
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · アクション
60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 4

As kenji and kazu were having a sword clash as the impact of their clash was so powerful it was creating slashes that was wiping buildings into pieces, rin jumps into the fight as she creates a giant sound wave and blasts it at kenji not just hitting him, but also causing mass destruction that wiped out even more buildings. This sound waves send Kenji flying into the air and as he was flying due to the impact of the sound waves, shouya appears above him as he shapes shifts his hand into a mallet and smacks him straight to the ground. Shouya then does a few hand signs as a bunch of giant hands jumps out of the ground and covers kenji up in order to trap him. Rin asks shouya if he is sure that the seal will be able to keep him for long and shouya responds saying "Yeah pretty much". Kazu then tells them that they have done a good job and says that they should take kenji to the prison, but then a massive slash of lightning bursts out of the seal that was used to hold kenji as it splits nearly the entire city in half. Kenji then begins to walk up to them as he says "Well well... It looks like you all have gotten stronger! And the sync between you all is amazing, I never thought you guys have such good team work! Well you all are siblings after all, its expected. As your teacher, I'm proud". Kazu then charges up a large amount of energy as he rushes towards kenji, kenji then gets ready with a smile on his face and with his sword cloaked with lightning and tell him to bring it on. As kazu was about to land his sword on him, he calls out a move called "Charged flare explosion" in which his sword becomes bigger and packed with much more energy and slams it on kenji. As kazu's attack was about to hit kenji, kenji just uses his sword to block it and tells kazu "You know what I like about you? Its the fact that you have alot of fight in you! It makes me glad that my student is like this!" While kazu and Kenji's sword were clashed together, kazu yells at him saying "Shut up you traitor! You have no right to call us your students nor sensei! You betrayed us, you left us for a criminal group. You deserve death!" Kenji is hyped after hearing this and responds "Ohhhh that's it, keep it up! But dont you think there was a reason why I decided to do that? I mean... everything happens for a reason... right? I'm sure old man Yamamoto will explain to you everything." Kenji then releases a powerful amount of lightning as it pushes kazu away and then he uses a move called "Complete inceneration" in which he combines both flames and lightning and fires it at kazu, which destroyed a huge amount of buildings and blasted kazu. Kazu while feeling extreme pain from this attack managed to blast it to another direction as the attack destroyed a mountain. He then lands on the floor with heavy burns on his chest as he was unconscious, kenji then walks up to him as he grabs him by the hair and walks out of the smoke his attack created. Rin and shouya were worried about kazu but then they see kenji walking out of the smoke while dragging kazu by the hair. As he walks out of the smoke he tells shouya and rin "I declare war on you all. In a month time, I will come here and destroy this country, city by city, till there's nothing left of this damn place" rin and shouya were In shock after hearing Kenji's declaration of war. Kenji then drops kazu and floats into the air slowly, rin tries chasing after him and tells him "No! You cant do that! Please dont. Kenji!" While kenji was slowly floating away, he responds "Oh..but I can, and I will" and then slowly disappears. Shouya runs to kazu and asks him if he's okay, lord Yamamoto then appears as he says "So it has began! This is not good" Meanwhile sorata was fighting a shadow puppet which was coated with sharp dark skin, with big hands covered with claws and a tail along with sharp teeth. The shadow puppet was charging towards sorata but then sorata charges up a crazy amount of destructive energy as he releases it at the monster. While sorata was generating a huge amount of purple destructive energy at the shadow puppet, ukina tells him that he is doing well but it wont be enough. Sorata then notices that the monster was struggling to walks through his attack. Sorata then says in anger "Stay down already" but the shadow puppet let's out a big roar which blew away sorata's huge amount of energy that was overwhelming it and then jumps at him. Sorata quickly moves out of the way to dodge the monster but then as the monster lands, it charges at sorata in order to punch him but then sorata managed to dodge while the shadow puppet hits the ground, causing the training area to shake. As it was about to give sorata an incredible punch, sorata channels a huge amount of his destructive energy to his hands as he blasts a whole into the shadow puppet. Sorata grins in excitement but then realizes that the shadow puppet regenerated. Sorata stands in confusion and says "What the hell! I just blasted a whole through that thing. How did it regenerate like that?!" The shadow puppet then roars out making the entire place to shake, sotata gets an excited grin on his face as he says "You're a tough one alright! But I'll make you go back to the whole you came from" as he charges up a crazy amount of purple destructive energy all over his body and then blasts it at full strength which incinerated half of the monsters body. Ukina then smiles in amusement saying "Now you are getting it!" As the shadow puppet was about to regenerate its lost body parts, sorata launches himself at full speed as he obliterate it completely. After the smoke clears, sorata's body is covered with smoke and a couple of burns as he grins having an internal monologue "That's right, I'll burn everything in my path" ukina noticing how feral sorata Is becoming just smiles as she says to herself "It looks like my group of monsters will finally be able to reach their full potential. I wish shinki was still alive, he would have played a major role as well. Shinki, sorata, kenji and kihirha would have made a wonderful team. But shinki is dead, so I'm left with just sorata, kenji and kihirah!" She then smiles as she says "Oh well! It doesn't matter. Just these three are enough to break havoc!"