him in close

"Shhh Harry" she rocks him in her arms then looks at pomfrey "Is there a way we can do this here?"

"I can deliver the potions he will need" Surprisingly snape is the one who offered a solution.

Pomfrey sighs and nods though she looks like she doesn't like it. "Alright if Severus is going to deliver them then I will write down the potions he will need."

"Harry" I ask softly and he looks over at me "Is there anything else bad that you wish to tell us? Anything at all that happens or happened while at your aunts and uncles" I practically spat out those two words

"... I have nightmares... my Uncle doesn't like it so I try to k-keep quite dog bite is from a-aunt marges dog ripper. Chased me up a tree..." the 'I still have nightmares about it' was left unsaid

"I'll assign you some dreamless sleep. Now I can't give you much or you may become addicted to it but you may need some especially after skele-grow"

Madam Pomfrey and Severus leave via the floo but Severus takes an extra look at Harry before leaving. Shortly after Pomfrey comes back in with a vial of Dreamless Sleep which we have harry take and he quickly falls asleep "Thank you Madam Pomfrey" she nods "Can you tell Uncle Snape that I will have him keyed into the wards so he can floo or apparate in?" She nods again then leaves. I share a look with my mother I walk out the room as she calls Mittsy to take Harry and the bed and place them in my room.

I go to the phone and I make a call "Luthor. I want the Dursleys ruined. No not dead, they do not deserve that. I want them destitute without a friend to really on. I want them to be completely hated by the public to where their very names bring disgust. Also check out someone named Marge, probably another Dursley, and give her the exact same treatment. I want this to happen after September first but before Christmas. By the end of it i want them to think death is preferable to living. Yes this is about Harry... They are all monsters. Alright Luthor and thank you" I then hang up and I think of the hell the Dursleys would be given a vicious smile spreads onto my face. No one messes with my pack.

Yes I am giving Alex a darker back story though I am sure some of you won't like it. I mean one person is upset about some Lord of the Rings cameo that I didn't even make in this story. Still it is my story and this is how I decided to do things. I am also giving Harry a Darker Past. I mean I think the abuse is obvious in the canon but I am adding onto it a bit.

ShadowRose13creators' thoughts