
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · アクション
60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 40

While kazuki see's himself in a white void, he hears diablo's voice asking him if he wants to die. He turns around and see's diablo standing behind him. Kazuki is surprised and says "Diablo? How did you... I don't understand what's going on." Diablo then explains to him "Think of this place as a space between me and you. This is an infinite space I created a while back, it looks pretty neat doesn't it? I think I should create galaxies, or maybe a few universes other universes in this space. Now back to the question, you aren't planning on giving up, are you?" Kazuki with a sad expression on his face then says "I dont know. For some reason I just feel sad. I found the truth of who my dad was, saw how shinki became a criminal and watched how the higher ups sent people after my dad's life. Its not fair, now I'm fighting this insane woman who is casually beating me like some kind of fodder! I dont think I can do this anymore. I'm tired of this!" Diablo then tells kazuki "I get it, I feel your pain. I had the same kind of feeling when I was your age. I wished I never existed, and people always treated me like some kind of virus. But at least I had people who could bring me up, sughi, veronica, levi, ichiki, they were always there for me. If you give up here and now, how do you think alex and serena would feel? Alex would probably go on a rampage, and serena will probably be still crying about you in the next 20 years". Kazuki then says "At this point I've lost all hope, I mean... I cant even express how I feel right now." Diablo just smiles and pats kazuki on the head and says "Dont worry, that's why I'm your teacher, I'm here to help. You know what? I'll lend you a tiny bit of my power for a few seconds. You use that power to help yourself, the rest is up to you kazuki! So go wild!" Lady rimeta was laughing loudly and menacingly as her large energy was forming a thunder storm that was covering the earth. She then yells out "Now be gone and faid away! You good for nothing waste of existence!" She launches her powerful amount of energy she was gathering at kazuki at full power. As Kazuki was getting back up, a dragons head made out of lightning starts to shield his body as he yell "Ain't no fucking way! Ain't no fucking way I'd die just like this! You old prune!" Suddenly the large dragon head formed around his body releases a loud roar as a bunch of dragons started to pop out of a portal from the ground and launch themselves at the giant attack approaching. As they clash with the attack, the dragons stars to swallow the giant beam lady rimeta fired. Lady rimeta was in shock as she asks "What the???!! How??! What's going on?! Were did this sudden power come from?!" Kazuki then yells out "Burn it all! Incinerate it all! Let nothing but ashes of my enemies remain! Pay heed to my commands, dragons of doom!" All of a sudden, the dragons starts to have symbols on their heads as they then launch a powerful attack that overtook lady rimeta's attacks and incinerated her. Lady rimeta then screams in anger saying "This cant be! It cant be! I will not die! I cant!" Kazuki then screams "Die! You insignificant pieces of trash!", lady rimeta then burns away while screaming due to kazuki's attack. The attack then flies to the sky as it clears off the storm cloud covering the earth's surface. As the sky clears away, the dragons begin to disappear. After they disappeared, kazuki collapses on the floor as his spirit mark then changes from a diamond to a star with circles around its edges. Meanwhile diablo while he was in a dark void while floating in a cube was cackling as he says "Well, he pulled it off! Damn I'm a great teacher. Well now, do your best kazuki, coz from now, it's all you. And as for Alex, make sure too not hold back! Go all out." Meanwhile in the continent of war which was a giant wasteland that was once a continent, ukina was standing on a large hill while looking at the sky mixed with day and night mixed together. As she was doing so, she says to herself while smiling " Seems like angel and the B-rank shadow puppets I sent were defeated. It looks like they are all dead as well, Sorata, Kirihai, kenji and zora. You all did a great job, now it's my turn. When this entire war is over in my victory, I'll bring you all back to life and grant you all power greater than your expectations! Watch me." Ukina then hears veronica's saying "Yoooooo! Are you just going to stand there and be having your inner monologue or you're going to box? Choose one!" Ukina looks down the hill and see's veronica standing with the wind blowing her hair. Ukina then says "If it isn't the strongest woman on the planet, veronica sterdwolf. The only person and woman to achieve S-rank level In the modern age. It's a pleasure." Veronica responds "I take it that you're the master mind of the number one villain group in the world, ukina!". Ukina smiles and tells veronica "I see I'm popular huh, its really nice having fame, isn't it?" Veronica then smirks and replied "Yeah it is! But unfortunately, the next big talk will be how I was able to defeat the you! Surly that will give me more fame." Ukina just smirks and asks her "Diablo while holding back couldn't defeat me, what chance do you have?" Suddenly, a yellow beam of light bursts out of ukina's body. The beam disappears and ukina's body is covered with yellow light with two angel wings covered with golden light. Veronica was abit amused as she realized that the power that ukina is using is probably what she used to seal diablo away. Ukina then says "Behold! The divine power of the Gods. With this power, I have already reached God rank! Give me an entertaining fight, veronica!" Veronica just smirks as she says "Sure! I'll give you one to remember, but I've got too warn you, I'm pretty rough!"