
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · アクション
60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 41

Ukina and veronica while fighting in the air were causing huge explosions in the sky and destroying the entire continent. This fight keeps up as they were moving at the speed of light and hitting each other with all sort of attacks with ukina creating magical circles and blasting huge beams while veronica while flying was dodging them. They both end up stopping their fight for a few minutes and as veronica starts to realize that she is abit out matched. She says to herself "This fight is really tiring me out, was this the form she used to seal diablo? She's strong, very strong!" Ukina was in the sky looking down at veronica as she commends her by telling her "Honestly you're pretty amazing! To think you could go one on one against me at my divine form, just in your base. That's surprising even for me." Veronica just smirks as she says "Whatever. You're pretty strong yourself. But I'll handle you just well.", ukina does a few hand signs as she summons the millennia stones she was able to capture. Ukina performs a few hand signs as the million stones begins to release bright lights out of them. Suddenly a red dragon made out of flames appears (The divine beast of flames), a giant water snake (The divine beast of water), along with a huge bear with spikes drawing out of its back (The divine beast of sand), a dinosaur like creature with Crystal's packed with destructive energy on it's back (The divine beast of arson and destruction), a huge eagle with silver white feathers (The divine beast of wind.). Ukina then says "Behold! The divine beasts!", veronica doesn't seemed to be fazed as she just smiles and says "Hmmm. You captured all six divine beast. Not to mention that they are A-rank level! That's pretty cool" veronica then grins devilishly as she says "However, I have pets of my own!". Veronica does a hand signs as giant beams of energy bursts out of the sky, suddenly a huge wolf which seemed be extremely muscular with sharp spikes drawing out of every part of its body comes out, along with gigantic polar bear which seemed to appear more intimidating than the wolf and then a giangantic humanoid like being with a armour and a long sword with two horns on its head appears out of a portal. After summoning these huge monsters, she says "These are three of my strongest A-rank monsters!" Ukina was abit surprised as she tells veronica "You can only summon monsters weaker than you, that's how your abilities work, right?" Veronica with a grin on her face tells ukina she isn't done yet, she powers a huge amount of energy all over her body as snakes made out of her energy starts to appear all over her with an armour of snake scales made out of energy. Veronica calls out "Chimera God form, first form : Medusa". Ukina is actually impressed as she realizes that veronica has gone from being on S-rank, to God-rank. While veronica had this huge amount of power overflowing round her body with giant snakes created out of her energy, she says to herself "As I am, I'm on God-rank level. I can't fight ukina here or else the world will end just by us fighting. Ukina at this point can blow up an entire planet. No! An entire solar system will get one tapped by her, I'll have to lure her somewhere else." Ukina then tells her "I'm sure you've realized it already, we both are the currently the strongest beings on this planet. Why dont we take our fight somewhere else, a place we both know that we wont cause harm." Veronica then says "Dargon(The wolf beast) Jurganon (The bear beast) and rashmoun (The being in an armour) Take care of these divine beasts for me!" Ukina opens a huge portal to another dimension while veronica jumps into mid air at ukina. Ukina uses this opportunity to send them both to another dimensions but as soon as this happens, the divine beasts and veronica's monsters make an immediate clash as they start to charge towards each other at full speed. Meanwhile ukina and veronica see themselves in a dimension with a red sky, two sun's and four moons. Ukina then explains to veronica "I made this dimension a few months ago, this was the place I fought and sealed diablo. Although the time space didn't have red skies and a moon and sun, I just added that." Veronica then responds "Being able to create a dimension with celestial bodies is impressive. But however, we both are evenly matched with in terms of power, so dont flatter yourself!" Suddenly, giant snakes made out of veronica's energy bursts out of the ground and starts to charge at ukina as they prepare beams in their mouth and fire at her. Ukina just smirks as she starts to fly and dodge the gigantic snakes charging at her. The snakes while chasing her stars to spam beams of energy at ukina without stopping. Ukina seemed to be having fun while dodging them as she says "This is actually fun! Give me a battle to remember, veronica!" As the giant snakes kept chasing after her, ukina gathers a huge amount of energy and fires it at the attacks the snakes were launching at her. As she was distracted, one of the snakes comes from behind and launches a powerful beam at ukina. Ukina quickly slaps the beam away as the beam flies all the way to two of the moons in the dimension and blows them up. Ukina turns around seeing two of the moons get destroyed and in disappointment she says "Awn, I worked hard to create those moons. Doesn't matter, I can always recreate it." All of a sudden, ukina see's over a hundred more of veronica's giant snakes charging at her and prepared to attack her with there beams. Ukina just smiles and says to herself "Being able to summon beasts that are capable of wiping a planet with one attack! You have really impressed me! Show me more of what you can do." Ukina summons a sword made out of a golden beam of light and calls out "Holy Gods sword!"