

"Well here we go" I told mom I was heading to the library , and I did, but I entered the bathroom stall and created an illusion, like Loki, to take my place as I change my form to be an adult with purple eyes. Changing my body to be a bit more tan and changing hair and the bone structure of my face to look more like the actor Sebastian Stan.

Then I changed my clothes putting on a white long sleeve shirt with a black vest over it. A red tie on my neck and black pants on my legs. I then had a nice white lab coat put on and lastly I put on Corvo's Mask from Dishonored.

I had to leave morph at home though. The Little Jelly will be too recognizable in a few years for me to take him when I do 'villain' activities. It wouldn't be a problem if he would hold a transformation for a longer time but he just likes changing a lot.

Silently apparating to an alley near where I wanted to go, Outcast Alley. Really it was a small town within the city. The other name of this small town is The Villain Zone. Why? Because there are tons of villains in there. Heroes aren't allowed unless invited and they have to follow the rules. Everyone has to follow the rules.

{This is a concept I found in a BNHA fanfic called The Villain's Barista on Ao3}

The HPSC gave up taking over this zone when they kept losing because this town is like a hornets nest. You poke it and everyone inside will come at you. They do try their best to keep the town a secret from the civilians but I found out about it using my telepathy when I was trying to find some villains who knew Giran.

I walk towards the zone, passing the on guard hero from this side. They were just there to monitor who goes in and out. Within an hour my new persona will be within the database of every hero agency and the HPSC.

"Hey! Who are you?!" I look over to the villain who was watching the border who was talking to me. The villains costume was a bit plain and generic looking but he had many white disk attached to him.

Name: Target

Quirk: Target - Allows him to put a target on objects that redirects attacks towards the target rather than himself until the target breaks or he is out of range

"… Corvo" I decided to go with this name rather than something like The Doctor.

"Yea well what do you want?"

"I want to do some shopping"

"Shopping?" He gave me an 'are you serious' look

"Yes, I need things that would be hard for me to obtain legally."

"You a villain then?"

"They will label me as that, yes"

"Whatever. Look, just follow the rules and don't do anything stupid"

"I won't make any promises on not doing something stupid" I grin behind my mask and walk into the Zone. Target scoffs as I walk by.

I spread out my telepathy, my mind soon raged with the thoughts of hundreds and growing to thousands the further I spread it out. So many voices so many secrets. I am very glad I trained myself to handle this properly or else I would be too overwhelmed by all voices. But it pays off as I soon start turning down certain streets to reach my destination.

The place looks like a regular shop until you enter it. Then it just looks like a retro apartment like what one would expect in a disco era gangsters place or something. A man was already sitting on a chair with a table between it and a couch.

Giran had short grey hair, missing a tooth, and smoking a cigarette. He was wearing a purple suit with the jacket open, glasses, and a thick tube like gold necklace

"Oh a newcomer." The man says as I walk up and sit on the couch. "Well what can I get for you"

"I need a warehouse, somewhere out of the way, and everything on this list." I say pulling a piece of paper from my pocket and sliding it to him over the table. The list contained various equipment, chemicals, and certain plants and animals I would need to properly start making my Plasmids and tonics.

Also on the list were rare seeds and other animals I wanted to add into my farm

"Hm that is rather a lot. Some of these things won't be easy to get." He says obviously trying to get the best price. "I would say 300 Million" that's in yen by the way which would be $2,335,965 USD (according to google)

"I'll give you 400 Million if you can get me all of these things fast" $3,114,620 USD

"Hah sure thing kid, but can you afford it?"

"Do you want it in cash, gold, or through card?" I had plenty of currency in my inventory and a Currency Converter as well so money wasn't really an issue. I am thankful I got that one because some of the currency I got was just unusable to me. Like Geo from the game Hollow Knight which is basically just shiny rocks.

Gold was easy. I 'stole' the metal to gold part of the Philosophers stone and put it into a glove I had heavily enchanted to enhance the effects. I now call it Midas Touch because it can turn any non living thing it touches into gold instead of just metals. So now I have a bunch of gold bricks.

"Cash or gold, I don't do cards" He says to me "Give me a number so I can call you to give you the location when I'm done" I give him the number to my second Universal Smart Phone, yea I ended up getting another in one of my sign ins. It's unhackable and untraceable so they can't use my phone against me in anyway.

"Now I require everyone to pay half up front." I place my hand on the table and spread the shadow that was under my hand before reaching in and plucking out gold bars from my inventory. I then put the gold on the table while making it look like I had a storage quirk.

"That's a rather useful Quirk you got there. Hm would you be interested in doing some work?"

I had to think about it for a few moments before answering "Not currently but if you give me info on some pedos and r*p*st or, just hand them over to me, I may be open to doing a delivery or two for you" I was going to need some experimental subjects so why not use my most hated types. I could go drink a beer with a mass murderer but I draw the line on pedos and r*p*st

He has a dark look when I mention those two types of people. This zone does not tolerate that kind of thing. You can kill, steal, cheat, and do many other bad things but sexual assault, especially on a kid, is not tolerated by anyone. "Sure thing kid."

He didn't bother asking what I wanted them for but I am rather sure he knw they would not have a good time in my hands. With that I left his shop.

"I feel like singing. Hm I may as well introduce myself to the community~" I say to myself as I walk with a grin before shadow traveling up to one of the high and very visible rooftops. I then start creating instruments from the shadows around me as well as connecting my voice through every shadow within a mile of me.

"Hello all you villains, civilians, and outcast! Allow me to introduce myself~ I am Corvo and I have a question. Have you been beaten down by the heroes? By your peers? By the very society that is supposed to protect us? Well if yes then I have a song just for you~"

My instruments start playing themselves, thank you Multitasking! The sound echoing out through every shadow within a mile (Getting Stronger by Michelle Creber) Soon my voice follows

As I finish the song the villains are cheering and shouting my name "Corvo! Corvo! Corvo!" Yea I think my introduction went very well~